• @sarah_the_magpie Stop posting memes, this is a serious discussion.

    Typical female behavior. Hogging attention instead of contributing anything meaningful to the conversation.

  • @Silhouette you really are an idiot of the highest order. Making rude and personal attacks in people who disagree with you? Who's weak? I'm thinking you are, certainly very thin skinned not to mention sexist, obnoxious and just plain ridiculous

  • @Devil-Tag _'movie' Watchmen? It was first and foremost a comic -- and if you've never read it, I envy you, m8, because it's the F business:


  • @Thales_BG I hadn't heard of Zoroastrianism before, thanks for sharing the glimpse man 😋

  • @Silhouette, you need to chill a bit dude... like... you are from poland, right? where was Jesus when them nazis and soon after them atheist Soviets fucking demolished your fucking country? christ been fighting christ for 500 years now and there is always one side being slaughtered... I mean... christianity has a serious case of split personality in which one side is a weak and pathetic religious sect... then it changes depending on which country is backing which sect... I mean... you should take your eyes out the bible for a bit and look around you. Stop being a hateful incel idiot and learn a bit before spreading stupidity around. we have enough stupidity coming from other religious fanatics... dont embarrass yourself AND your god by doing the same low level, borderline medieval, highly hypocritical and anachronic discourse as a fucking Jihadist, which, by the way, doesnt even have the whole "protestast reform" and "enlightenment" situation going on yet... so believe it or not, they are a little less guilty of being a dumb piece of shit.

  • @sarah_the_magpie, this is a fine example of the "Strong opinionated douche boss" I was talking about before... PRIME EXAMPLE! Also, I know you are a busy person... but could you PLEASE meme us into oblivion whenever you find the time?
    If you have some christian memes, please, PLEASE fill this post with them.

  • @Silhouette also... it is pretty sad you are so crude in your discourse... your profile is pretty interesting beside the fact that you are kinda blinded by political brain washing and religious zeal. I would love talking with you about how fucking awesome Opeth and Tool are, but something tell me you didnt get their message AT ALL! hopefully you will get it one day. and Hopefully not when your faith fucking dies like it tends to once you care about truth and facts.

  • @Thales_BG said in A glimpse into an ancient religion almost forgotten.:

    Nice short video. Like.

    At the end he says that Zoroastrianists are the most influencial religious group. Aparently he's not aware of the jews :joy:. Did you know that the relatively most represented group among nobel-price winners are jews?

  • @Silhouette said in A glimpse into an ancient religion almost forgotten.:

    @sarah_the_magpie Stop posting memes, this is a serious discussion.

    Typical female behavior. Hogging attention instead of contributing anything meaningful to the conversation.

    Oh come on, don't be a party pooper. I find a bit of fun in the middle of a serious conversation refreshing.

  • @Indrid-Cold said in A glimpse into an ancient religion almost forgotten.:

    @Devil-Tag _'movie' Watchmen? It was first and foremost a comic -- and if you've never read it, I envy you, m8, because it's the F business:


    Well the movie is certainly good! Well rounded screenplay. Maybe one of those instances of a movie being better and deeper than what it's based on?

  • @Silhouette said in A glimpse into an ancient religion almost forgotten.:

    @Devil-Tag False. You're wrong, it is a weak religion. You people can downvote me all you want, it won't change the fact.

    When the Arabs invaded Persia, where was their God? Why didn't the believers receive any help?

    Fact: true faith means nothing when your God is uncaring or weak.

    Look, christian religion is by definition weak. Christ died on the cross. Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world. In fact as a christian you should praise your weakness, for in your weakness God is strong. Where is God? Always to be found on the cross, where people are suffering, He is. He is with them. He is with the weak. Always.

    For God is Love, and through Love He is convincing people to follow Him. He will always do it like this, always with a subtle voice. He did not come as the messiah to rule all the world by force. He always speaks subtly and waits for people to listen.

    For Love wants to be loved. He wants a free-willed decision, not a forced decision. He wants trust, he does not prove his power. And he doesn't like the proud and those who desire power and victory.

    His cup of justice might brim over however, letting the evil we commit fall back on us instead of keeping it away. But that does not change the fact that the only meaningful relationship with Him will be built on gentleness, trust and love, not on strength and power.

  • @pe7erpark3r Nicely put. Nowdays we have the Oxymoronic "Warrior of christ" type of individual. Talk about not getting the memo about being gentle and humble.

    "Blessed are the meek:
    for they shall inherit the earth." MT 5:5

  • @pe7erpark3r No way, pal. Alan Moore is the Ju-Ju master, where you can read it backwards, upsidedown and you still get hidden stuff ala The Shining. And Dave Gibbons is such a cool artist. Precise, shrunk-down art that's Cinebook quality? U got it. Not a standard colour palette? Not a problem. BELIEVE THE HYPE.


    @Scottish Fair enough, I see your point. I may have come across as excessively rude. I'm honest in my speech, I do not sugar-coat my opinions to make them palatable to the general public.

    @sarah_the_magpie I apologize.

    @Thales_BG Do not talk about things you do not know about. My country was slaughtered for most of the 20th century, yet we persevered. Both Stalin and Hitler wanted to make my people history and put them into extermination camps like cattle, and yet we're still here. Why?
    Because God was watching over us and gave us strength to survive whatever calamities the godless despots tried to impose upon us. Faith saved us, and it will bring salvation to everyone who puts their trust in Him.

    I am not a "hateful incel idiot" nor a "fucking Jihadist" as you so lovingly called me, I'm simply a traditional man with conservative views. Am I not allowed to have my beliefs simply because you find them inconvenient?
    I don't hate women and I don't harbor any ill will towards irreligious people. I simply can't stand vapidity, stupidity, and degeneracy. I WILL call out these characteristics whenever I see them.
    But I yield to your point and admit that I was wrong to accuse Sarah of being vapid. Her post history suggest a level of intelligence I was not aware of beforehand.

    Last but not least: I agree, Opeth and Tool are fucking awesome.

    @pe7erpark3r Interesting thoughts. I'm highly aware of my weaknesses and I praise them. I derive strength from knowing what they are.

    The way I see it, God is with the weak in order to show them the way towards acquiring inner spiritual strength through faith in Him. But your interpretation is also correct. It is true that you cannot force someone to accept Christ as their Lord without their previous consent, and it would be immoral to do so. Love can never be forced.

    I am interested in gaining power and victory in my personal life, but only in the name of God. I always subordinate my earthly desires to the teachings of the Bible. I may be excessively prideful, but none of us are perfect.

  • @Silhouette I am well aware of the terror both Stalin and Hitler brought upon your people. Religion and God didn't do anything to stop them both. Don't misplace your trust dude. God and faith may have brought resilience to your people, that I would agree, but if it were for this God you call strong, stallin and Hitler would have done their evil deeds way longer then they did (Hitler was Catholic after all and the pope authorized and even blessed his maniacal quest). Glad you admitted you were rude and unnecessarily aggressive towards Sarah. Also, I never said you couldn't share your strong, harsh opinions about this topic, and I don't find it inconvenient, but I think since you were so harsh about it and didn't sugar coated your hateful speech, I thought about giving you a small dose of your own medicine. Unsweetened trollish reply. Full force. Br huehue style with some extra class.

    PS: my favorite song by Tool would probably be laterallus (not for the whole fibonnacci stuff but the message) and from opeth I would have to say I think the whole Deliverance album would be my pick.

  • @Indrid-Cold said in A glimpse into an ancient religion almost forgotten.:

    @pe7erpark3r No way, pal. Alan Moore is the Ju-Ju master, where you can read it backwards, upsidedown and you still get hidden stuff ala The Shining. And Dave Gibbons is such a cool artist. Precise, shrunk-down art that's Cinebook quality? U got it. Not a standard colour palette? Not a problem. BELIEVE THE HYPE.

    Good to know. Now I feel tempted to read a comic again, dang :joy:

  • @Thales_BG said in A glimpse into an ancient religion almost forgotten.:

    Hitler was Catholic after all and the pope authorized and even blessed his maniacal quest

    The pope did not authorize or bless the quest. He should have said more than he did. But literally nobody thought, that Hitler would actually go that far. I mean the brits and the americans both knew of his manical hatred and his ideas and even the concentration camps and did not try to end him. They thought he wasn't that dangerous on the one side, and they did not want to heaten up the situation on the other. Stupid in hindsight yeah...

    Hitler was catholic on paper... In truth he was an occultist. He collected relics thinking they would bring him power. But that has literally nothing to do with the christian faith. I mean the guy killed thousands of catholics :shrug:, there are quite a few catholic saints that died in concentration camps. You might want to get your history straight: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_persecution_of_the_Catholic_Church_in_Germany

  • @pe7erpark3r I retract my words on that topic, seems like I was mistaken. Although my belief that saying that "God" and "Christ" did anything to resolve that situation is just being somewhat blind to the reality hasn't changed. some good christians helped, some bad christians made things worst. That's how it goes. And that whole "Christian on paper" thing is a very good tool to avoid linking religiousity into world problems... let's try that next time a Muslim terrorist do some shit... He was muslim "on Paper"... I mean, we really need to see things as they are, not as they should be.

  • @Thales_BG said in A glimpse into an ancient religion almost forgotten.:

    @pe7erpark3r I retract my words on that topic, seems like I was mistaken. Although my belief that saying that "God" and "Christ" did anything to resolve that situation is just being somewhat blind to the reality hasn't changed. some good christians helped, some bad christians made things worst. That's how it goes.

    Yap. Too many bad christians out there :sweat_smile:

    And that whole "Christian on paper" thing is a very good tool to avoid linking religiousity into world problems... let's try that next time a Muslim terrorist do some shit... He was muslim "on Paper"... I mean, we really need to see things as they are, not as they should be.

    I think we should always differentiate.

    I can show clearly that Hitler was not following christian morality, nor did he go to church every sunday... Most of the things he did contradicted the christian faith. I mean the catholic church even makes it really easy to define what a catholic is: you are catholic if you believe a certain list of things, and act accordingly. Hitler did neither.

    Let's take the muslim terrorist. Imagine the newspaper headline: muslim terrorist bombs newspaper. Seems clear right? However there certainly are enough newspaper outlets today who would use this exact headline, when the guy in fact was fired by the newspaper because his new boss was a Nazi... But yeah, if a muslim terrorist is motivated by fundamentalistic doctrine, which definitely is the most common thing, you are absolutely right. We should be clear and honest about such things.

  • @Silhouette fair enough to you to silhouette, it takes courage to admit when you are wrong