@Angel94647 He dropped almost all of your stuff off, quickly. That's a pretty clear and strong gesture. If he has kept some of your things like DVDs he could have not realised, he may have changed so much he wanted them for himself, or may be keeping them so that that link is still there as power over you - unfortunately that is the sort of thing people do when then they break up with others and don't genuinely care any more but think they might want to backtrack later, it gives them an excuse. Message him today and say that if you have broken up (as he says you have) you'll need the rest of your things back asap. It is simple, fair, and reasonable - leaving things longer will only make it more painful. Doing this will also open the dialogue you want.
He didn't ask what was going on when you went to the hospital and you still need other people to spell it out? His reply seems like polite detachment but I bet at least 9 in 10 of your friends would have shown real concern and asked properly what was wrong along with a lot of strangers too. And he couldn't. That should tell you all you need to know. He has ignored you. Rejected your calls. The guy may have issues but HE DOES NOT WANT TO KNOW.
Perhaps he hasn't changed his relationship status because although he has made the decision it is hard for him, or perhaps (more likely) he simply is waiting for you to do it so that he can feel less guilty. Either way it doesn't matter! This guy has finished with you and is making no effort to reach out! He didn't even let you pick your things up yourself, just emptied his life/home of you and your property and fucked off leaving you lost! Seriously, if he cared at all he would still be checking up on you. Instead he's got you on the end of a string thinking of him constantly and reading into signs which don't mean a thing next to his ACTIONS.
I can tell your a good and caring person. Everybody fucks up but seriously, you deserve better treatment than this. You need to see that, and if he can't see that then it is his loss not yours. He sure is no "king" - after the way he has been treating you since he broke from you he is the one who would be lucky to receive a second chance from you. Don't get confused and forget that.