• @MarsAttacks Bolsonaro is just a captain of the army. dude was never supposed to run a god damned country as messy as this one. But, you how it is... Democracy doesn't always work out the way it was supposed to... People are just dumb dude. everywhere, people are dumb.

  • @Thales_BG I concure... And its getting worse. Politics are a chaos today. Different everywhere. Democracy now seems a bit like an illusion, a lie we keep telling ourselves. mehhh fuck it all. Mooney and profit and capital is driving this bus..:/

  • @MarsAttacks money, profit, capital AND some strong hand pulling all those cords from behind the curtains. let's never forget things are weird all of a sudden. that smells like some major plot to undermine western society. I would bet on Putin 100%. HEHEHEHE

  • @Thales_BG yeah...funny thing is, they dont even bother pulling the curtains anymore. they do everything in plain sight and if you got brains enough to figure anything out about whats really going on, well, youre a conspiracy theory loon. hahahaaa. no seriously the world iq is going down the toilet... u got flat earthers in brazil too btw?lol HAAHAHA

  • @Thales_BG said in A glimpse into an ancient religion almost forgotten.:

    @MarsAttacks money, profit, capital AND some strong hand pulling all those cords from behind the curtains. let's never forget things are weird all of a sudden. that smells like some major plot to undermine western society. I would bet on Putin 100%. HEHEHEHE

    Well it's not putin :sweat_smile:... Here you go: https://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/publications/ageing/replacement-migration.asp ... sad sad stuff really.

    And nobody understands that the real reason behind all this is our own immorality: Why do we "need" immigration? Because we started aborting our kids and choosing to be rich and have lots of fun instead of having kids and doing something meaningful with our lives (the pill & co.). It's our own immorality that lead to this. The merchants bought us, they bought the temple (us), again. We have become materialistic. Those who bought us, want to get the last penny out of us of course. And they will get it, unless we give up our immorality, and stop being bought with material goods and meaningless fun... bread and games people.

  • @pe7erpark3r hey spidey...he was joking lol... are brittish by any chanse?

  • @MarsAttacks not british no :joy:... and I doubt he's really joking. I'm not joking, and the UN's agenda to replace the european population is actually quite openly on the UN's website too, so they ain't joking either :shrug:

    But I think the brexit shows (even though I think it's enacted stupidly) that democracy still kinda works

  • @pe7erpark3r welp, morality was never really a focus anywhere anyways. maybe the fall of the west is a good thing. we've been fucking up everything for quite some time now... I guess we had our fun, time to let others do the mistakes.

  • @pe7erpark3r You're fully correct. It's not Russia nor Putin, it's abortion, feminism, homosexualism and replacement migration that are causing the destruction of cultures and erosion of family values all across the Western world.

    The United Nations are openly bragging about their desire to make the European race and Christianity disappear. It makes me sick.

  • @pe7erpark3r Then American... Yeah? where exactly? Its not true man , thats paranoia from ppl that dont grasp facts of life and facts of todays world. Also... Brexit is fkin nonsense. It was a Tory concept cooked by conserbvatists politicians and marketed to the public on a base constructed with pure lies and nonsense. Since when does misleaading the public opinion with false facts to push an agenda that isnt even revealed, its redacted, and as it appears, it is definatly not in the interest of nor the public nor the economy nor the state to follow through with it. Oh sorry, youre from the states, I forgot that democracy or whatever you call it resembles as uch in its norm there. Fkin hell

  • @Silhouette Once again you are dealing with absolutes. you do realize how you sound, right? Family values were never a real thing. People been doing all those things since the dawn of mankind. Western society is doomed to fail because we grew too fast, and got lazy and had too much time to spare and Instead of working to make our society better for everyone, we just focused on hoarding money and making fake statements about our true intents. Also, we actually never really focused on anything good for a society. Our low-income people (the vast majority) is up for grabs. everybody manipulate them with promises about going back to the "good old times" where things like "family values" and "morality" was prioritize, only they never were and poor people are just to busy making a living to actually learn that this world has been shitty since men first said "let's live together".

    there were not "good old times", there is only "bad present being judged as bad by people who dont know history".

  • @Silhouette said in A glimpse into an ancient religion almost forgotten.:

    @pe7erpark3r You're fully correct. It's not Russia nor Putin, it's abortion, feminism, homosexualism and replacement migration that are causing the destruction of cultures and erosion of family values all across the Western world.

    Alsways be careful to differentiate:

    It's not russia, yet. But russia might soon use the mess we created to bring ever worse disaster.

    It is abortion, yes. 50-60 million innocent people killed every year on this planet. That's all of WWII's victims together, including the nazis themselves...

    Homosexuality was always there, it's part of the human condition. What's immoral is the sexualisation of everything, which is especially strong among the homosexuals. I think they are actually one of the victims of our immoral times, they are being used to destroy the values on which our socienties are built. You should read the CIC closely, homosexuality itself is not even called a sin. Adultery is the real sin...

    Feminism is a good thing. I'm a real feminist you should know. What one needs to understand though, is that modern "feminists" are not actually feminists! They are not fighting for women, they are fighting against men.

    And logical conclusion, they are also fighting against women paradoxically, for example their genderism is destroying women's sports...


    The United Nations are openly bragging about their desire to make the European race and Christianity disappear. It makes me sick.

    But yeah, it is an open assault against christianity and against everything good it brought to the world. It's an assault against all the core values, even human dignity, human rights. It's an assault against life. But never forget: It's our own immorality which gives them power, they could not do anything, if we were trying to lead good lives instead of wanting to have ever more pleasure...

  • @MarsAttacks said in A glimpse into an ancient religion almost forgotten.:

    @pe7erpark3r Then American... Yeah? where exactly? Its not true man , thats paranoia from ppl that dont grasp facts of life and facts of todays world. Also... Brexit is fkin nonsense. It was a Tory concept cooked by conserbvatists politicians and marketed to the public on a base constructed with pure lies and nonsense. Since when does misleaading the public opinion with false facts to push an agenda that isnt even revealed, its redacted, and as it appears, it is definatly not in the interest of nor the public nor the economy nor the state to follow through with it. Oh sorry, youre from the states, I forgot that democracy or whatever you call it resembles as uch in its norm there. Fkin hell

    The UN does not equal america, what is happening is bigger than america, even bigger than the UN...

    Yes the brexit is nonesense, I would not have voted for it.

    But, as you said the brexit is "not in the interest of nor the public nor the economy nor the state", ergo is not in the interest of the rich and powerful! And yet it went through. This is why – despite me being against it – I say that there is a win in it for democracy. What the people wanted is happening, for good or for worse.

    At the same time I'm not so sure leaving the EU as it is today is such a bad choice. Sadly though. I always thought that the EU as it was envisioned in the beginning was a really good thing. But today it is used to push an absolutely distructive ideology on all it's members states! Well...

    Yes american democracy is in a bad state...

    I'm not american.

  • @pe7erpark3r the radicalization of the masses towards either group A or group B is a direct result of accessible plataforms for people to further increase the size of the gap between opossing ideologies AND russian bots. everywhere. SO russia is already influencing our society. And, I dont think they really said their plan is to wipe the european race and christian out. That seems like Right/Moralist Propaganda. Or Russian Fake news.

  • Also, guys, this was never intended as a post to have this kinda of discussion. I made this one to introduce some historical fact about a mostly unknown religion from the past that actually influenced many other. This post was never intended to be a open ideological discussion. So, I would reccomend everyone wanting to discuss religion and Ideology to gather and make some other post dedicated to it. I mean, I probably wont enforce any sort of control over this, But I think I should at least point this out. I will not be engaging in this discussion any further and I strongly advice people to do it as well.

  • @pe7erpark3r through were did brexit go? you mean it was voted at the referendum? man back then the "facts" that the regime fed the public, as they are revealed in todays light, were pure fiction and nowhere near resemble the truth, thats why it went through. Today? everyone hates that clown of a PM, are digusted by the torries and everyday theyre loosing the public more and more as more lies come to light. The torries lostthe next election, labour is gonna have oit day after fkin so long. Im curious to see what the Corbyn fella is made of. And- No- the no deal brexit was favoring the filthy rich conservative pricks, who couldnt care less nor for their country nor for the less fortunate that the public consists of.

  • @MarsAttacks Oh yeah buddy, we have it all. flat earthers, Antivaxxers, Military coocoo-heads, everything this world has to offer, as long as it is weird and crazy we have it.

  • @Thales_BG said in A glimpse into an ancient religion almost forgotten.:

    @pe7erpark3r the radicalization of the masses towards either group A or group B is a direct result of accessible plataforms for people to further increase the size of the gap between opossing ideologies

    Yes. Again the problem is a moral one though: Those platforms are built to generate money. Through clicks. The more sensational something is, the more clicks it generates. It's built into facebook and google. It's their business model

    AND russian bots. everywhere. SO russia is already influencing our society.

    Yes. Influencing yes. Have you read the link I wrote though? That's from 2001, The UN really is replaceing the european population, it's an actual agenda.

    And, I dont think they really said their plan is to wipe the european race and christian out. That seems like Right/Moralist Propaganda. Or Russian Fake news.

    It's not that open yet, true. But it's already quite open. Take this law for example:


    which was just passed in the european parliament. On the surface it seems good right? fighting racism, helping african people in europe.

    But it really undermines the fundamental principles europe is built on. For it gives special rights to a group of people. It favors people on their race/background. Now what's wrong with that, you might ask?

    Well: the EU and all european democracies are built on the core value that all human beings are equal and have equal dignity.

    This law is racist.

    There is another good example of what's happening that was going on in harvard university some time ago. They are trying to make quotas, and they thought they had too many asians. So they made the tests so, that an asian person had to be 10% better than say a white person or a black person. Imagine you are asian, and you sit in the test, and you have to be 10% better than the guy next to you, just because of the color of your skin? And no, harvard is not on the far right, it's on the left. They are fighting western values, they are fighting christian values!

  • @Thales_BG said in A glimpse into an ancient religion almost forgotten.:

    Also, guys, this was never intended as a post to have this kinda of discussion. I made this one to introduce some historical fact about a mostly unknown religion from the past that actually influenced many other. This post was never intended to be a open ideological discussion. So, I would reccomend everyone wanting to discuss religion and Ideology to gather and make some other post dedicated to it. I mean, I probably wont enforce any sort of control over this, But I think I should at least point this out. I will not be engaging in this discussion any further and I strongly advice people to do it as well.

    Fair enough :sweat_smile:

  • @Thales_BG lol... i still remember the first time i heard about flat earth..it was wjhen i was living in Bristol UK and there was a sign gluedto the lampost, sort of like a hard back postertype of thing. I thought it was a joke lol. Apparently now they r trying to organise a cruise to the edge of the world hihi
    yeah sorry for that mate I didnt mean to be disrespectfull... just it got to me .. yeah ill stop sorry again lol.