• Should depend on the crime of the person..I guess..πŸ˜•

  • Kill them if their rapists and murderers. No point leaving them in the cell & then figuring out their going to escape & continue doing their thing with a vengeance

  • @h0lly said in Do you believe the death penalty is fair?:

    Kill them if their rapists and murderers. No point leaving them in the cell & then figuring out their going to escape & continue doing their thing with a vengeance

    So your argument is that you should kill them because if you put them in prison they might escape. Why not kill all people in prison then?

  • @nyu said in Do you believe the death penalty is fair?:

    Should depend on the crime of the person..I guess..πŸ˜•

    I don't think a death penalty is ever justified

  • It depends on many things. Their crime, their mental state, their country's eco-political conditions, and many such things.

    Non-capital Punishments can be more torturous in some cases. Some people spend years in Isolation, which imo is more torturous that giving them a swift and peaceful end. It would also be worse in their mental state. Some people would want to a swift end and that's the reason the prison suicide rates are high and rising (Btw a large percentage of them happen after some sort of mental health service).

    To put it shortly, Capital punishment is something very hard to justify but still, many view it as some sort of necessity so it's hard to remove it outright in many places. Their justification and necessity would also depend on one's morality too (Just throwing that out).

  • @sir-devil so you aren't taking sides, ok

  • death penalty is actually a mercy killing..people who r sentenced for capital punishments are extreme criminals...people like those should be killed inch by inch...not in one go

  • I think some criminals who do major crimes should have the ultimate penalty which is death for the sake of social peace

  • @layla
    Yes its fine. However i had this thought, idk how right it looks.
    Criminals comitting small crimes should be given death penalty ( so that he doesn't become a big criminal )
    And criminals committing big crimes should be made to suffer.
    Idk just a thought*

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @sammy i came to TWS after a 2 week hiatus just to tell you that your thought was stupid and now I'm leaving again

  • Banned

    If someone is so inhuman and so brutal and don't regret to their acts , then for setting an example for society it is correct. Otherwise making someone regretful for their act is correct thing, and motto behind giving punishment is to make person realise his/her crime. For making and healthy and livable society.

  • @layla yes!!!!kill all those who committed heinous crimes!!

  • nope, very much opposed to death penalty. imho the government did not give you life, so it has no right to take your life away from you, no matter what. besides, a life sentence is a way more effective punishment than death anyways.

  • [The death penalty] is a cheap way for politically inclined people to pretend to their fearful constituencies that something is being done to combat crime.

  • If anybody did rape, then the death penalty is fair 100%

  • Life without parole is more humane IMO.

  • @layla it depends on the offence

  • @layla it's fair
