• @willoww ttyl ttyl

  • Yo my family believes in hinduism.
    But i don't want to belong to any religion.
    I've been always believing in humanity and so i belong to this religion called Humanity.

  • Islam is my religion

  • @willoww I'm Hindu and i believe in Hinduism as well as Humanity. We are the people who separated ourselves in the name of religion, caste, sub caste blah blah blah...But still i treat everyone in the same way!!

  • @sammy whoa! I love your gif !! ✌🏻️✌🏻️

  • @football_m29 oh yes! I've seen in some video about this, like people from different countries they come and they'll give their own sample saliva to the researcher and they'll test that saliva and they'll tell them that they are biochemically similar i guess!!!

  • Well that's pretty dumb. World has always been seperated by religion and always will be. And believe me, you can't ignore it. Admit it or not but everyone has a preference for a particular religion. Consider this :" Every Muslim is not a terrorist, right? But harsh fact, Almost every terrorist is a Muslim."

  • I'm a Christian.

  • @black_beetle exactly we all the same regardless of race,religion ect...

  • @black_beetle There is one video where they collected a group of people and then their DNA's were tested. Some of them even found common ancestry despite of living in different countries.

  • @football_m29 Exactly!
    The only 1% people who are different are the ones who use 'their' and 'there' in the wrong places.

  • I didn't know you were a catholic. I used to think you identified yourself as a caprisunian.

    alt text

  • I am muslim and i believe in humanity. Those mofos need to be jailed. The world cant be treated like that.
    Cuz we are one!
    alt text

  • My religion is something which would make me different from any one else on this site... I think probably I am the only one of this religion and that's "Jain" Caste but yeah Strength lies in unity so u can count me in Hindus.

  • @willoww I do not have any religion, do not believe that god exists and think all religion is cancer.

    god is not great, religion poisons everything.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @sammy said in What religion are you?:

    Yo my family believes in hinduism.
    But i don't want to belong to any religion.
    I've been always believing in humanity and so i belong to this religion called Humanity.

    NO. That's not belonging to a RELIGION called humanity. That's called not having a religion, being a humanist and belonging to the school of thought called humanism. If you wanna believe something at least know what it's called. There are many people who identify as humanists and knowing the name of what you believe in might help you find some

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    Jainism is significantly more peaceful than Islam which is generally violent. A comparison between the 2 is good evidence that not all religion is the same and that different religions result in different people

    Edit: sorry I corrected the repetition error if any of you read it

  • @thestrangest well arent you just a ray of sunshine. peace

  • @willoww thank you