• Zoroastrians are plenty dude... i know lots of them. basically as far as i know it used to be the dominant religion in persia/iran till islam made a hostile take over and they all fled.
    And btw its a very deep and meaningfull, more than christianity or islam..

  • @MarsAttacks well, they seem to be very scarce outta India and Iran, but I agree with your point about being very deep and meaningfull. seems like that. I have to say "Core" Christian and Muslim are extremely deep, although equally hard to grasp due to thousands of years of corruption and straight up mistranslation. But they also had a very deep and meaningfull message and core values before they started killing everyone.

  • @Thales_BG I live in Cyprus mate. Were pretty tolerant here :v: Yeah haha in Iran you dont find any I think. The regime is very strict and the ppl that follow it are a bit... different lol.
    Regarding religions Islam and Cristianity are a bit twisted nowadays. And...Christianity killed more people than Hitler lol.

  • @MarsAttacks Oh really? Cyprus? Cheers dude, I heard about how the new generation there is kinda getting over the whole turkish/greek situation going on there. is that right? also... I double checked, They say there are some Iranians zoroastrians, but maybe they dont live in Iran, i'm not sure. would need to watch the video again to be sure. but, yeah, Iranm doesn't seem like the most welcoming place when it comes to religious liberties.

  • @Thales_BG Yeah kindoff guess the mentality is shifting but it will take a loooong time before everyone accepts the situation. And... its a bit more complicated than greek/turkish. Baxsically, were Cypriots. Greek/c and Turkish/c. Theres a lot of opposing ideals going around, Some support that were Greek period. Some dont like the Greeks caused they screwed us over again and again. Some dont like the Turkish occupation. Some dont like the T/c either even though this was their home long bfr 74 events. and a handfull of ppl, with whom i associate my beliefs, put everything in the past and dont care about it. Shit happens. It happened over 40 years ago. Its not changing so... why should I view the subject and ppl in a negative light?
    Yeah lots of Persians are zoroastrians but fled the country. have a lot of prrrsian friends and cquaintances. Cool ppl. I like he lingo too.

  • @MarsAttacks let's hope it can settle down for real in the future then, I've learned a bit about cyprus history, it is a very interesting place.
    Lots of archeological sites as well

  • @Silhouette you just revealed your level.. We're not gonna bother downvoting you blab all you like, it doesnt make a difference.

  • @Thales_BG yep before ottoman occupation it was Greek. A lot of of ancient Greek ruins. Outside my city weve got an Apollo temple. Mehh Cypriots are very stubborn. Some idiots even want to increase our military, like the fact that turkey is kinda a superpower and if they wanted too invade we wouldnt withstand more than 24 hours before game over no matter how advanced our military is. Seriously..tsts

  • @MarsAttacks Oh yeah... militaristic dudes are everywhere and no reason seem to penetrate their thick dumbskull sometimes... I mean... in here (brazil) we had people saying we should start making preparations to "defend our Sovereignty against whichever enemies", I mean, we couldn't even defend our country from a mexican cartel.

  • @Thales_BG No offense that president of yours and the regime are prickly! God damn fascist pig. Ours is a thieving lying bastard but nobody knows him or cares lol. Brazil huh? Shweet

  • @MarsAttacks Bolsonaro is just a captain of the army. dude was never supposed to run a god damned country as messy as this one. But, you how it is... Democracy doesn't always work out the way it was supposed to... People are just dumb dude. everywhere, people are dumb.

  • @Thales_BG I concure... And its getting worse. Politics are a chaos today. Different everywhere. Democracy now seems a bit like an illusion, a lie we keep telling ourselves. mehhh fuck it all. Mooney and profit and capital is driving this bus..:/

  • @MarsAttacks money, profit, capital AND some strong hand pulling all those cords from behind the curtains. let's never forget things are weird all of a sudden. that smells like some major plot to undermine western society. I would bet on Putin 100%. HEHEHEHE

  • @Thales_BG yeah...funny thing is, they dont even bother pulling the curtains anymore. they do everything in plain sight and if you got brains enough to figure anything out about whats really going on, well, youre a conspiracy theory loon. hahahaaa. no seriously the world iq is going down the toilet... u got flat earthers in brazil too btw?lol HAAHAHA

  • @Thales_BG said in A glimpse into an ancient religion almost forgotten.:

    @MarsAttacks money, profit, capital AND some strong hand pulling all those cords from behind the curtains. let's never forget things are weird all of a sudden. that smells like some major plot to undermine western society. I would bet on Putin 100%. HEHEHEHE

    Well it's not putin :sweat_smile:... Here you go: https://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/publications/ageing/replacement-migration.asp ... sad sad stuff really.

    And nobody understands that the real reason behind all this is our own immorality: Why do we "need" immigration? Because we started aborting our kids and choosing to be rich and have lots of fun instead of having kids and doing something meaningful with our lives (the pill & co.). It's our own immorality that lead to this. The merchants bought us, they bought the temple (us), again. We have become materialistic. Those who bought us, want to get the last penny out of us of course. And they will get it, unless we give up our immorality, and stop being bought with material goods and meaningless fun... bread and games people.

  • @pe7erpark3r hey spidey...he was joking lol... are brittish by any chanse?

  • @MarsAttacks not british no :joy:... and I doubt he's really joking. I'm not joking, and the UN's agenda to replace the european population is actually quite openly on the UN's website too, so they ain't joking either :shrug:

    But I think the brexit shows (even though I think it's enacted stupidly) that democracy still kinda works

  • @pe7erpark3r welp, morality was never really a focus anywhere anyways. maybe the fall of the west is a good thing. we've been fucking up everything for quite some time now... I guess we had our fun, time to let others do the mistakes.

  • @pe7erpark3r You're fully correct. It's not Russia nor Putin, it's abortion, feminism, homosexualism and replacement migration that are causing the destruction of cultures and erosion of family values all across the Western world.

    The United Nations are openly bragging about their desire to make the European race and Christianity disappear. It makes me sick.

  • @pe7erpark3r Then American... Yeah? where exactly? Its not true man , thats paranoia from ppl that dont grasp facts of life and facts of todays world. Also... Brexit is fkin nonsense. It was a Tory concept cooked by conserbvatists politicians and marketed to the public on a base constructed with pure lies and nonsense. Since when does misleaading the public opinion with false facts to push an agenda that isnt even revealed, its redacted, and as it appears, it is definatly not in the interest of nor the public nor the economy nor the state to follow through with it. Oh sorry, youre from the states, I forgot that democracy or whatever you call it resembles as uch in its norm there. Fkin hell