• @kaia_ said in white people can’t experience racism <3:

    I think everyone can be racist, it's all a matter of who's the dominant ethnicity and culture in a community. People discriminate each other based on the perceived differences. So, the sooner we begin to see how much we are alike the better for us all, eventhough we had a completely different appearance, culture and ideology.

    I don't think you need to be dominant to be racist. Racist is hating/judging others because of their skin color. Racist is treating someone differently, giving them less of a chance simply because of their skin color. Because of something they are not responsible for. Minorities can be quite racist. They just cannot start killing/hurting the majorities, cause that would be dangerous. It's only that their racism is being kept in check by the difference of power, it cannot act out... But it's there allright. Usually even felt much deeper by those who feel oppressed.

    You can see this clearly with what happened in Rwanda. The Tutsi, who had been in power, but were not a majority, were hated by the Twa and Hutu, and millions where slaughtered.

  • @baldshinobi said in white people can’t experience racism <3:

    @pe7erpark3r by saying “can’t oppress the oppressor” i’m saying whites can’t feel oppressed because they are the oppressors. racism is the system that allows the racial group that’s already in power to retain power. you can’t experience racism when you benefit from the system love <3

    You can be killed by black people alright. This is often done by black supremasist groups. That is obviously a racist act against white people :shrug:.

    What will be different is the less harsh kind of racism.

    To be experiencing the kind of racism you are talking about, you need to be a minority who is actually being disregarded by a majority. In states where white people are a minority this happens to white people. And why wouldn't it? The people in power are non-whites, and when they hate white people they will use the power to have to not give white people a chance.

  • @baldshinobi said in white people can’t experience racism <3:

    @pe7erpark3r i don’t care if you are a non-racist. you can’t experience racism. i said what i said.

    I just did experienced racism. You, and most people in this thread agree, that all white people are oppressors. I was just judged by the majority of those participating in the thread.

  • @pe7erpark3r do not give what people a chance? we don’t owe you shit. i am hurt by what your ancestors have done to my ancestors. i am hurt by what your people do to my people. and you’re mad because we won’t forgive you? get the fuck off my post.

  • @pe7erpark3r WHITE PEOPLE ARE OPPRESSORS. if you’re so hurt then block me, i will not change my opinion.

  • @baldshinobi said in white people can’t experience racism <3:

    @pe7erpark3r do not give what people a chance? we don’t owe you shit. i am hurt by what your ancestors have done to my ancestors. i am hurt by what your people do to my people. and you’re mad because we won’t forgive you? get the fuck off my post.

    No I'm actually mad, because you are judging me for my skin color. Why would you need to forgive me? I haven't done anything to you. And not even my ancestors did anything to your ancestors...

  • @pe7erpark3r i have white friends, i have white friends that think the same way i do. i am not judging you based on the color of your skin, i could care less about you being white. you need to acknowledge what your race has done as i whole and quit expecting me to pity you. i personally have nothing against you, but i WILL NOT feel sorry for you because of the race you were born into.

  • listen here! i will not change my opinion. i WILL NOT feel sorry for you. i WILL NOT pity you. i said what i had to say. end of discussion.

  • @pe7erpark3r feel bad on your own time but i will not do it with you.

  • I think this new opinions based on victimhood is racist against the white community. The basis is that the more minority you represent (say a black, gay, transsexual) deserves their opinions to be taken for more consideration than a straight white male. This is a blatant racism against the white community if I ever saw it.

  • @baldshinobi said in white people can’t experience racism <3:

    @pe7erpark3r i have white friends, i have white friends that think the same way i do. i am not judging you based on the color of your skin, i could care less about you being white. you need to acknowledge what your race has done as i whole and quit expecting me to pity you. i personally have nothing against you, but i WILL NOT feel sorry for you because of the race you were born into.

    My race has not as a whole committed anything against the black race of the whole world. I am not my race. I am not responsible for what a group of people who is not related to me in any way has done to your ancestors. You have no right to feel sorry for me. There is nothing wrong with my skin color or the fact that I am white. There is nothing wrong with my race. White is beautiful, and white is good. And so is black. All men are created equal. Period.

  • @baldshinobi said in white people can’t experience racism <3:

    listen here! i will not change my opinion. i WILL NOT feel sorry for you. i WILL NOT pity you. i said what i had to say. end of discussion.

    I don't think you should change your oppinion, I think you should reflect it more deeply and understand all of it's implications. #notoracism

  • @NiaRox they feel like they’re opinions should be heard because they’re never listened to. where as a white mans opinions are heard.

  • @baldshinobi There’s nothing wrong with that, but they’re acting as if their opinions inherently matter more because of their victimhood and they violently try to silence white male’s opinions. By violently, I mean screaming and hitting.

  • @NiaRox but haven’t white men been trying to silence their opinion? but when it’s their time to rise it’s a problem?

  • @lucileom616 said in white people can’t experience racism <3:

    @baldshinobi maybe the point isn't to think black and white (ironic that I say). Maybe the point is to think in the grey. What is racism? Is a form of taking someone's equality? And if so... then what can we do to be the change we want to see?

    Educate your children do not bring them up thinking they are better than someone else by the color of their skin or anything else

  • @pe7erpark3r If we remove concepts of oppression, then a minority can be racist towards a majority. Minorities are people too. Anyone can be bigoted or prejudiced base on race.

  • Zimbabwe, anybody?

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  • @sarah_the_magpie i just wanted to make simple post. whites can’t experience racism. someone can be prejudice to whites but not racist. white people have privilege at baseline. people just don’t want to understand that. i’m not apologizing for nothing i said today.