• @willoww night EAGLE

  • @willoww I am definitely a morning person. Iā€™m usually up by 4am and Iā€™m wide awake as soon as I roll out of bed

  • @football_m29 alt text

  • Night owl definitely. ....
    Its 03:33 AM here

  • @football_m29 God this is the only downfall of being best friends. You are too damn peppy. Love you. But in the morning, I need to complain mah dude. Ya feel? :p.

  • @wtfjudith this is typically a question @thestrangest would have an answer to

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @wtfjudith said in Morning Person or Night Owl?:

    @damncuteguy said in Morning Person or Night Owl?:

    @willoww i'm a night owl but i always try to be a morning person cause a morning person has better memory than a night owl's.

    Eh? ƀ morning person has better memory, is that really true?

    Quality sleep is essential for good memory but quality sleep can be set from whatever time to whatever time aslong as your sleep is consistent and you sleep the specific amount of hours your body needs . So no i don't think this is true. Or i don't see why it'd be true

  • @willoww but it's 3 AM so i have no time for going into depth on the topic. Maybe later. Here is an article:

  • @willoww complain away bestie. My peppy ass attitude shouldnā€™t stop you lol

  • -deleted-

  • @wtfjudith I will write here some facts which fit in shoes.

    1. Not only 7-8 hours sleep but also sleeping and waking up early are important to increase anyone's memory
    2. Sleeping late on the previous day, makes one tired on next day. Our mental body and physical body depend on each-other. When our brain sends informations to our organs then they start to move. A tired person can't memorize things easily. If we have exam on next day, we may sleep early otherwise our tiredness will affect on our exam performance too.
    3. Our mind is in the freshest and most attentive state in the early morning. you can memorize things very fast and easily at this time. this makes your memory better than those people who study at the late morning/noon/night.

  • a little bit of both.

  • @damncuteguy woah, thatā€™s really interesting and nice to know, but now it only makes me feel like shit for going to bed at 4am half the time XD

  • Gamers

    i am pretty flexible, the 5 weekdays i get up early for work, and on weekends i pull all nighters to play dota with friends, so its both i guess

  • @jynextremist are you part of the sleepless elite?

  • Gamers

    @zazzles yess i am one of their ring leaders, also i am a battalion commander of all-day sleepers :face_with_stuck-out_tongue_winking_eye:

  • Used to be a night owl but then weeks ago i got this weird allergy for when i sleep after 12 midnight my body would be full of red bumps the next day. Still working on becoming a morning person now. ugh

  • -deleted-

  • @damncuteguy said in Morning Person or Night Owl?:

    @wtfjudith I will write here some facts which fit in shoes.

    1. Not only 7-8 hours sleep but also sleeping and waking up early are important to increase anyone's memory

    Source? I'm pretty sure good sleep is not defined by how early you slept?

    1. Sleeping late on the previous day, makes one tired on next day.

    But if you always sleep at that time then there is no problem

    Our mental body and physical body depend on each-other. When our brain sends informations to our organs then they start to move. A tired person can't memorize things easily. If we have exam on next day, we may sleep early otherwise our tiredness will affect on our exam performance too.

    it's because school usually starts at 8am but if it started later and you always slept at that late hour to go to achool i don't see how that'd be a problem

    1. Our mind is in the freshest and most attentive state in the early morning. you can memorize things very fast and easily at this time. this makes your memory better than those people who study at the late morning/noon/night.


  • @damncuteguy I'm not saying that any of you said isn't true but for it to have merit we need da sources