• I have decided to retire from TWS with immediate effect.
    After 3300 rep, 1500 posts and banning 100's of spamming accounts, it is time for others to take over. I have had my turn, and to be honest, I am tired.

    This is a tough decision, I have thought long and hard about it and I'd like to retire while I am still in a psychologically decent place. After what happened to @sup, @vrinda, @cutie-cat, @bushmurry, @oldperson, @depressed-salad over the months I just doesn't feel like being here. Thus now is the right time to step aside and move on.

    @Talkwithstranger never backs up his mods, uses fake accounts aka @sarah, @tina, @emily, @girlnextdoor, @jessica-mormont , @fais3000 to defend himself his country, his faith but gets annoyed when someone else tries to defend themselves(kind of hypocritical ikr!), heck he doesn't even allow the mods to use the rules he approved for this website as a shield against unsavory users.

    For me, it must be everything or nothing, so when he unmodded @sup we thought may be a mass walkout (because he doesn't respond to dms in times of crisis) would make him think he made a mistake with @Sup , but instead he taunted us with this


    And as if that wasn't enough, he remodded @sup then added us to the mod chat without giving us any powers and asked who are better replacements for us. And that was honestly the last straw, I had planned a quiet exit, I had put a small text file in my bio explaining "I'm out", but now I am writing this :) .

    @Evan-elderson , @US-Poet , if you become mods, you really shouldn't expect any kind of support from him, he thinks controversy is the only way to keep the website alive, so his fake accounts regularly start fights based on God and religion and you will end up putting out those fires most of the time.

    Enough about the despot, the most important thank you here goes out to all of my friends and my fellow mods(purposefully not mentioning names because I have honestly made too many friends!)who have helped me and been there for me through out the 10 months I was here.

    It's not about calling out names and making a drama, it's about running out of gas and feeling that it is the right time to move on. Everything comes to an end. To all my friends, thank you for your kindness and generosity, and today, for your understanding.

    P.S: I am not editing this post, so if you see an edit mark up there its probably admin removing something or adding something like he did here https://chatrooms.talkwithstranger.com/topic/15680/tws-user-block-feature-to-be-introduced-soon
    and started a fight in me and @bunnyy aka meg.

    P.P.S: I am not doing the shit @thegoddess does where she says she will check in every 15 days to read her friends messages, i am changing the password to random crap and never coming back again.

    P.P.P.S: Best of luck guys! hope you don't go insane while you are here!

  • @lucifer Sorry to see you go man!
    Bye! Have a good life ahead!

  • @Lucifer
    Sorry you have to go Lucifer. A lot of what you said I noticed to be true.

    I know we will really miss you and I hope you have an amazing life!

  • Gunna miss you Lucifer!!

  • Freedom Writers

    @lucifer well my opinion on being a mod, is I don't want a job I'm not getting paid for, so I just want to continue being a user. Good luck to you.

  • -deleted-

  • -deleted-

  • YoĆ»ll be missed Lubifer.. :(
    Now depart in style


  • I don't want you to go....I swear to you we will find a way out. Please @Lucifer not you at least :(

  • Music Lovers

    I don't want you to go, I don't think anyone does. But if it's really something that's good for you, then go ahead. Enjoy life off TWS, I'm already missing you :'(ā¤

  • Music Lovers

    @lucifer everyone here had appreciated all that you have done
    You have stuck by my side no matter what. Helped me fight through drama and arguments.
    Its sad to see you go because youre a big reason of why i continue to come back.
    Youre a great person, and I have trusted you with my biggest secrets, you have yet to fail me.

    As for admin, it is hella depressing to know that the same man that created this site is the reason youre leaving.

    Love you Luci, and you better text me on insta or so help me God I will fly to your house and spank you

  • Movie Buff

    @lucifer farewell my bro, go enjoy your life
    and it's sucks I don't get to know you very well often. wish I did tho and take care.


    ILL MISS YOU šŸ˜ŖšŸ˜°šŸ˜„

  • The title is a reference to Dylan Thomas' poem. I get you @Lucifer.

  • sorry you have to leave tws.
    you did a good job as a mod and user here, i know it. if this the final decision then bye šŸ˜Š see you in other life hehe i mean other social media
    hug kpop

  • -deleted-

  • hey there peeps

  • @lucifer Interesting, too much drama here. Though I'm not fake. Anyways, good luck!

  • Music Lovers

    @Lucifer I think you very well understand how hard it is to run a website with so many growing users. We have been very busy lately. We work so hard to keep TWS growing. Btw we are not doing anything intentionally. we forgot to give your privileges to @Global-Moderators , you guys don't know, running a site of 100,000 users is not easy, we have to take care of A LOT OF OTHER THINGS and not just small things like banning stupid users.

    That is why we recruit mods to help us. And yes, it pisses us off when we see a moderator not acting mature and banning a user for small reason, yes we got several complaints about @sup from @Spoofer @YoursBucky @meg and many more users coz he is 14 and immature that is a fact. we don't have any personal grudges again any user of the site! We love all of you!

    This site exists because of you all. and yes MODS ARE SUPPOSED TO FOLLOW RULES.

    Luci, you only mentioned all the negative things on the site, you never mentioned anything positive. We gave you award for the most helpful person, we complimented you multiple times and in front of others. We even used you to help test us new hidden features of TWS before anyone else. @RAGNAR will agree on this and so will all the mods!

    and when we get such a response "hurting the reputation of TWS" which we work so hard to maintain, and when we get such a response from one of the most helpful mod of our site, what more can we expect? And what can you expect from normal spammers and pervert users of TWS? What is the difference between you and them?

    We just lost our faith in you and all our support after reading your this post. We are disappointed.

    Be different, be co-operative and be patient! Good things come to those who wait!

    Anyway, we cannot force anyone to stay with us and we appreciate all the hard work of all the mods including @Willow and she already knows we just forgot to give her privileges back, and WE DIDN'T REMOVE THEM, they REMOVE themselves. And they added themselves back to our group.

    We will welcome @US-poet and @Evan-Elderson to our mods team together with our existing HELPFUL and PASSIONATE mods to help us achieve our long-term aim!
    We would like you to stay with TWS as you were a helpful member of our team, if you don't want to we can't force. it's your decision but you will be missed. for sure!

    Peace out everyone!

    We are humans and we can also make mistakes and we can forget things!

  • I have to back when I see , my name is used in this.
    @talkwithstranger Will U Please elaborate , what I have complain about @sup . I have told you that he has written wrong reason on my banned id signature and posting annoying replies on my post. So , I have told you that ask him to stop doing nonsense things on my Post. Not about unmodding or other thing. And if you are that user friendly that you listen to me then why you don't reply on issue of @spoofer , when I complained you.
    First of all, ban your own fake Ids
