• @Pamela said in Eight Questions:

    As an arrogant human I donΒ΄t like being told what to do, and leaving a blank question was a small defiance to this statement.

    "Its a dare so you kind of have to do it now 😈"

    Quite childish, I know

    And since no one has asked you yet, what would your answers be?

    I don't like being told what to do either, so i wont answer πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • @Pamela said in Eight Questions:


    Would you try to change it?

    The past? Not at all. On a personal level, IΒ΄ve faced disappointment and done shit IΒ΄m not proud of, but that has forced me to learn and grow up. Thanks to the past I am who I am today.

    You sound ever more impressive... Do you think you are changing in the last months?

  • @DAD_ Btw dad, where are thoso photos you promised :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

  • @OliveOlivia

    Oof, it's been a long time since I played a dare game :face_with_rolling_eyes:

    1. I'd rather visit the past, what's the hurry to visit something that I'll eventually visit. The past is already gone, so revisiting could be more interesting and who knows... maybe I could visit a time in the past I wasn't around :shrug:

    2. Love

    3. Euros and hopefully keep all of them!

    4. "I'm so good at sleeping. I can do it with my eyes closed." :smirk:

    5. Deadpool, he's hot and he is immortal!

    6. Goofy and innocent things. When someone says something extremelly bad or weird and get flustered after you point out that what they said is kinda... bad :joy:

    7. K-pop, it's everywhere and I don't understand the buzz about it!

    8. It's not what it used to be but I still come here now and then!

  • @Lurker said in Eight Questions:


    Oof, it's been a long time since I played a dare game :face_with_rolling_eyes:

    1. I'd rather visit the past, what's the hurry to visit something that I'll eventually visit. The past is already gone, so revisiting could be more interesting and who knows... maybe I could visit a time in the past I wasn't around :shrug:

    What time would you visit?

    1. Love

    you cant be bad at loveπŸ˜‚ its natural, its different for everyone

    1. Euros and hopefully keep all of them!

    its a public pool so you have to share with the public now! πŸ˜‚

    1. "I'm so good at sleeping. I can do it with my eyes closed." :smirk:


    1. Deadpool, he's hot and he is immortal!

    and funny! hes the fully package!

    1. Goofy and innocent things. When someone says something extremelly bad or weird and get flustered after you point out that what they said is kinda... bad :joy:

    like this?

    pussy cat

    1. K-pop, it's everywhere and I don't understand the buzz about it!

    I agree with this!

    1. It's not what it used to be but I still come here now and then!

    How did it use to be?

  • @OliveOlivia said in Eight Questions:

    What time would you visit?

    That is confidential :smirk:

    @OliveOlivia said in Eight Questions:

    you cant be bad at love its natural, its different for everyone

    Oh really? Halsey doesn't agree with you... :face_with_rolling_eyes:

    In all honesty, if even artists talks about it, don't you think there'sa certain need for mastery when it comes to love? Why do some ppl get hurt so bad and others are always together with someone or happy?

    @OliveOlivia said in Eight Questions:

    its a public pool so you have to share with the public now!

    It's private, no one is invited... If you behave you might be able to go for a dip :joy:

    @OliveOlivia said in Eight Questions:

    How did it use to be?

    I'll answer this in your other topic, I guess :shrug:

  • @OliveOlivia said in Eight Questions:

    I dare you to answer all eight of these questions even if your answers are long. Its a dare so you kind of have to do it now 😈

    1. If you had a time machine would you visit the past or the future? Why?
      The future. The past is screwed up enough. I want to see how it ends.
    1. What do you wish you were really good at?
      Combining useless facts to create useful information.
    1. If you could jump into a pool of something, what would it be?
      Money. And I'd wear very baggy clothes.
    1. Whats your favorite joke?

    Trump didn't cheat on his taxes.

    1. If you could be a fictional character who would you be? Why?

    No, me. I don't like to be fake.

    1. What kind of things really make you laugh?

    Stop talking like that on the internet. Kids may be present!

    1. What is something that you think is overrated? Why do you think that?
      Sports. Why? It's so obvious that I can't put it into words.

    2. How do you feel about TWS?
      It's just a site. Nothing special

    Do I get a cookie?

  • @Lurker said in Eight Questions:

    In all honesty, if even artists talks about it, don't you think there'sa certain need for mastery when it comes to love? Why do some ppl get hurt so bad and others are always together with someone or happy?

    I really don't think you can. You can be bad at choosing a good partner for yourself, but there is no right way to love therefor there is no wrong way either :)

  • @OliveOlivia

    1. None, fukk time machine, i love living in present.
    2. Math, this is so mental abuse to humans.
    3. Choco bars with gold lol
    4. An ex is always consider a jokeπŸ˜‚
    5. Lara Croft (tomb raider)
    6. New year's resolution.. it makes me laugh i cant even establish one..
    7. Banana as a fruit
    8. I feel that Tws is into me.. Haha

  • @OliveOlivia said in Eight Questions:

    I don't like being told what to do either, so i wont answer πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    my idea

    @petrapark3r said in Eight Questions:

    You sound ever more impressive... Do you think you are changing in the last months?

    Oof :joy:
    I am not the person I used to be but I hope I havenΒ΄t changed drastically.

  • @OliveOlivia said in Eight Questions:

    1. If you had a time machine would you visit the past or the future? Why?


    1. What do you wish you were really good at?

    Riding horses

    1. If you could jump into a pool of something, what would it be?

    Air :)

    1. Whats your favorite joke?


    1. If you could be a fictional character who would you be? Why?

    Dora so I can have a monkey wearing boots as a friend

    1. What kind of things really make you laugh?

    Dogs being weird

    1. What is something that you think is overrated? Why do you think that?


    1. How do you feel about TWS?

    somebody get me out of here pliz

  • @OliveOlivia said in Eight Questions:

    @Lurker said in Eight Questions:

    In all honesty, if even artists talks about it, don't you think there'sa certain need for mastery when it comes to love? Why do some ppl get hurt so bad and others are always together with someone or happy?

    I really don't think you can. You can be bad at choosing a good partner for yourself, but there is no right way to love therefor there is no wrong way either :)

    I don't think you choose a partner, I mean... i speak for myself I don't have enough crushes to go around here deciding if I should date this girl or pass this other girl πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ it's how you can handle each other when you find someone that is interested in you and you are interested in them, right?

  • @ScruffyMutt You get all the cookies in the world!πŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺ

  • @Bela-Hella Whats wrong with bananas?πŸ˜‚

  • @Lurker I guess its different for everyone, but personally I would say partners are chosen. You may not choose to have feelings, but you choose to be with them and whether or not to stay with them. It's more than being interested in each other, its about complimenting one another and being able to work as a team and also as individuals.

  • If you had a time machine would you visit the past or the future? Why?

    First of all, I would not travel in time because it could become problematic from a certain point of view, now, I would not travel to the future because when I have to return from there, that future may not be realized, and I would not travel to the past, because it could become a paradox.

    What do you wish you were really good at?

    Hmmm on what I wish I was really good at...
    Well, something I've been thinking about, would be improving my skills playing instruments.

    If you could jump into a pool of something, what would it be?

    very hard question

    Whats your favorite joke?

    "I threw a boomerang a few years ago. Now i live in constand fear"

    If you could be a fictional character who would you be? Why?

    Honestly, I wouldn't like to be a fictional character, because I'd rather see them in action than be one of them.

    What kind of things really make you laugh?

    things that make me laugh...
    very few things in general

    Is there something that you think is overrated? Why do you think that?

    until now, nothing.

    How do you feel about TWS?


  • @Mr-Ghost that is my new favorite joke πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. I possibly would visit the past, so I could take better care for the people I loved before they left.
    2. Honestly I think you can become good - not really good - at anything, as long as you are persistent. I would like to be really good at not being hard on myself.
    3. I would jump on a pool full of sense of belonging.
    4. My son asked me what it’s like to be married so I told him to leave me. When he did, I asked why he was ignoring me.
    5. It's not my habit to compare myself with ficcional characters. Actually I never tought about that.
    6. Being tickeled, dark humor and any joke told by the people I like.
    7. Dating does, because dating is seen as a must for being happy. And that's not necessarily true.
    8. I feel there's much people who shouldn't be here, but on tinder or skout. However, my relationship with TWS is very old, since I was one of the first people to register when it came out and I met other really cool people.

  • Just a silly question; are you @willow? @OliveOlivia

  • @davitchen you came one day after me!!
