• They say that love is enough.
    But if love is enough, how comes
    all these relationships are rough?
    I know times get tough
    But i coulnd't give up on us,
    All we need is trust cause at this point,
    Lasting is must
    Opinionated society, i hope you always
    Confide in me.
    I was once blind, you see, but this is
    Meant to be
    Promising to never leave
    And consistently focus on we,
    God gave us the keys so the only thing
    To do is succeed
    Relationships are rough but couldn't
    Ever make me bluff
    Finding all these answers are tough so
    im trying not to lose sight of us
    Even after we give all this trust i still
    Keep this question up,
    "Is really love enough?"

  • i gets it .....but will there be pussy involved?

  • @ragnar this totally reminded me of the promises of forever I've made too many times before. I don't think that can ever be made in reality, because humans change all the time, and the only constant is the sun rising in the morning. And to answer your question, no love isn't enough. You need a partner to help you across the finish line.

  • @ragnar no, from my experience, Relying too much on just love is a real pain. Because love is an impulsive feeling and tends to fluctuate from time to time, and if youโ€™re going through a relationship without any common interest, or having too much opposite opinion and too much gaps on your perspectives, it will be hard. Too hard.. especially when he/she put you in though situations like chosing between love and career (or dream), or love and family. If he/she canโ€™t be understanding of who you are and if you canโ€™t understand them either, this kind of relationship will worn out by time, and the love you used to have will turn bitter and hurtful. Because the sole purpose is not about sacrificing yourself and forget your purpose just to please the other person. But to enjoy life together.

  • @cynthia-jo you damn right!!!

  • @ragnar said in Is love enough????:

    "Is really love enough?"

    Ummmmmmmmmmmm. idk.

  • Movie Buff

    @ragnar lol rag screw the other poem this got to be my favourite one yet ๐Ÿ˜Šโค

  • @im-a-bae lmao, are you really gon change like that everyday ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ oh shit cant u be loyal? ๐Ÿคฃ

  • Movie Buff

    @ragnar well if you poems weren't so damn good then I wouldn't change my mind everytime you post another one would I now ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @im-a-bae lmao u got a point thou, and btw did u notice that u can use rap style too in this poem?? ๐Ÿคฃ

  • Movie Buff

    @ragnar yes I did notice that but I didn't know if I was right or not ๐Ÿ˜‚ but now I know I was right ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  • eyebrows

    @RAGNAR @im-a-bae

  • No. love alone wont cut it. have to have a solid foundation, common interests and MOST importantly, love is a job, its an endeavor; both parties have to give 100% of themselves into the relationship if they want it to blossom. Love is beyond infatuation, it is buit from hardship and adversity. it is defined by the moments that test the couple. for love is about staying with
    someone, and truly connecting with them, despite the trials you face together. Love isn't sunshine and rainbows, and if both parties aren't fully commited to each other, then it can never truly blossom. Yet supposedly all of this happens naturally if the people are compatible.

  • @CarmenSensus youโ€™re absolutely right, love is a job. Sounds so practical and prosaic but thatโ€™s the sad truth ๐Ÿ˜„ Itโ€™s a job and a hard one

  • Love is definitely not enough, but itโ€™s a must. If itโ€™s gone from a relationship beyond being able to resuscitate it, all the other things that kept it together, like common interests, future plans, friendship, loyalty etc donโ€™t mean much anymore.

  • @Pia "all the other things that kept it together, like common interests, future plans, friendship, loyalty etc donโ€™t mean much anymore. =( =( yep.