• Freedom Writers

    We were born minutes from the other,
    the greatest gift to uncover,
    is a best friend to have forever,
    in the form of my baby brother.
    Growing up everything was so typical,
    with my bro having my back made life a little more special,
    with the times of joyous jubilation,
    or the boring monotony that's less than stimulating,
    but best of all he's there for those sad moments that seem so despairing.
    Doing our normal routine that kept us in sync,
    the path that's been paved hitting those normal beats,
    our family decided we'd take a trip to somewhere new,
    but this decision is what led our normal path astrew.
    Driving to our destination,
    my dad didn't see the ice on the road in that direction,
    and in one instant my life had changed,
    my dad was gone and my mother was maimed,
    my brother survived with some breaks and scrapes,
    then we found out about a heart defect that changed his fate.
    In a coma my mother lay for the next year,
    we were soon giving up and it was driving me to tears,
    and right before we gave up she came out of her slumber,
    but then that's when my brother discovered,
    that he only had a few days to live,
    I didn't know what to do and I would give,
    anything to prevent what I knew would happen,
    I couldn't think straight as I couldn't have fathomed,
    that the day I'd get my mother back,
    would be the day I learned my heart would be torn in half.

  • @us-poet you are broken heart huh? 😱

  • @g-a I'm an artist, nothing more, nothing less.

  • @us-poet

    Aww i see. So it is just a poem 😏
    Cool man. I love it.
    Glad to see ya around after your lurking 😄

  • @us-poet


    HES BACK!!!!

  • Good to see you’re back to making poems poet, it’s been quite a while