• @Thales_BG

  • @Thales_BG ye^^

  • @sarah_the_magpie Think about how good it must have felt to spread it like it did...

  • Banned

    @Silhouette weak?? Not religious but abrahamic religions just make them stronger and stronger
    Proof that Zoroatrianism idea and theology came from an ancient alien extratrestrials and spread like crazy even if it meants to contradicts each others ideology and sacrificing animal's life.

  • Banned

    @Thales_BG Let's just admit it, it's impossible for a mere human to spread its religion crazily fast and gain large vast amount of many followers. So the idea behind of all religions ideology must came from an extraterestrials that claims to be angels or demons that will destroy human mankind and try to limit human's true intelligence from knowing the real harsh truth of the universe
    Also, if you ever watch the movie "WatchMen", there are scenes where Ozymandias even said that he have to trick the human's mind into believing in the alien's invasions to pay the price for world's 'peace':

  • @iTAG, a mere human didn't spread the any religion, they started them. Once people got interested in those religions, and the government accepted them, then they spreaded. Zoroaster didn't spread Zoroastranism, he started. The persian empire spreaded it. Same with Islamism and Christianism.

  • @Thales_BG have you read thus spoke zarathustra by Nietzsche? A mind expanding book, read it aged 15, didn't really understand it but i knew it had stretched my brain in new directions

  • Banned

    @Thales_BG Yeah, I personally do think that there are other thing that the governments didn't want us to know such as the reptilian and extraterestrials that actually tries to control humanity using beliefs and religions.
    Religious people really really hated these 2 guys as much they hated Charles Darwin for sharing their ideas behind every paranormal things that exist in this world

    Paul and Ben Eno are paranormal investigators and they've made many books on the paranormals and what actually happen behind every paranormal things that happens in this world.
    Here is the link for Paul Eno's biography:

  • @Scottish actually, i'm reading it for the first time now. But I already know some of it's content and ideas. I just never had the book before. It is really something else.

  • @Thales_BG keep meaning to re-read it BG, i think i just read it too young when i was receptive enough, yes, but not intellectually formed enough yet to get it

  • @Div well Sarah is very intuitive so i wouldn't put it past her lol

  • @Div
    you have no idea how long i waited for an opportunity to post some sweet zoroastrian memes :D

  • @Scottish This book is a very complicated one. the concepts it is trying to present, coupled with the poetry style and it's archaic writing is very confusing sometimes.


    @Devil-Tag False. You're wrong, it is a weak religion. You people can downvote me all you want, it won't change the fact.

    When the Arabs invaded Persia, where was their God? Why didn't the believers receive any help?

    Fact: true faith means nothing when your God is uncaring or weak.

  • @sarah_the_magpie Stop posting memes, this is a serious discussion.

    Typical female behavior. Hogging attention instead of contributing anything meaningful to the conversation.

  • @Silhouette you really are an idiot of the highest order. Making rude and personal attacks in people who disagree with you? Who's weak? I'm thinking you are, certainly very thin skinned not to mention sexist, obnoxious and just plain ridiculous

  • @Devil-Tag _'movie' Watchmen? It was first and foremost a comic -- and if you've never read it, I envy you, m8, because it's the F business:


  • @Thales_BG I hadn't heard of Zoroastrianism before, thanks for sharing the glimpse man 😋

  • @Silhouette, you need to chill a bit dude... like... you are from poland, right? where was Jesus when them nazis and soon after them atheist Soviets fucking demolished your fucking country? christ been fighting christ for 500 years now and there is always one side being slaughtered... I mean... christianity has a serious case of split personality in which one side is a weak and pathetic religious sect... then it changes depending on which country is backing which sect... I mean... you should take your eyes out the bible for a bit and look around you. Stop being a hateful incel idiot and learn a bit before spreading stupidity around. we have enough stupidity coming from other religious fanatics... dont embarrass yourself AND your god by doing the same low level, borderline medieval, highly hypocritical and anachronic discourse as a fucking Jihadist, which, by the way, doesnt even have the whole "protestast reform" and "enlightenment" situation going on yet... so believe it or not, they are a little less guilty of being a dumb piece of shit.

  • @sarah_the_magpie, this is a fine example of the "Strong opinionated douche boss" I was talking about before... PRIME EXAMPLE! Also, I know you are a busy person... but could you PLEASE meme us into oblivion whenever you find the time?
    If you have some christian memes, please, PLEASE fill this post with them.