What if you're havin a nice kinky chat with someone on here and you happen to exchange pictures (wont say what kind but not a face reveal) and you realize..something's familiar(maybe the Tshirt/bedsheet/curtain) and you try to recall where have u seen that.... HOLY SHIT!!!! ITS THAT SHITTY COUSIN/FRIEND OF MINE!!!

Best posts made by wildwallflower
WHAT IF.............................
What do you sound like? What type of voice do you have?
I'm soooo curious to know what kind of voices ppl have here.
I can imagine the voice of a few users like @WtfJudith has croaky voice (dont hate me for this :joy:) and @cjko has soft n low voice
Cant explain why i imagine it that way :joy: Have any of you imagined the voices of any of the users here? :thinking_face:And I think its time I did a poll, so here we go
You can vote for 2 categories. And if your voice belongs to none of these, you can mention what type it is! :)
Your peace is more important than driving yourself crazy trying to understand why something happened the way it did, let it go.
However easy that might seem to say, not as easy to execute.
I keep wondering why do ppl do what they do, the way they do. Even after many discussions and not to mention, a lot of thinking, it's sad that what I've found is negative. I did ask myself do i think like that just to make things easier for myself? Thinking negative just to have peace with my heart? I get only one answer 'at least ppl should be what they say they are'. There have been many times in the past when I've been treated like that by other ppl, and if they say they're sensitive and they've been thru worse, they should know better. Why wouldn't i expect that person to handle me in a different way than others did?
Then you might also say that different ppl have different ways to deal with any situation. But then they've done it for others then why not me? M I so evil, worthless? They don't need to show it to the world but they could show me, at least I deserve that much. And why m I always supposed to be the understanding one? Why can't they put themselves in my place? Now you guys might say to me 'you're not the only one to get hurt, ppl have been thru worse'. Just bcz I haven't been thru the worst doesnt mean it's okay to hurt me. I've had my fair share and I know there's more to come.
It's not just being hurt its my belief being shattered that there are people out there who've seen worse n who wont let u suffer that bad, that there are ppl who value what u did. Not that I'm not being asked to help, but it's like m askin for water n being offered wind. That's not helping.
I know in my heart that all are not evil but I still cant figure why do they do what they do. Something just doesn't feel right. That's what m not at peace with. Maybe I'll never find answer to that. Problem might be the way I think but it still doesn't change what I feel.
As for the question of why things happen the way they did or why did this happen to me at all, to that I've got only one answer. I think what this taught me is that I shouldn't wait for anyone who's not ready to be with me. There's no point in not giving up on someone thinking that you'd make things better for them, thinking you'd heal them. Bcz I know how I am and how it's gonna affect me in the end and none of this would matter in the end anyway. I just shouldn't let my guard down anymore.
And ppl ask me why don't I post topics anymore! This miserable shit is what's in my head all the time. No matter what I do the whole day this is what I come back to. I'm just filling this place with negativity. It doesn't seem what it used to before. -
Have you ever found it difficult to forgive someone who hurt you but their intent wasn't evil?
I never hurt anybody on purpose (unless they did me wrong 1st) and it hits real hard when people hurt you even then.
Funny that they think a 'sorry' can fix everything and erase everything that happened. But not everybody's evil or hurt you on purpose.
I've always had a hard time forgiving people who hurt me evil or not. And something about them changes for me forever. Changes something in me, the way I look at everything, the way i look at them. I dont even know what they or I should do to make it all better. What's the right thing to do?
I know this for sure that one day it'll all be fine but its never an easy way to reach to that day. Never thought I'll find myself in this situation yet again, you just never learn! No matter how many times you fall on your face, you still walk the same bloody path. Sickly pathetic! -
I think its time I did this!
Cj had posted a topic few days ago, 'what would you be doin now if you'd not joined TWS', it's been a lil more than a month since i joined here and im thinkin what would i do without tws?
Some ppl think this website's shitty, some have faced insult, some got heartbroken but today I'm glad to say that I've been lucky to have met the best of the best ppl on here and never had a bad experience. I've used tws mostly to vent my bitter feelings out, n I've felt light, like I'd feel after finally throwing up, being sick for a long time. The ppl on here made me feel that whatever happens m not alone, they'll always be there. They've made it all if not a lot at least lil bit easier. I know where to go when i feel low and i know I'll come back smiling.
I thought about it if i wasn't here would i feel the same? No, i wouldn't, definitely wouldn't. It's not just the sharing problems n getting comforted but the topics, can't deny they have a different effect on me. Replying on the topics, debating, arguing, teasing feels like I'm conversing with all these ppl in real life (that feeling might be dangerous, i dunno but i feel good um.. weird)
Then there are these people whom i dont talk to but I'm used to there presence here. They are (or were) a part of this site and somehow make (made it) it whole. And it really hurts when they leave.
I dunno what the future holds for me, all days ain't the same. Things could be better or worse, but today I'm grateful for a lot of things. And i think its time i said this.
I just wanna say a huge THANK YOU to all of you. Thanks for not givin up on anyone, thanks for ur patience. You're makin (have made) so many bitter lives better, including mine.
You are doin a great job! You're AWESOME 😘
Is there no place where i can be myself?
Fed up of cages, fed up of being suffocated, fed up of holding back
You have been always been there for those in need (never misses a chance to hit on girls)
Always been a light to those who lost their way (doin his best to live up to his fuckboy image)
Always been a guidance and support to the newcomers (mostly girls :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: )He's everything that you'd need in a good
FUCKBOIfriend!!:P Anyway, jokes apart, keep doin wachyur doin! Keep this place lit!
CONGO BISH, LOBE YOU @Mr-H !! :joy: :* :hugging_face: -
I'm Gonna Die Tomorrow...
No I'm not! Dunno when I will, maybe 50 years from now sitting on a rockin chair with a cat on my lap and a house full of cats or in next few days, weeks, months due to an accident, cardiac arrest, brain tumor, murder, who knows! I might not even remember ppl here when i'm old and might not even care what you thought if I died tomorrow bcz I dunno what happens to us after we die.
But since I'm alive today, I wanna know what you'd say to me if I told you that I have few days left here?
Latest posts made by wildwallflower
RE: Happy Birthday Rendezvous!
@Ansi sure! Why not :smirk:
and urpssy(bloody tws censors) catttt :heart_eyes: omggg!!! Its adorable <3 <3 <3 -
RE: Happy Birthday Rendezvous!
@AlizaJalebiiiiii gaali de rahi hai?? :joy:
RE: Happy Birthday Rendezvous!
@NutellaBigGoat it's already past 12 n too late to wish but who cares :p!
Chal tera din bana diya! Tu bhi kya yaad rakhega!
pair chhuo @Rendezvous -
RE: which person from TWS you would like to meet in Real life ?
Thanks to all who mentioned me!
@Durwin and i know who's censored
RE: Should I get another pet?
@sofa_king_cody I voted for no bcz i doubt that you'll be able to take care of them all. And if u do decide to have another puppy, adopt it, don't buy.
RE: The best of you as if its true haha 😂
@bela-hella Patient, Loyal, Honest