Who said that anyone is agreeing with that?
But his whole business is genius. Very intricately cunning.
They get all the information they want because everyone is willing to share it.
Yet it is a double sided dagger. For us and for them.
When Battlestar Galactica was on TV, the next day, I'd walk around pretending in my head I was a skin-job Cylon because they had such a cool, aloof, anti-heroic vibe.
@pe7erpark3r If someone answerd my topic yeah I do upvote especially if content of replies are relatable..If someone follows me I don't give assurance that il follow back ..
Morals : Social network have pros and cons so users must be vigilant in using computers as spiderman said " with great power comes great responsibility"
Any artists start by drawing based on reference photos and drawings. I wouldn't feel bad about it. I think the main difference is when you're merely using it as a guide (because you like the style or other elements) and claiming as your own original piece. If you need someone to talk to about it, I'm all ears. :)
I think that no. Vaping is a good opportunity to quit smoking and I liked to follow https://vapingdaily.com/ which has a lot of different interesting posts, information about current vaping kits. There possible to find last sales in order to buy the best vape you want.
Wisdom conquers all the above. It's also the hardest to come by. It's the ability to utilize both knowledge and intelligence to get the expected results without any bs