• @thestrangest When did science begin and can you give me examples of atheists before science?

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @jacob55 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest When did science begin and can you give me examples of atheists before science?

    We can say that people have been thinking scientifically since the foundation of philosophy(since philosophy gave birth to all sciences) as we know it with Plato(publishing works of Socrates and his own stuff bla bla bla) but the 1st recorded atheist is even before that, "Diagoras "the Atheist" of Melos (Greek: Διαγόρας ὁ Μήλιος) was a Greek poet and sophist of the 5th century BC. Throughout antiquity, he was regarded as an atheist, but very little is known for certain about what he actually believed. Anecdotes about his life indicate that he spoke out against ancient Greek religion. He allegedly chopped up a wooden statue of Heracles and used it to roast his lentils and revealed the secrets of the Eleusinian Mysteries. The Athenians banished him from their city for his impiety and he died in Corinth."-your friend, Wikipedia

    But each domain of science can be safely said to have largely grown(lots of theories, formula...) from non-existence(practically no useful or impressive findings) with a particular scientist, Newton for Physics, Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier for chemistry... none of these influential scientists can be really found before the 12th century so we can safely say modern science started at the 12th century(source : https://www.google.fr/amp/s/scientificgems.wordpress.com/2013/11/08/when-did-science-begin/amp/), i can even safely guess (without looking up a lot of stuff) that the majority of all ground-breaking scientific findings happened from the 17th century forward


  • @thestrangest Gotcha. Thank you

  • @jacob55 you're welcome

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @jacob55 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest Gotcha. Thank you

    Jeez you shouldn't have thanked me, i accidentally said Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier created physics instead of chemistry(i now have edited out all the 3 4 errors i made trying to rapidly write da reply)

  • @thestrangest im physicist, if u have any ques ask me---😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

  • @vahid-0 i don't believe you

  • @thestrangest why??😥😥😥😥

  • @vahid-0 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest why??😥😥😥😥

    Let's see, what are virtual particles?

  • @thestrangest the concept of virtual particles is describing in quantum field theory--its hard now to say it here--

  • @vahid-0 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest the concept of virtual particles is describing in quantum field theory--its hard now to say it here--

    You're not a physicist

  • @thestrangest ok you r right!!!!! Excuse me man but i think u r so arrogant---change ur behaviour---u think that all people are liar, like urself

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @vahid-0 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest ok you r right!!!!! Excuse me man but i think u r so arrogant---change ur behaviour---u think that all people are liar, like urself

    @stranger-danger, @Willow, @sup, @ShutUp... now this, this is perfection.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @vahid-0 You admit to having falsely claimed that you're a physicist A.K.A. lied, then you call me a liar(even though ice never lied about anything which isn't true in your case) and an arrogant(arrogance is defined as thinking that you are superior to others and that you are in some way special, It is an insult to be called arrogant by those around you, you called me that even though I'm the one debating for the point of view that I'm(humanity in general) insignificant in the universe and you're the one who's arguing that the universe was made for us and that from the millions of religions in history you are just lucky enough to have been born in the right one because you're and the rest are going to hell because you deserve heaven and they don't)person, I’d like to see your point of view but I can’t get my head that far up my ass. Look here , there's nothing wrong with my behaviour, i was actually going to prepare a long ass reply but fuck you, you don't deserve my time. From now on everything you say to me will be ignored and when you ask why(because you're an unpleasant disrespectful incomprehensible moronic idiotic repugnant repulsive religious ignoramus) I'll just link you to this

  • @thestrangest said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @vahid-0 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest ok you r right!!!!! Excuse me man but i think u r so arrogant---change ur behaviour---u think that all people are liar, like urself

    @stranger-danger, @Willow, @sup, @ShutUp... now this, this is perfection.

    Guys can we just spam this post with fan fiction since nobody is replying to it constructively anymore?

  • @thestrangest man pls smile----im really physicist---u can ignore that----i belive my god is the best--you have also ur beliefs--i do respect for other people's beliefs---just this---if i said something that made u sad pls excuse me---

  • @thestrangest here i lost a few brain cells reading just one sentence of this:

    Shrek was hanging out in hiz swamp when dankey came over too sea how he waz doin "Waz Up Shrok, How are u doing. How much has yor dikk grown from the swamp jeuce"? shrock said, "its grown about 2 inches, so now i can try to mind control and rap-e the prinssess". Then, right after dankey wint into the house, Lord shartfuad came around. He waz very suspiccius of shrock because the gingerbread man said he heard skreams commin from shrocks swamp. Shartquad beleevd the gingerbread man even thouht the gingerbread man was part nigger. Lord shartquad then sant his men and sex people to grow and get shrock out of his swap so he chhold get mor sex people and get his dikk bigger from the swamp juuce .The general then told shrock that there where sum hot girlz outside that wanted to sukk shrocks 10 ench dick, even thouht nobody wanted to do that with shrock bekause shrock iz a nigger. But Shrok wasnt fallin for it even thouht he waz a stupid nigger. He wanted lord shartquad's men and kichin/sex slaves out of his swamp so he could jerk off and fuck his sex slaves, so he got some 2555555 layer onions out of his dump and swalod them down without chewing them lik e a nigger swalowing KFC .


  • @willow Lololol ....this is Epic !!! :joy: :joy:

    I want to know the mindset of the author while he wrote this .... methinks Acid trip or LSD was involved in the manufacturing of this Quality content.

    Seriosuly tho... as someone who has some experience in the field , I can tell you
    ..it's far more difficult to write in such tangent & alice in wonderland esque manner than people will give the piece credit for ...

  • @stranger_danger i was thinking maybe some hallucinogens as well

    Seriously tho, this is a spelling and grammar NIGHTMARE

  • @willow :relaxed: ..& funny AF because of it.

    It' so very interesting thinking & trying to analyze the mindset of the author ... Eccentric Genius !!