• anyone that tells you anything? is still alive, and therefore cant possibly know... they are quite simply? making it up.

  • It would be easy to give some kinda joke answer, and just be flippant, and stoopid, but the truth is, everyone who is reading this, and everyone on the internet, and everyone in the world, is a figment of my imagination, and when you die, you'll be reabsorbed into my eternal consciousness, whereupon I'll begin my final battle with Lord Xenu at the Nexus of All Realities.

  • @layla the only bad thing is it does require you to believe there is a heaven or hell. The fact remainds there is. If I say the sun will not come out tomorrow the fact remains the sun will no matter what I believe. If there is evil in this world then there must be good.

  • @sarah define life first. Is it the wealth, the house n car, is it being able to influence someone?
    Does life begin at 21, 44 or 90?
