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  • @evan-elderson yes i knoe, i just posted that comment so that i could get some compliments. 😅
    But yea it means a lot,

  • @rendezvous

    My compliment to you is the following, you are actually very cool and kind guy when you aren't trying to be an ass. Rly like you buddy, (no. Homo).

  • @evan-elderson but :( but but but :( it is okay not to be okay rn :(

  • -deleted-

  • Music Lovers

    @mr-h So this isnt technically following the rules (fuck the rules)
    I think that youre the most wonderful person I have ever met. The moment you popped up in my dm’s i felt connected, drawn to you. I was opening up so easy to you. And you know how to make me smile. You know what a huggle is. You understand my weird Spanish outbreaks.
    And I admire how you try to better yourself every day. Going to the gym to build a better body, both mentally physically. I like how you take others feedback but also know how to stand your ground
    I admire how strong you are. Emotionally I would be trashed if it werent for you. And if I was you, I dont think I would have handled the issues you have had as great as you did. A person who can emotionally support themself and also help others around them are 10/10
    Youre funny and carefree. Someone I actually like to be around. You have never once gotten annoying. You know when to say a joke and when to say something that will still make me smile
    Youre the #1 bruh.
    My little limpy lettuce 😛😛

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  • @evan-elderson : The ultimate measure of a man/woman is not where he/she stand in moments of comfort and convenience ,but where he/she stands at times of challenge and controversy.

    Anyway,thanks for the compliment

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  • @willow :sistah thanks for posting this now my chance to compliment:

    @Calisthenics ,Calz weve been through ups/downs in Tws we clash a lot but hey look at us SCF for life..thanks Calzbear

    @ObviouslyLucifer dude,i keep your word: you said In real life Bela is more scary than you can be..Will fire heaven and hell..Lol,but thanks a lot

    @Zoobie,thanks for being my 24*7 Alarm Clock ,time may not be ticking tick tack tick tack,but it said : Bela r u ok? I appreciated u zoob,carry me elsewhere. Hehe

    To someone you know who u are : People usually hurt us unknowingly in attempt to heal thyself..You are this but still ok..

    Lastly but not the least @evan-elderson Nate,what more to say but a very big THANK YOU..man,you always look something positive for each day,with the right kind of coaching and determination you can accomplish everything..

  • @evan-elderson yes we could be strong together hehe

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  • @evan-elderson said in PASS THE COMPLIMENT:

    Jag är glad att du förstår mig.

    oh yes i agree.

  • @bela We are the top clashers among anyone in tws but still we stand strong. SCF for life. Thanks Belzbear.

  • @willow said in PASS THE COMPLIMENT:

    @mr-h So this isnt technically following the rules (fuck the rules)
    I think that youre the most wonderful person I have ever met. The moment you popped up in my dm’s i felt connected, drawn to you. I was opening up so easy to you. And you know how to make me smile. You know what a huggle is. You understand my weird Spanish outbreaks.
    And I admire how you try to better yourself every day. Going to the gym to build a better body, both mentally physically. I like how you take others feedback but also know how to stand your ground
    I admire how strong you are. Emotionally I would be trashed if it werent for you. And if I was you, I dont think I would have handled the issues you have had as great as you did. A person who can emotionally support themself and also help others around them are 10/10
    Youre funny and carefree. Someone I actually like to be around. You have never once gotten annoying. You know when to say a joke and when to say something that will still make me smile
    Youre the #1 bruh.
    My little limpy lettuce 😛😛

    God damn it Willow, look at this the ninjas are back and they are cutting onions again.
    You are the best girl. Don't let anybody (including your mind) say it otherwise. I'm really happy I found someone as special as you! :heart_eyes:
    Now excuse me for pounces at you and wraps my hands around your neck in a very tight hug I ain't letting go!

  • @willow ok this one's gir different people
    @Bela she's most sweet caring strong women i met. She got most interesting hobbies and that makes her different from others
    @BOOTS22 this guy have gone through many hardships that only him or someone close to him can understand and the way he dedicates his part life to his love is beyond marvelous.
    @Abby-22 One my bestie here lol. She's also very caring very helpful and a friend at the of need. She never takes little things personally but enjoy what's happening in the surrounding. Her optimism keeps her Strong and obstinate.
    @Willow you are good friend its good to have craziness like you here to add spices to every moment here
    @RAGNAR you have been a great help brother. Through thick and thin have been there but i am sorry i couldn't be there at your time

  • @evan-elderson nothing

  • @evan-elderson said in PASS THE COMPLIMENT:

    @g-a said in PASS THE COMPLIMENT:

    @evan-elderson but :( but but but :( it is okay not to be okay rn :(

    Do you try to not make sense or does it just come naturally?

    Dafuq are you talking about?

    He is making references to topics made by people like when @Willow made a topic saying Its okay to not be okay.

    He is also making references to topics he made aka The Untitled Drama ones where he confesses his love for and rejection by various users.

    He is also complaining about the time when people were annoyed with him and expected him to be Saintly person as he is a teacher in real life.