• @nykate2490 my last point. Vietnam lasted 19 yrs! think about that. and all that time we had the hippies and kids holding flowers, and praying for PEACE. intentions were good. what was the problem? they were not the ones in power! the politicians were! jimi hendrix said this once : When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. good luck with that

  • @mikeJB i appreciate the good luck very much! Also thank you for that quote! I find them enlightening and they add to my motivation. Im sure you know this one then!

    Imagine there's no countries
    It isn't hard to do
    Nothing to kill or die for
    And no religion, too
    Imagine all the people
    Living life in peace
    You, you may say I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope someday you will join us
    And the world will be as one
    Imagine no possessions
    I wonder if you can
    No need for greed or hunger
    A brotherhood of man
    Imagine all the people
    Sharing all the world
    You, you may say I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope someday you will join us
    And the world will live as one

    I refuse to believe there's nothing that can be done. Money doesn't run the world, the people do. And nothing can stand in the way of a people united. "A group of well informed people will make the best most logical decisions".

  • @nykate2490 your living in a Utopia with those words. i am grounded in REALITY. but i will say, my heart is all for you and your like. one of my heroes is Greta Thunberg :) goodnite

  • @mikeJB ahhh but do you know einstein? "reality is just an illusion, although a very persistent one". I understand you being skeptical, most people are. But i appreciate that, and thank you for your time, it is much appreciated! I hope you have a wonderful evening sir! :)

  • @nykate2490
    it might be possible to achieve world peace in theory, but i don't really see how.

    i mean, should we disarm every single nation/organization/individual by force? who would be permitted to carry out such of a major operation?
    or should we establish a totalitarian global regime that would use draconian measures to keep people from fighting each other? would we want to live under such of a regime?
    would world peace also extend to oppressed minority groups? should we tell the people in hong kong to stop struggling against the chinese government because they're breaking the principles of world peace? or the rohingyas in myanmar? or the kurds in syria?

    it's not wrong to be idealistic, i just don't think that world peace is possible. the way i see it, it would take a major cataclysmic event to unite all of humanity into a single peaceful unit. something like a global pandemic, a nuclear apocalypse or an alien invasion.

  • @nykate2490 Philosophy contributes to the maturation of ideas and ideals. I hope it will be an opportunity to reinforce positive and selfless thoughts in this world where ego and materialism predominate and increase the risk of depression and suicide.
    For a better perspective of life and hope.

  • I would like to believe in a higher power that created everything, but I believe since we can't possibly know the answer people believe it has to be the work of God to help us rationalize an answer. What about the other 200+ gods over around 80 different religions throughout human history? Maybe ancient civilizations were visited by beings that came from the sky, A higher power if you will. Is it really that impossible that over billions of years earth settled in just the right orbit of our sun to began to produce life? We can theorize all day and don't want to right a book so maybe one day we will figure out the answer. One thing is certain though we're here, we're alive so I believe our purpose is to live life.

  • This post is deleted!

  • I believe there is no reason why we should be living on earth in the first place, what did we do to deserve this right? Look at how we are treating others, nature and most important ourselves.
    I believe we are running out of time, not nessecairily because of global warming, but the earth is moving further away from the sun. Also, the sun, Our sun, will eventually dissapear and so will we when it happens.
    It's not an infinite amount of energy.

  • Politicians : dumbest people on earth

  • @nykate2490 I believe that the world operates on the principles of Might Makes Right.

    Throughout history, only the strongest societies have succeeded, while the weak have failed and perished. Ancient Rome was built on the backs of thousands of enslaved barbarian tribes, the Mongolian Empire nourished itself on the blood of millions of Asians and the British Empire was founded through the subjugation of much of the Third World. This is all pure history, these facts cannot be questioned.

    This has lead me to conclude that only the strongest survive, which is why it is my firm belief that in order to succeed in life, one has to acquire strength. Power is the only thing people respect, it gives you the right to forge your own path in life.

    Furthermore, I agree with @sarah_the_magpie's thesis. World peace is impossible, as the strong will always clash with each other in order to become even stronger. The weak will always be exploited, until they either become strong by their own right or perish.

  • @Silhouette i like what the bible says "the meek shall inherit the earth". you can have your power. and you will die with it as well. might be the only thing keeping you company

  • Yeah Survival of the fittest has worked countless times. Ironically if people realized that it's not the only way world peace could be possible.


    @mikeJB The Bible is accurate. The meek shall inherit the Earth.

    However, it would be wise not to confuse meekness with humility or servility.

    Meekness is about knowing your limits, knowing what you're capable of and purposefully seeking out ways to channel your spiritual strength into creativity and goodwill.

    Timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power, love, and self-control."

  • @Silhouette meek=humble

  • @Silhouette
    you sound like a fascist, not gonna lie

  • @sarah_the_magpie I mean many of the things you've listed have been known to have bad results. I forget you said this but "peace cannot be kept by force, it must be achieved through understanding". I believe that i would take something that has never been thought of before. A genius idea that somehow makes the truths of life easy for hard headed humans to understand, if that makes sense. The reason i feel so strongly that there HAS to be a way to get humanity living the way it was meant to. Numerous noteable genius philosophers have said things hinting, to sum it up, that most humans have been taught to favor their human or emotional side of them which never ends up good. "never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups". I feel like the solution to the problem will include a step by step process/plan, that will not be able to be completely achieved in our life times. However people today can plant the seed knowing that someday future generations will be able to enjoy the shade. So many people jump so quickly to saying its impossible, and then continue bashing me until I eventually surrender to their need to be right. Until i realized like what the fuck lol, why are you putting down a person whos only goal is to try and make the world a better place for everyone? So intelligent right? i feel like the intelligent human would embrace me, maybe not believing its possible, but humoring me anyways as to keep me optimistic? Anyways, I have been thinking lately that the first step in this process would be to come up with a plan to enlighten people that their own brains have them fooled into thinking they are doing things the right way, when its all just a very persistent illusion for them. Imagine with me for one second, if every single person on the planet this second, had an epiphany that peace was the answer because really it is lol no matter what you say, the only thing in our way of true peace is us. Stupid ignorant human beings. #unitehumanity! lol

    "knowing your true self is the beginning of all knowledge" - Aristotle
    " a Problem is not exactly the problem, it is the other side of the opportunity. The problem cannot be solved at the same level of thinking when it was created. A new level of thinking is required to solve any problem. ... Means new information can change our way of thinking about the situation.

    "without deviation from the norm, change is simply not possible"
    "man is the only creature that refuses to be what it is"
    "life is really simple, humans insist on making it complicated"

    "How Wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world!"

    Thank you for reading if you did read the whole thing, As always i really appreciate your feed back and again you made some very valid points. One thing I will say is that why would we have to disarm anybody? In the land of world peace i feel like their would be no possibility of any human harming another, we will have finally learned thats just not how you act :p the way i see it is the world now is a world of adult children and (behavior wise), and post world peace a world of mature adults . Have a wonderful day!

  • @B3r1n Thank you for your views, lets make common sense common again!

  • @Gid all i will say is that information is all irrelevant when it comes to solving my world peace equation. Weather there is a supreme being or not, clearly hes not coming to our rescue, its time to all act like mature adults and treat each other with decency. We dont have to agree on where we came from, but i believe it IS safe to say we ALL came from the same place. The secret to this place is to find a way to unite earth, in a real way. Not by force.

  • @Antho_vn I honest believe we ALL had to come here to learn a lesson. Personally the lesson i am taking with me when i leave here is that, contrary to the desire for individualism, its about being together and helping each other. BUT FOR REAL I CANNOT WAIT TO GO BACK HOME!