@sumof1 said in Stop being gay - I will not put a longer title TWS:
I want a detailed explanation as to why people choose to be gay and don't tell me this is just how i feel or i was born this way because a that's a load of crap.
Well it is true that people are born gay, you just sound like "can somebody please tell me how the storks deliver babies? And don't tell me that babies come from sexual intercourse and that 9 months after the male spermatozoon fertilises the female egg you get the baby, CUZ THAT'S A BUNCH OF BULL CRAP" Jigga, my point is that you sound stupid as fuck.
(You don't have to watch this video and it doesn't necessarily have to do much with the arguments I'm going to prove next but it's a good one)
If you can't do that then go fuck your sheep and don't bother commenting.
Ouuuu. Mr. FUCKBOY is angry. Bitch shut the fuck up and talk nice because I'm not gonna be able to tell you anything whilst you are telling me to go fuck a sheep ok? I know how to be angry too, being angry doesn't make you more right.
If you think being gay is unnatural well then you are wrong by the definition of the word unnatural.
Definition of unnatural:
"contrary to the ordinary course of nature; abnormal."
So since
1 there are a lot of species that have homosexual behaviours in nature
2 since being gay for humans is proven to be genetically caused by the X28q chromosome
3 since we know being gay isn't a choice because of the fact that in 2015 a professor created an algorithm that can guess the sexual orientation of someone with 70% accuracy(I'm sure that in the past 3 years that percentage has improved tho)
4 since being gay doesn't harm humanity because there is an overpopulation on earth
5 studies in psychology do not agree that homosexuality is a mental disorder
That means that being gay is not
"contrary to the ordinary course of nature; abnormal."
But is natural
Definition of natural:
"existing in or derived from nature; not made or caused by humankind." (When you say people decide to be gay you mean that homosexuality is caused by human kind)
So you are by definition are wrong if you say that "being gay is unnatural".
The truth isn't a matter of opinion. If you disagree that's your right but if you actually want to prove me wrong you will have to prove these 5 things
1 there aren't a lot of animals that have sexual behaviours in nature
2 being gay as a human is a choice and not genetic and caused by the X28q chromosome
3 being gay is a choice which isn't disproved by the fact that in 2015 a professor created an algorithm that can guess the sexual orientation of someone with 70% accuracy
4 since being gay somehow harms humanity because there is not an overpopulation on earth
5 that studies in psychology do agree that homosexuality is a mental disorder
But if you do comment i want to know why you choose to go against everything knowing that your religion tells you otherwise
Let me 1st talk about belief
When we use the 2nd meaning of faith(from the definition of faith in the dictionary):strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof.
Do you NEED faith to believe in your religion, as in, can you believe in your religion without faith?
Usually the answer is no
i didn't chose to be an atheist, it happened because i saw no sufficient evidence behind the religious claims, if there was evidence i would believe and of course faith is not a reliable pathway to truth since it can lead you to true and wrong conclusions with incredible inaccuracy so using it is useless
Why use an UNRELIABLE PATHWAY TO TRUTH to believe that something is TRUE. I don't thank that's a good idea, i think you got my point
Let me now talk about god and punishment
If you are a typical homophobic theist then you believe that
1st God sends people to hell including gays
2nd god is all knowing(omniscient)
3rd god created the world
Freedom is an illusion in a world with or without god.
If god knows everything before it even happened that means that everything is predetermined and that you have no choices in life but to follow what god already knows is going to happen and don't come at me with "god knows your fate but you can also change your fate" because If god KNOWS your fate and then you CHANGE your fate that means that god didn't know your fat fate therefore isn't omniscient.
So god KNEW while he was creating the universe that certain people were going to hell before they even existed. And then he created them just so he can put them in hell forever. What a fucking asshole he is.
(BTW this is kind of a modified version of this argument:

if you're an atheist the like most atheists you have a good understanding of how nature works and what goes where so i have high hopes for hearing from some atheists, don't disappoint me
Oh I do not disappoint but be nice or you and your question can go fuck yourselves, you think only 1 person(other than me) responded to you so far because people aren't seeing your post? Hell nah they just don't want to waste time on a repugnant cuck