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A community for sports and fitness enthusiasts dedicated to the pursuit of physical excellence. All levels welcome.

  • RE: Goodbye,everyone at Tws.

    What if you're gay already? Does it cancel the gayness out or double it? Can I extend my lifetime by taking it to its highest exponent?

    posted in Internet is Beautiful
  • RE: Searching for talking partners

    @Vivien1-8 dm me if u are interested in horror movies

    posted in Discuss Anything
  • RE: Best music video and why?

    @Malhama scary eye

    posted in Music Lovers
  • RE: How should you handle abusive chatters?

    There is a reason why I don’t interact directly with the users on live chat anymore, take this topic for an example, no matter how we act or interact, people like you will always find something to whine about and support it with trolling and spamming.
    You can keep posting shit, accuse us mods/other users or even file complaints against us, it will have no impact at all unless you start behaving yourself. If you expect us to do something, make sure you stop being a contradictory person first.
    I may be “quiet” and interact less but that doesn’t mean I’m not aware of anything or you people as a person, it’s the complete opposite. I’m still present and yes it is truly amazing, as we did interact lots of times before but you didn’t appreciate it because of the “unfair” treatment.
    Do try to make up with your fellow users as it seems to be a more personal issue:)

    posted in Moderators Discussions
  • RE: How should you handle abusive chatters?

    @Bab she is one of the most annoying kids here who trolls, clones and spams which makes this topic completely irrelevant, very contradictory person.

    posted in Moderators Discussions

    @Mycompassion small penis vibes.

    posted in Polls - Surveys - Votes
  • RE: Do you read or not ?

    @AshK said in Do you read or not ?:

    Well recently I finished "my Geeta". And after few days of struggle started "super intelligence". The struggle coz I didn't planned well enough for next book.
    I believe reading should be boring and hard to aquire for beginners. Nowadays there r a lot of distractions for humans, that is why lots of people find reading hard n boring.

    Once in a while reading a “boring book” is fine, but why waste time reading something if you don’t enjoy yourself when doing it?
    Although for me when I read a book I often picture it like a movie rolling in my head, but I heard some people can’t picture things in their mind like that. Might be why some find it more boring than others

    My battle is to be good at this boring task. That's y indulge myself to read audio books. Plus it makes me imagine the scene from my perspective. After reading "the giver" I found there is a movie based on it. I didn't like it after watching trailer. Coz I have imagined the whole story and it was perfect for me. Same with the midnight library and the stranger .
    Since it's nnn I am trying to read non fiction lol. Just remember I could have pick the sapienes.

    Many fiction books out there can teach you just as much as some non fiction, but in a more entertaining and memorable way.
    Although yeah, it’s probably better to read a mix of both. I should probably read more non fiction, but there are so many fiction books I wanna read first. 😅

    posted in Internet is Beautiful