Acording to my birthdate I am Sagittarus , Thats why I belongs to GRYFFINDOR
And The Howgwarts House Hat Quiz also tell me I belongs to GRYFFINDOR
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Shifted to @yoursbucky account.
Best posts made by IamBucky
RE: Which Hogwarts house are you?
RE: Name a movie/book you watched/read 5 times and still did not get bored!! ❤📽📒
All of following I watched more than 5 times and never get bored
Harry Potter All Parts
Kung Fu Panda All parts
Ice Age All Parts
Why are we so obsessed with fair skin ???
Just now I have seen an advertisement related to fairness , So I thought to express my feeling which are buried inside my mind from a long time. I don't know about other country but in India we have almost half of advertisement came on Television are related to fairness whether it is of cream , soaps ,etc. Whitening cream market is so huge in India and their brand ambassadors are our own superstars , at least they should take responsibility and stay away from that sick mentality. I am very happy that actress like Kangna Ranaut are refusing to fairness brands. Even in movies all around the world , we used to see hero as White person and Villain is Black. It hurts when I listen that
in country like USA who called himself super power and most welcoming and open minded society , Police shoots the man in suspiciousness because he is black. I think, All of us have one general mentality in somewhere in our mind that dark people are not good. For example- If we have to find a criminal between different people , our mind will definitely choose dark skin . So , my question to all of us. Are we racist ? Why don't we remain as the child of god ? Why don't we only remain as Human? -
RE: Are you comfortable eating in public?
I don't like to eat in public if I am unable to share the thing with others. But in functions or public events it is Ok.
RE: choose dual citizens
India dosen't provide dual citizenship. If it provides then also I will choose India only because this is the place where I have to live and this is the place where my own people live. But I wish that world don't have any boundries so we don't require any citizenship.
RE: Does religion play a significant role in your life??
Not basically religion but the upbringing play significant role. If your parents are religious or not. What thing they teach U about religion.
RE: Name a movie/book you watched/read 5 times and still did not get bored!! ❤📽📒
U should watch these Hindi Comedy movies:-
Hera Pheri
Phir Hera Pheri
Delhi Belly
No entry
Andaaz Apna Apna
Tere Bin Laden
RE: Lets Talk about movies
@cutekanak i will not go in deep, on analysing movies. Many are my favourites like Inception , Matrix,etc. But the movie i can watch in repeat and never get bored is KUNGFU PANDA.
RE: HI, Im a MUSLIM ... ask me ANYTHING.
My question is why you are telling that you are Muslim? U don't need to justify anyone. Be a human and we respect who u are. Being a human is best justification for everyone.
Latest posts made by IamBucky
RE: If you could spend one whole year doing ANYTHING you wanted even if illegal, what would you do.??
Illegally get all the property of Jeff Bezos , Bill gates and Warren buffet. And my favourite hang the admin @TalkWithStranger downward (legs upward and head downward) on Burz Khalifa for a year.😂😂😂😂
RE: Why a mother always find her children beautiful?
The answer is "Because she is mother". She truly loves her child and If u love someone ,that person is most beautiful for U. Mother is a perfect example of true love in this world. True LOVE has nothing to do with physical beauty.
RE: Last day ever!!!!
All the sins. Like killing you for telling me that I am going to die in 24 hours.😂😂😂😂
RE: What's your dream post or goal regarding your career?????
@naveen067 Is hating politics your dream ? Lol. Tell me about your dream.
RE: choose dual citizens
India dosen't provide dual citizenship. If it provides then also I will choose India only because this is the place where I have to live and this is the place where my own people live. But I wish that world don't have any boundries so we don't require any citizenship.
What's your dream post or goal regarding your career?????
I wanted to be Prime Minister of my country. What's ur??????? Tell me