@chewie I’m glad you liked this one. I wrote it cause it was inspired by Nia. She’s been one person that’s always been there for me since I met her. No matter how depressed angry or upset I am she can literally put a smile on my face and make my day better.
@chewie Writing is my life line. Without it I’d sink into the dark depths of my life. I wrote to get my emotions out for poetry. With stories I let my muse sing
After every dark night, there will be a sunshine.
After pain and sadness you find the really joy of happiness.
So It's just a time, and it will pass...
@Cosmic_Lady Do you know that with all that has been going my days have been completely pointless I see your words and all I can do is sigh in contentment and know that all the monotony and pointlessness is worth just being able to see you’re words