• @vampire_queen Hi! No offense taken. We know there would people who would ask questions. 😊

    We are not saying the she can be better to all moderators because we know moderators have experience already and you guys can guide her to be a better Moderator. That's why we are campaigning for her so people would know about her. She's not popular user who has more than 10k reputations but her number is fast growing. I know numbers dont equates being a mod or her real reputation as a person actually. 😊

    You may start keeping an eye on her and see for yourself. 😊

    I know people would think we are being subjective but we are more objective about this. We've seen her and I hope people would start to see what we see in her.

    I would want to write the qualifications that she has but I think @bela would want to say her piece. 😊

    She knows what we are doing actually before I posted. 😂

    Thanks 😊

    Okay. Going to take a break. yaaaaawns

    Good night! Or is it good morning? 😂

  • @evan-elderson said in CAMPAIGNING BELA FOR MODERATOR:

    @sunshinef said in CAMPAIGNING BELA FOR MODERATOR:

    @evan-elderson yes. You are so right about it**. It'll be hard and sometimes a person get confused too.. Thats why there are other moderators to help each other.. I think if a Moderators can't handle things, they can ask for advise from other mods or the admin.

    In a perfect world, all the mods work together and everyone gets along but.... I know Bela pretty well, she has my support but she needs win the other mods on her own.

    It is currently 0427 hours her time. She can speak for herself and I'm sure she will answer all questions and replies when she wakes up. We are simply just friends campaigning for her, that is all.

  • -deleted-

  • @vampire_queen said in CAMPAIGNING BELA FOR MODERATOR:

    Also another thing to mention that I forgot before. What makes her stand out? What makes her better then all of the other people who are in the admins pms about wanting to be a mod? And why isn’t she here answering my questions rather then some of her friends? As I said before I do not want to offend but is seems that you guys are putting more effort for her becoming a mod then she is herself. Now I see what you guys are saying. I see that you find your friend as being a good mod. But you also have to consider it from us mods perspective. We have lots of people who want to become one so we have to take a lot into consideration and I apologize if you take offense but we have to take time to notice things about HER and not things that others say about her. If I notice that she stands out of the crowd personally instead of her friends raising her up then I might consider it more but I would like to see how she is instead of others opinions. Now I apologize again if I offend anyone but I would like you guys to notice my opinions as much as I notice yours.

    Dang, this Malachi Girlfriend is a smart ass 😏 you should be proud to have her @Captain-America

  • -deleted-


    @g-a Well, there can be many, many reasons for that. She might've been having a bad day. She was trying to prove her point, but she didn't say it in the best way possible. I don't really know her that well but I still vote @Bela as a mod.

    Grandma, remember, we as the users did not want the excuses for EVERY FAULTS, REASONS EVEN THE FAILURES EVEN ALL ODD MODS DRAMA AND VICE VERSA of Mods. We as users see everything as it is. You do something wrong, you failed as a mod. You do good things, it should be because you are a mod.
    So? I am not sorry ya, i cant say it is because she is on her period, she is in bad situations, she is on her bla bla bla words, coz YOU ARE THE MODS, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS

  • @evan-elderson said in CAMPAIGNING BELA FOR MODERATOR:


    @evan-elderson you should thanks to your lovely daughter for every lessons she acknowledge me ;)

    I shall indeed... but in seriousness you are right being mod is not fun and games. And even mods with leadership experience falter and make mistakes when dealing with people... like I did with you and the Judith. Been unbiased is not easy sometimes when you are friends with one of the afflicted party.

    This story brought a huge pain about @ObviouslyLucifer in the past argh 😭 i am done speaking sir. Sorry :)



    @g-a Well, there can be many, many reasons for that. She might've been having a bad day. She was trying to prove her point, but she didn't say it in the best way possible. I don't really know her that well but I still vote @Bela as a mod.

    Grandma, remember, we as the users did not want the excuses for EVERY FAULTS, REASONS EVEN THE FAILURES EVEN ALL ODD MODS DRAMA AND VICE VERSA of Mods. We as users see everything as it is. You do something wrong, you failed as a mod. You do good things, it should be because you are a mod.
    So? I am not sorry ya, i cant say it is because she is on her period, she is in bad situations, she is on her bla bla bla words, coz YOU ARE THE MODS, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS

    Well said and very true @G-A . But she does not take petty comments or drama personally. You do seem rather worried over this though. Is there some personal issue you have with us campaigning for her? I think everything is good to go, go to good, no worries. :) Are there any other issues you would have with this? Please feel free to share.

  • @sunshinef said in CAMPAIGNING BELA FOR MODERATOR:

    @g-a Hi G.A! Thank you for your reply. I really do appreciate it and I can see how you care for @Bela and for TWS community. 😊

    So here's my reply. 😊

    Bela knows the responsibilities and you might not know that Bela is one alot of a hell STRONG WOMAN. She can handle pressure and still act professionally.
    She works in the Media and her role and responsibilities are very demanding. The media that she's working at is the biggest network in the Philippines. She is very independent, mature, and she knows her way around and if she doesn't? She'll ask and learn.

    Well, this is not cool me against a girl but i am gonna see how this things works.

    1. Who da hell said she is not strong woman? 😂 I said, Will she take it personally if someone gonna hate her or she have many haters here? it is irrelevant.
    2. Handle pressure and act professionally also mature and work in the Media? Pffftt. By harassing my works as a teacher in that time? By saying that i supposed to be a good teacher even i am in this HELLA ALMIGHTY TWS? By disappearing in that time and coming back saying an apology after she figured out i have many friends here in DM? Look, she cant even say something good. If she does not like something, if she feels offended, why she should harass someone else publicly? If my girl @alive_wtfjudith did not calm me down in that time, i might escalate that stuff to @ODIN to find what kind of things should she get. Dont create another story by telling it on how good she is on her works or guns. This is HELLA ALMOGHTY TWS NOT YOUR OFFICE, NOT YOUR REAL LIFE girl. Since that day, the comments, i know what kind of person she is, all things revealed up and i am not sorry to publish this matters since i doubt she even changed.

    She knows most of the drama going on, I tell you that. (Maybe all? Lol)

    What for? No need. She just watched and kept assuming something. So? Is it valuable for me to read a long ass post topic about it?

    G. A. She is calm and collected. I've witnessed that already especially when there were people that really really challenging. She stands on her own feet.

    Re-read how she harassed my works :)

    As I've said on my post.. She's not going to take it personally for she acts professionally.

    Pfftt. She is not going to take it personally? literally laugh for this jokes smh

    She listen. She would PM and try to help. You may not know something going on around here, but there are people who ask for her help and she doesn't hesitate. She helped someone from global who needed help and she was not that active here at that time. She doesn't surprised me for her kindness to be honest.

    Well, if you said about how she acts to be a kind, generosity and honest, SO IT IS ONLY HER, ALL PEOPLE IN HERE IS NOT A HUMAN KIND LIKE THAT? Okay. Nodding.

    @g.A she is very willing. You may not know, she already posted on TWS an intention to be a Moderator before I posted this topic. I know Bela so don't cha worry 😉 I'm not pressuring her.. 😂
    See the link. 😊

    I just saw it.

    I believe she deserves to be a Moderator. Oh and people can approach her easily. 😊 She's sweet and also strong. 😊

    PFFTT. We already have sweet and strong mods here. @sup @obviouslylucifer @evan-elderson @alive-wtfjudith and @willow so? Just sweet and strong? Lol.

    It's your decision if you think she deserves or not to be a Moderator. It's your prerogative. No one is pressuring everybody. 😊

    Thanks again! 😊

    You are welcome 😏

    @alive_wtfjudith Babe, if you are waking up and seeing this post, say a word later.

  • @morf i want her to send me a letter of apology in 5.000 words how about her mistakes (at least in 2000 words), what she should act as a mod and why we should vote for her. Hence, everybody will notice it and i promise i will support her.


    @morf i want her to send me a letter of apology in 5.000 words how about her mistakes (at least in 2000 words), what she should act as a mod and why we should vote for her. Hence, everybody will notice it and i promise i will support her.

    Shouldn't a letter of her qualities as a moderator be sent to official staff? Such as the admin or a moderator?

    @G-A I understand if you have personal issues and drama with or against her, but I would suggest the best thing would be to wait a few hours so she can address you herself. Thank you for the comments and concerns. :)

  • @morf no no, A PUBLIC APOLOGY LETTER or should i say it in German?

    Look, @Global-Moderators this public relation officer moreover irresponsible for this stuff by saying that it is my personal hard feeling 😏

    smh, how irresponsible human being

    I am waiting those letter on next 3 days.
    @ODIN dude, you and i gonna have a talk about this stuff. Remember the time when i said "we cant do harassment publicly or cyber bullies?" i will bring this case to you and discuss further things to AVOID SOMEONE SAID HARASSMENT IN VERY SMOOTH WAY :)

    Many thanks
    Kind Regards

    Aput Zulhamsyah

  • @sunshinef
    I want Bela to be a mod because
    alt text

  • @sunshinef oooh YAS YAS YASSSS, she has my support all the way :smile: #VOTING4BELA

  • TWS, Goodmorning World..Maganda Umaga (fil),god morgon (swed)
    Personally, I Already did my part messaging that I LIKE and LOVE to be a Mod,and its not just a WANT my reason is I Am READY..

    I am ready means it is my personal decision first before others. I am ready means to handle fair judgement for bashers,supporters and Tws people..I am ready to the highs and lows of TWS ..I am ready means I am aware of my decision making,and its impact..I am ready to take challenge,to take responsibility and willing to learn from others..

    I know respectful mods and Sir admin will still have deliberation first before taking their stand and make final decision..

    Bela is Bela what u see,is what u get whether it be in TWS or in real..I have my self proclaim I Am Ready and words can bring me down..

    Mod or not a mod it wont change me I am still Bela and I believe I am an assest..

  • -deleted-

  • @bela so everything is ready, except the cookies :neutral_face:

  • Gamers


  • @evan-elderson Thank u so much nate.👍

  • @pugopilis said in CAMPAIGNING BELA FOR MODERATOR:


    ^ my life story lmao 😂