Should I get a knife and kill myself already?

  • @sup said in Should I get a knife and kill myself already?:

    @thestrangest "People who kill themselves have low self-esteem.

    Wrong, not all people who wanna kill themselves have low self esteem 80%(or atleast 60% from what i remember) do it because of mental illness/illnesses

    People with low-esteem are cowards

    Uhm, fuck you! How about that? How so?

    End of story. If you have low esteem you do stupid things like listen to the negatives about yourself. When you do that you feel worthless. When you feel worthless, you try to kill your self. The end."

    People with low self esteem are not cowards, not everyone can be strong enough to zone out the abuse they go through, some people can do nothing but believe the things that have been drilled into their heads since they were little kids from bullies or parents that unfortunately were letting out how they problem felt about themselves to their children, if you get called worthless every day and aren't lucky enough to have an unbreakable will (which no one has) then no wonder you'll believe what people tell you, doesn't mean you're a coward, doesn't mean you're a pussy, it means you're a normal person going through what a normal person would feel like when stuck in a meat grinder

    And I'm not sure why you are quoting this, this came from you, noones stupid enough to say such things

    PS(irrelevant) - weren't you leaving tws ? lol

    Yeah in the past 2 weeks or something i only made 4 posts or some shit, I'm not activeand i do plan do not post anything again

    Btw this comment of yours is stupid in many ways, you dude and the 2 people who upvoted your shitty opinion should rethink everything they stand for

  • @casonthemofo Okay. I tried suiciding twice. Its hard. And fuckin dont even try.
    I care for you my stranger boi๐Ÿ˜‰ โ™กโ™กโ™ก
    Infact the whole 'TWS family' does!
    If you need any help, you may pm me :)
    alt text

  • @thestrangest said in Should I get a knife and kill myself already?:

    @sup uhm.... how about you DON'T call her a coward? Dumbass

    Oh really? 2 downvotes on this, for me pointing out that calling a suicidal person a coward is retarded, here I'm surrounded by a bunch of people with an iq lower than a potato. Of course i decided to leave

  • Music Lovers

    @casonthemofo this shit has made me nauseous every time I scroll past it. Every. Single. Time.
    Because people have somehow managed to twist some of it.
    Ya know you may not have had the confidence to truly say what is going on. And thats okay. But you did something I was never able to do when i attempted suicide. You told someone how you felt.
    You came to a hellhole full of strangers and cried out your thoughts. And that makes you one of the bravest people I know.
    Its okay to feel betrayed, hurt, disgusted, sad . Its okay to want to give up. And there is really nothing I, a stranger, can say, to heal a problem unless you are willing to listen. And i dont know you all that well. But to err one here that was calling you a coward, to every idiot ever that made you feel like shit, just block them out. Because you did it. You posted it.
    When i get really frustrated, typing out my words makes the anxiety, stress, depression, all fall away. But thats just me. Sometimes a rant is good, so Imma leave my messages open for you, message me.
    As for everything else. I attempted suicee six times. Beginning when I was 12. So yes, I do know what the hell Im talking about. And maybe i cant relate to the situation (maybe), but I can certainly relate to emotions. Each and every time I have tried, my grandma would always hold me , and let me speak my mind. And then she would whisper (i wont ever forget) โ€œsometimes a frown is a good rest for the strong smile you exercise to cover the pain withinโ€
    So forget about religion, because screw that today, worry later. Screw everythhig else. Because it all comes down to what bothers you. It all comes down to how strong you are. And maybe you think you arent that strong...but guess made it this far. Hell, Ive made it this far. Trust me, you can do this. You just have to try

    And if you are atheist/ a different religion, idc. Imma pray for you, because thats where I will find my solace, do as you please tho.

  • @RAJ33 nice to see you again mr.romeo. anyways @Pafin don't do it. You don't know how many people (family members, friends etc)love you.

  • @thestrangest You obviously didn't understand what I was trying to say. And what I mean to say is that suicide is the cowardly way out, because even if it takes guts to kill yourself, it takes more courage not to and face life instead of running away from your problems.

    As for religion, you said that if you kill yourself you go to heaven, so I simply corrected that. And when I said that I wouldn't be alive today without my religion, I literally meant that I wouldn't be alive, not that I found some reason to live. I was nearly beaten to death on my way home from school. And I just made it to that parking lot before I collapsed. I thank God every day for my survival.

  • Watch Anime Eyes


    I'm sick of this shit

    Oh here go the regards with their downvote mobs, you might think you're actually helping(which would make you even more retarded) but you're actually downvoting the most constructive comments since me, @girlwhois16 and @Willoww are as far as i know the only people who actually have personal experience with suicide, being suicidal and suicidal people and you and your other 1 or 2 retarded friends that are downvoting our posts don't, so for all i care you and your friend can go fuck yourselves... now let's move on to your uneducated, emotionally originated, irrational, unproductive, infuriating views

    @thestrangest You obviously didn't understand what I was trying to say.

    I disagree

    And what I mean to say is that suicide is the cowardly way out, because even if it takes guts to kill yourself, it takes more courage not to and face life instead of running away from your problems.

    And i disagree with that idea, "a person who is contemptibly lacking in the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things." Is the definition of a coward, here the point is, when you are in a suicidal state of mind, there is no "enduring" unpleasant(painful) situations, there is just being in them, enduring means that there will be an end, when you are in that state of mind you see no end in sight, you see stuff either staying the same, going worse or get better but significantly, you can't just call a suicidal person a coward, it disregards any effort they put in to push through(which in most cases is immense because they literally have their life and sanity on the line), that is insensitive and shows complete blindness to what it really means to be in that state of mind.

    suicide( euthanasia too) is in many ways a right that every person should have, neither people or even your loved ones should have the power to force you to stay alive if your suffering is scientifically proven to be unlikely to end. Instead of calling a suicidal person a fucking coward why don't you try to actually tell them to see a therapist, show them that they might just need to lower their expectations, your ideas are ideologically equal to shaming a suicide victim on their death bed for what future pain they'll cause for their loved ones completely ignoring the pain THEY had to have been going through to take their own life, fuckin' pathetic.

    As for religion, you said that if you kill yourself you go to heaven

    No i said there is no heaven nor hell and if you kill yourself you go back to how it felt like before you were born, absolutely nothing cuz you didn't exist then and you won't exist after

    so I simply corrected that

    You didn't say anything that is correct metaphorically, logically nor scientifically

    And when I said that I wouldn't be alive today without my religion, I literally meant that I wouldn't be alive

    And i literally meant what i said, great for you to find a reason to live in nonsense instead of reality, how lovely and useful it is to want to be dead to go to an imaginary heaven but not being allowed by the made up rules to kill yourself to get there instead of finding meaning in this life BECAUSE there's probably nothing after and this being the only chance you get

    not that I found some reason to live

    โ—__โ— what?

    I was nearly beaten to death on my way home from school. And I just made it to that parking lot before I collapsed. I thank God every day for my survival.

    So you think that an invisible sky daddy is the reason you survived a NEARLY fatal accident. What does nearly fatal mean? NOT fatal, you wouldn't have died anyways if it was nearly fatal, when someone is close to death but lives it's your invisible sky daddy but when someone is completely healthy and dies what is it? Also your invisible sky daddy? Get the fuck out of here with that stupid shit

    When you have 0 experience with a topic like suicide other than bullshit from your ancient books written by superstitious desert people and have nothing to add from today's technological and scientific research don't say shit. In many ways you're being destructive while trying to do the opposite, an example is that praying especially in big amounts for somebody has been shown to actually negatively impact their healing and progress because of performance anxiety

  • @thestrangest I do have experience with suicide. I tried to kill myself when I was 10. And I would have succeeded if it hadn't been for my older brother.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @kyra-white oh great and you think that if people called you a coward for it, then that be good?

  • @kyra-white btw sorry dude i just found lots of grammatical and spelling errors i made writting fast and angry, i think i fixed everything now if you didn't understand something

  • @thestrangest I definitely think that I was a coward at the time.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @kyra-white and do you think people calling you a coward for it then or now is GOOD, do you think it is helpful, would it have helped you? I'm pretty sure it wouldn't but hey to each's own, i like being called weak even if it isn't true when i know the other person believes i can improve myself and is trying to provide constructive criticism but i wouldn't like that from strangers in the internet if confessing that i feel like shit and want to give up

    "I feel like shit, I want to kill myself"

    Random person i don't know:
    "Huh, COWARD"

  • @thestrangest It would have been better than the typical "don't do it".

  • @thestrangest By the way, do you have any personal experience with suicide? (have you ever tried killing yourself?)

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @kyra-white a "don't do it" from a person you love is a lot more useful than a "you're a coward" from a stranger or a person you dislike, now I'm sure that if you say so a "you're a coward" from a person close to you would've been helpful but the point is, it depends on the person saying it and i definitely don't think the guy calling the girl a coward knew enough to assume that such a statement wouldn't just be received as hurtful and derogatory since this was this girl's first post

  • @thestrangest Umm... Did you just call me a guy?

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @kyra-white said in Should I get a knife and kill myself already?:

    @thestrangest By the way, do you have any personal experience with suicide? (have you ever tried killing yourself?)

    Once, I've also been suicidal for a long time. Gotta sleep bye

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @kyra-white said in Should I get a knife and kill myself already?:

    @thestrangest Umm... Did you just call me a guy?

    I was talking about sup since he's the one that said she's a coward first. I don't know what gender you are tho

  • @kyra-white got to go

  • @thestrangest ok, bye.
