Group Details

Freedom Writers

For those that are passionate about poetry, creativity, and the art of literature.

  • Are you ready to die?

    And if you are not ready to die, what can make you ready?

    posted in Polls - Surveys - Votes
  • RE: Goodbye,everyone at Tws.

    @Itachi gay means happy in ,i am going to be happy for the rest of my life wohoo 🥳

    (our intellectual itachi believe in such superstitions 😂.. i never expected this 👀)

    posted in Internet is Beautiful
  • RE: Goodbye,everyone at Tws.

    What if you're gay already? Does it cancel the gayness out or double it? Can I extend my lifetime by taking it to its highest exponent?

    posted in Internet is Beautiful
  • RE: I've been inactive for 4 years, ask me anything

    @Equinox Last time I was active on this website, I was only 18 years old and I've of course had quite a lot of experiences since then. The entirety of the pandemic happened between me being active here and me coming back. Strange times.

    posted in Ask Me Anything
  • I've been inactive for 4 years, ask me anything

    It's been nearly an entire year since i've last logged in here, and almost 2 years since i've been active. I left primarily because I moved on from TWS and saw a lot of awesome people eventually depart as well, I guess that's just how this site works. People come here looking for something, find it, and eventually leave.

    Ask me anything! <3

    posted in Ask Me Anything
  • RE: Hmu I'm bored n high lol

    @Zombie_Gutzzz which came first the 🐔or the 🥚 ???
    . (duh .. i don't have good question to ask rn😓, but i'm bored as well ☹️)

    posted in Discuss Anything
  • RE: Who is HYPED for some DRAGONS!?

    I don't even remember the plot lol wasn't season 1 like two years ago?

    posted in Game of Thrones
  • RE: Relationships v/s Flings

    @sakshyyy_123 well its depend on what u r looking for and wts ur criteria for relationship ; different ppl have different approach ...
    in flings (which some ppl call as time pass too ) .. uk u guys have no future u are together for sometime (mostly when u feel needy or lonely) it needs less compromises ... while in a serious relationship u need time , had to compromise , u can't leave in btw , u promised for the togetherness and have to fulfill that promise .. u will face more ups and downs in serious relationship but u can quit anytime in fling...
    when i was younger i always thought why ppl choose fling .. they date some for who they don't have feelings for .. personally i prefer a serious relationship with i person i like i can understand i feel the bond there is no ideal type in serious relationship unlike fling cuz in serious relationship feelings and bond are much more imp than materialistic things..
    i never had been in a relationship but acc to me to have a serious relationship u must understand the other person and their needs and respect choices .. start it with a good friendship and learn about them first .. it will take a lot of time .. but it will help u to learn a lot about relationship...
    but at last i just wanna say that if its seriou or fling every type of relationship depends on both parties ... but in online world u will find 90% flings
    ( i like ur questions a lot :) .. ur questions helped me to explain my views .. i have a lot more to say but idk how to frame it .. )

    posted in Would You Rather Questions