• Ultralight Beam, covered Harry Styles (Available on Youtube) (originally sung by Kanye West)
    • Hard Times by Paramore
    • Natalie by Bruno Mars
    • KIWI by Harry Styles (Fuck it. I love him.)
    • Nights in White Satin by The Moody Blues

    Any favorite lyrics? (from the aforementioned songs)

  • Why does Harry Styles make better covers than orignals???

  • @lucifer_ The world is still trying to figure out the same thing.

  • @girlwhois16
    Ultralight Beam - chill laid back and smooth, good for kinda lounging around.

    Hard Times - I love paramore, and this is one of my favorite songs by them, and it's a new one. So upbeat and puts me in a good mood.

    Natalie - Bruno Mars has ceased to make something I don't like, and this continues to be up there. It's got a good beat and is so smooth as usual and you can feel his emotions.

    Kiwi - I've never heard Harry before, and I'm glad you introduced him, this has a very rock tone, and I dig this type of music. Upbeat and knows what it wants to do, and that's fill you with kick ass vibes. Paints perfect pictures with the lyrics too.

    Nights in White Satin - A classic of course. Always good to have these in the mix. Always fills you full of wonder, and that old cracky sound always makes me feel nostalgic. Thanks for posting it up as a reminder.

  • @us-poet Hey :-)
    Thank you so much for listening to all these songs and for liking all of them too. I feel so proud of myself😂😂.

  • @girlwhois16 I like everything you post, and give everything the attention it deserves.

  • @us-poet Thank you so much. It means a lot, really :-)
