• My family never talked to us about sex. I was raped by a 16 year old at 14 when I lost my virginity and he blew me off laughing afterwards. Later a college boy gave me herpes at 16 and blew me off afterwards. I lived in a small town and when I told my bestfriend she told someone and the whole school found out. I moved away and had a child with an idiot at 20 but at least he was nice. We split because he was too dumb though. He got with a young psycho that harassed me at least a couple times a month. She pretends to be him and makes me out to be some horrible person I am not. I found out I was pregnant a few weeks after my first grand mal seizure and was having horrible seizures around my period every month for years. My memory from this time is shot. I can't drive. I have no family where I live. It gets more expensive every year. I just left my ex in September after 5 years because he was a grouch and couldn't keep a job. But because I'm screwed up I let him stay in my place in my bed while I slept on the couch. My alcoholic father is dying from liver failure and my mother hides her wine but insists she doesn't have a problem. She feels like shit every day. Therapy is helping but damn. I say it could be worse and that helps me be grateful.

  • @leelah DHARMA - Sanskrit for cosmic harmony and the realization, pursuit, and fulfillment of our purposeful existence.


  • Sad story babe

  • My first boyfriend cheated on me and I didn't believe it. A girl gave me a note of him asking her to suck his dick in the mens bathroom. And I swear when I was devastated and hysterical he told me "you look ugly when you cry" ... those were his first words to me.

  • Do u like sex when there's Love?

  • @leelah Have you ever heard the old saying about how sometimes life gives you lemons? Generally the follow up to that would be to make lemonade. I think in your particular situation it SHOULD'VE been squirt lemon juice in his eyes.

  • Exactly! Squirt chilli powder juice in his eyes

  • @leelah And I consider myself a more...passive individual. Desperate times call for desperate measures, it often seems, yes? Oh, and I wanted to offer you some words of assurance. Left the meaning of Dharma for you to take assurance from, or not. What someone makes of something should be their own choice. Be well. ~Lazz

  • @Lazz I've talked to a few of those guys recently but the guy that raped me has a shared Facebook page with his wife and two beautiful little girls. I'm too nice to screw with his happy little life even though he literally fucked me and sent me down a bad road. My self worth was crushed and it has taken 17 years to finally start turning back around.

  • @Lazz I'm definitely working on it.

  • @leelah I can not even image all you've been through. My takeaway from your story is that things ARE turning around. That's you. Your choices, you're decisions. Your control. Destiny awaits.

  • @leelah I believe the appropriate response to that is: YOU GO, GIRL!

  • You've been through a hell of a lot. It seems that through it all you have stayed a good and kind person and that speaks volumes, it's amazing.

    You are not remotely ugly and your kindness only emphasises that. I hope someone good sees that in you and that things turn around very soon. You deserve it.

  • Why didn't you call the authorities when you got rapped?

  • @Dogban I blamed myself until a few years ago for not yelling "no, stop", going over there with a friend in the first place, I was uncomfortable discussing it with my mom because we had never talked about sex, I was afraid she would be angry at me because I had lost my virginity, there was a huge blood stain on his bed and he seemed angry at me about it. I'm sure it was on his mattress forever. I wasn't agreeing to it though and he definitely knew I was afraid and uncomfortable. I was so young and innocent he pretty much took me to his bed and pulled off my pants saying "come on, sit here, it's fine" and got on top of me. I didn't even know for sure what was going on at first.

  • @Matt_Aranha thanks Matt, I am just realizing this too and healing.

  • Yeah, it's true you were too young for that. But being rapped is a serious issue, you should have talked to your parents immediately. Psichologically speaking this messed up all your life and it still continues to affect you in the present.

  • @Dogban I should have and I know I'm not the first that hasn't. I blamed myself. I couldn't see that it was him forcing me and not me not begging to leave and telling him to stop. In my mind I shouldn't have let it happen.

  • Damn girl you've been through a lot! I wish there were someone to support you at that time and you woulda talked to your parents about it. I hope you realize how precious and beautiful you are..just don't give up on yourself remember the reason you're still holding on. Don't give up! I think you should file a complaint against that jerk...and don't care about the consequences the fucker deserves it. If you remain silent he would get away with this easily, just like most of the abusers do. I wish my words could change your past but alas all they can do is provide solace.
    Remember you are amazing!

  • @Anastasia-Smith I cried reading this, thank you for your kind words. I guess I feel like it is too late to do anything about it. Maybe him and his wife share a page because he is still a jerk. His daughters are so beautiful and his wife seems so nice. He rejected me so cruelly afterwards. I asked him to hang out and he said no while looking disgusted then him and his friend drove away and I heard them laughing. I remember I was standing all alone by the road feeling ashamed of myself. It seems so sad when I write it out. I've felt like I deserve idiot losers since then and they seemed safer in my opinion. I'm coming around though. I'm going to try to stay single until I get my life worked out. I'm already teaching my 10 year old how to say no and if she doesn't want it than she doesn't have to just because they are pushing for it.
