Well I'm a bit late but happy birthday :D
I wish you everything nice that you could imagine.

Metalhead. Pretty long hair.
I can play the drums
I love programming.
Yes this is me in the picture
I'm a guy, seeing as many of you confuse me for a girl.
Best posts made by edgythoughts.wmv
RE: If we're going to die why were we even created?
a simple post in this barely known website probably wont solve the most asked question of all time. You can question why you do things but only until a certain extent. I believe that that extent is the earth. As long as you go beyond the earth and the solar system, milky way and so on everything starts making less and less sense. Maybe that's because of how irrelevant we all are. We're nothing compared to the size of the known universe. So you can suppose that there is no reason why we're in this world. Of course the butterfly effect can occur everywhere in the world. One day it might trigger and we can be the reason or the place affected by this occurrence. There's really no telling, at least with the knowledge we have at out hands. Maybe we could be a simulation that's to see how life would be. Maybe the creatures simulating also don't know why they're there and they want to see what we come up with. Anything's possible.
RE: Is there any way to escape death?
Living forever would be extreme. Okay let's say we ignore all of the bad things that old age comes with like mental illnesses, aches, pains and so on. Firstly imagine those 20 years that you've lived on this planet. Multiply that by 50. Now you're 1000 years old but lets say always looked like 20( even though that being 1000 years old would be pretty much impossible because bad people and shit). Would your relatives also be as old as you are? Can you live to see generations of your family just die? That shit would be depressing. Okay now lets assume that everyone is 1000 years old. You've had enough time to explore the whole of earth and have a sh*t load of money. Inter-galactic moving wouldn't be a problem since you can live for forever. Now you can explore the whole universe. Is it worth though? Traveling at light-speed it would take you 100,000 years to go across the milky way. As much as we know there ain't that much life. Wouldn't you feel a sense of uselessness? Don't you find it useless to live for so long? You would have to live these 20 years you've lived so far another 5000 times just to leave our tiny Milky Way. Living forever also begs the question what's life's purpose. You already asked about that in another post so I'm going into that. I don't see any sane or insane person living 100000 years in order to MAYBE realise what's life's purpose.
RE: Just realised it today
@girlwhois16 Firstly - I don't see why you said 'no offence' but whatever. Second - could it be that you're just being too self-aware? Is it possible that you're over-analyzing these relationships and creating illusionary obstacles? A real obstacle that can keep you away from your friends is your free time. Also I'm sure that if the person you're trying to be with is trying to make it harder then it clearly wasn't meant for you to be friends. As for life screwing you over that can happen but its usually not something that big and if both of you want to be friends then you will be friends. Then again, if not then there surely was something missing from one of you. Third - Loving is a slow process, yes. You can't just start trusting somebody after being with them for a short period of time. As for the 'only the fittest can survive' - nothing is easy. If you don't have the guts to go out, find a partner and try to hold a relationship then you can't say you have tried.
Of course I can't claim that you are doing/not doing any of the stuff I've listed above as I simply don't know you at all. Also I'm open minded and could be wrong about everything that I said but I'm just stating my opinion. Don't take it as a fact :) -
RE: How do you normally spend your weekend?
@jynextremist that's not what my teachers think :(
RE: how many followers do you have?
117 IG( Most are from FB)
1 here :D
About 200 friends on FB
12 fake account subs on my YT :P -
RE: Just realised it today
@girlwhois16 well I'm glad I was of any use to you. I hope you're able to forget that what has happened you :) Wish you the best
RE: I met a girl by the name of "girl"
@sadandlonely Haha. This is a really cute way to end a conversation. The joy of knowing that you met someone that understands you and the painful truth that you'll never be together.
RE: Science and God
@allight @TheStrangest has already ripped you apart but let me also say some things.
By definition "science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. "
How can you test God?
@allight said in Science and God:@lucky9 if Christianity doesn't give the full picture doesn't mean all religions don't.
Tell me honestly 1 religion that explains everything. From the beginning of life to its meaning. There is none. Also "You live to die" doesn't count.
Atheists basically paint everything the same colour and deliberately refuse to look into things cuz it conflicts with their own desires.
Do you see it? Let me help you:
Religious people basically paint everything the same colour and deliberately refuse to look into things cuz it conflicts with their own desires.
What is this? The statement is now right?
Latest posts made by edgythoughts.wmv
Well I'm a bit late but happy birthday :D
I wish you everything nice that you could imagine. -
RE: If u could know....
@dreadstor If I'm doing it for the lulz I'm going to choose how I die. The reason could be some ridiculous shit. If I'm for real I'd like to know when. Maybe that would motivate me to actually do something in life
RE: I met a girl by the name of "girl"
@sadandlonely Haha. This is a really cute way to end a conversation. The joy of knowing that you met someone that understands you and the painful truth that you'll never be together.
RE: Science and God
@allight @TheStrangest has already ripped you apart but let me also say some things.
By definition "science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. "
How can you test God?
@allight said in Science and God:@lucky9 if Christianity doesn't give the full picture doesn't mean all religions don't.
Tell me honestly 1 religion that explains everything. From the beginning of life to its meaning. There is none. Also "You live to die" doesn't count.
Atheists basically paint everything the same colour and deliberately refuse to look into things cuz it conflicts with their own desires.
Do you see it? Let me help you:
Religious people basically paint everything the same colour and deliberately refuse to look into things cuz it conflicts with their own desires.
What is this? The statement is now right?
RE: If we're going to die why were we even created?
@croboy28 What's the end goal? How do you win?
RE: Let's go talk about when will aliens going to abduct us.
First of all - grammar mistake - Do* you?
Okay now to the big question: When will aliens abduct us if they even do exist?Lets first find aliens. Before that let's find any life at all. Astrophysicists have been doing that for some good time. No luck there :/
Well then. Let's say we find life. This life form has to be evolved enough to actually be able to fly in space and even more evolved than us to be able to fly at amazing speeds. We've been on this planet for a good 200,000 years. We've been astronomically advancing for what? like 500 years? That's a 1/400 of the time. Civilization itself has only been around for 6000 years. Let that sink in. Now think about the aliens - we have to find them in this 1 in 400 time period. That would be the time when the aliens are as advanced as we are and they need to be more advanced than us but we're not going to count that in. Anyway let's say we do that. There are ~4 possibilities that could happen that Neil deGrasse Tyson has mentioned. First one is that they will invade us and start killing us. Second one is that they have a good will and won't kill us. Third one is that they already are around us. Fourth one is that they came when there was a ComiCon and no one recognized them ;)
Anyway the possibility that they will abduct is is 1/400 * 1/4 so that makes 1/1600 of them killing us only AFTER we find them or they find us.
I think its pretty inprobable that they will abduct us. -
RE: If we're going to die why were we even created?
@kim-jung-un said in If we're going to die why were we even created?:
What is Heaven? Why does someone I don't know determine where I go after I die? What if he doesn't exit at all? There is practically no evidence of someone like that. What is judgement anyway? What are the principles we have to live by? Why are they like that? Who set them like that? Why are you letting some unknown entity control your lives and the way you live them? What is a good deed? What is good at all? What is a bad deed? What is bad at all? What happens if I have more bad deeds than good ones? How long is eternity? Living forever anywhere would be a nightmare( I already talked about that in another
Just a couple of questions I have about your religion :)
RE: If we're going to die why were we even created?
@jynextremist I am a 15 year old boy that's been left to think for a bit too long. I get intense when something's about philosophical stuff. :D
RE: Is there any way to escape death?
Living forever would be extreme. Okay let's say we ignore all of the bad things that old age comes with like mental illnesses, aches, pains and so on. Firstly imagine those 20 years that you've lived on this planet. Multiply that by 50. Now you're 1000 years old but lets say always looked like 20( even though that being 1000 years old would be pretty much impossible because bad people and shit). Would your relatives also be as old as you are? Can you live to see generations of your family just die? That shit would be depressing. Okay now lets assume that everyone is 1000 years old. You've had enough time to explore the whole of earth and have a sh*t load of money. Inter-galactic moving wouldn't be a problem since you can live for forever. Now you can explore the whole universe. Is it worth though? Traveling at light-speed it would take you 100,000 years to go across the milky way. As much as we know there ain't that much life. Wouldn't you feel a sense of uselessness? Don't you find it useless to live for so long? You would have to live these 20 years you've lived so far another 5000 times just to leave our tiny Milky Way. Living forever also begs the question what's life's purpose. You already asked about that in another post so I'm going into that. I don't see any sane or insane person living 100000 years in order to MAYBE realise what's life's purpose.