Even at 32, I've never been able to observe that I could consider a girl/woman as someone who does deserve me. I'm feel more proud of this than desirous of condescending; yet I continue to think on it more and more whenever I'm not concentrating on one of my theoretical research problems. Am I wrong anywhere? Any suggestions/recommendations/prescriptions???

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  • This post is deleted!

    @vnair4u You can't expect to find a woman who would match your intellectual capacity. It's impossible, it comes down to a basic biological disparity between the sexes. Different thought patterns, different types of intelligence, different priorities etc.

    You need to look past that and concentrate on finding a woman who makes you feel happy and fulfilled in life. A supportive woman, a caring woman. There are respectful and sophisticated females out there, I've met a few.

    Do not waste your time on finding someone one hundred percent perfect for you. If you do that, you'll stay single forever. Find someone who shares one or two of your primary interests, that's good enough. That's a solid foundation for a relationship. Think of it as polishing a rough diamond.

    Trust me, friend, I speak from experience.

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  • @vnair4u said in Even at 32...:

    and will remain single until I become very rich and get at least one private firm of mine listed in the stock exchange

    I feel fear in your words, great fear. Of not being good enough and of not being ready.

    I'm feel more proud of this than desirous of condescending

    And a lot of pride in your words.

    Do not fear, there is no reason to fear. Trust, not in your abilities, but in Life Himself to have a plan for you. Living a good life require humility and trust. In fact humility already requires trust.

    Hmm, tonight I don't seem to find the right words. I mean those are the right words, but they have so much meaning, meaning you cannot grasp simply from hearing them. So I would suggest you to open your eyes to a part of reality, that I feel you have not touched at all in your life yet, the part of life that is kept out by all the achievements and material goods. And the fear. That which really can give your life true meaning. I don't know what would be the right path for you to get there, but mine was TLIG.

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  • @pe7erpark3r said

    I feel fear in your words...

    What I feel is that you pe7erpark3r, you feel your fear at the places where vnair plays his games time and again,
    and you play your games and do your works time and again, at the โ€œdestinationsโ€ - public or personal - that donโ€™t deserve vnairโ€™ presence,
    and your strengths and abilities donโ€™t deserve any sight of the โ€œdestinationsโ€ - public or personal - where vnair fights his battles.

    The use of the word fear by pe7erpark3r was really insane and aggravating. Guess he never realised that he was in a sense suggesting that the people living their lives below the poverty line are stronger than vnair and are supposed to teach vnair instead of learning from vnair. Because even those who live their lives below the poverty line do not hesitate in getting married and making babies.

    As far are the slaughtering of animals is concerned, humans on Earth are already divided in three categories. Those with animal-like lives, those with slave-like lives and those with human-like lives. To understand this sentence of mine better than even I myself can explain, anyone may watch the movie Blood Diamond.

  • ... *donโ€™t deserve vnairโ€™s presence ...

  • @vnair4u Whoa, what a post. You deserve an applause for the effort alone.

    But here's what I don't get. You're claiming to be an Einstein-level scientist, but you refuse to provide your ID. Dude, this is the Internet ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ Anyone can claim to be anyone. You have got to prove things ;)

    For instance, I'm a dog. Prove me wrong. Woof.

  • @NathanOnFire said

    @vnair4u you refuse to provide your ID

    Are you trying to say that something very wise, which will clear all confusions if it gets spoken at a forum of world-class intellectuals by someone of the likes of Einstein or Newton or Gauss or Hilbert, is supposed to get transformed into something invalid at the moment when this same very wise thing is spoken by an ordinary average mind at a forum of ordinary physics professors or internet surfing weirdos who look or woof with equal respect at both the wise stuff and the misleading stuff?

    Or are you expecting that an Einstein-level scientist will โ€œprovide his IDโ€ at web pages where relationship-related things are discussed?

    Any philosophical assertion gets accredited as valid or invalid by means of discourses; and not on the basis of IDs.

  • @Donald-Huebner said in Even at 32, I've never been able to observe that I could consider a girl/woman as someone who does deserve me. I'm feel more proud of this than desirous of condescending; yet I continue to think on it more and more whenever I'm not concentrating on one of my theoretical research problems. Am I wrong anywhere? Any suggestions/recommendations/prescriptions???:

    @NathanOnFire said

    @vnair4u you refuse to provide your ID

    Are you trying to say that something very wise, which will clear all confusions if it gets spoken at a forum of world-class intellectuals by someone of the likes of Einstein or Newton or Gauss or Hilbert, is supposed to get transformed into something invalid at the moment when this same very wise thing is spoken by an ordinary average mind at a forum of ordinary physics professors or internet surfing weirdos who look or woof with equal respect at both the wise stuff and the misleading stuff?

    Or are you expecting that an Einstein-level scientist will โ€œprovide his IDโ€ at web pages where relationship-related things are discussed?

    Any philosophical assertion gets accredited as valid or invalid by means of discourses; and not on the basis of IDs.

    I agree with @NathanOnFire, in a sense, that you are claiming to be Einstein level and cannot expect to be simply believed.

    But I agree with you, that an ID certainly is the wrong way to go. People should be judged by what they say and do, not by their name, their appearance, their skin color (including white people of course) or any group membership. Or their wealth for that matter.

  • @Donald-Huebner said in Even at 32, I've never been able to observe that I could consider a girl/woman as someone who does deserve me. I'm feel more proud of this than desirous of condescending; yet I continue to think on it more and more whenever I'm not concentrating on one of my theoretical research problems. Am I wrong anywhere? Any suggestions/recommendations/prescriptions???:

    As far are the slaughtering of animals is concerned, humans on Earth are already divided in three categories. Those with animal-like lives, those with slave-like lives and those with human-like lives. To understand this sentence of mine better than even I myself can explain, anyone may watch the movie Blood Diamond.

    We are certainly in agreement that the world could and should be a much better place.

    @pe7erpark3r said

    I feel fear in your words...

    What I feel is that you pe7erpark3r, you feel your fear at the places where vnair plays his games time and again,
    and you play your games and do your works time and again, at the โ€œdestinationsโ€ - public or personal - that donโ€™t deserve vnairโ€™ presence,
    and your strengths and abilities donโ€™t deserve any sight of the โ€œdestinationsโ€ - public or personal - where vnair fights his battles.

    I suppose my answer was a little short for vnair to be taken as a thing to seriously consider and look for the deeper meaning in it...

    The use of the word fear by pe7erpark3r was really insane and aggravating.

    The use of the word insane might also be considered insane and aggravating :yum:. Especially since fear is part of the human condition, while insanity is a disorder. I however chose not to be aggravated or offended, for I know that thinking is offensive, if it is to be called thinking at all. And then this might in a sense be a cultural conflict, for beang called "fearful" might mean something very different for a european than for an indian, and I have not grasped much of indian culture so far, so I apologize for that.

    What I was talking about is a human reality: Fear is real, we all feel it. In fact those of us who don't feel it, show signs of a mental disorder. And I was not hinting at a fearful conduct of business, which is not something deducible from vnair's words. I was talking about a deep existential Angst so to speak. And I do share this Angst with him, however I'm on the way of freedom from it more and more, which certainly increases my life's quality and the quality of my decisions too. Wisdom is a tricky thing.

  • You know, you might profit from getting to know this guy. He has a brilliant way of formulating the struggle of life:

  • Since Mr. Gates was mentioned, I want to pronounce my agreement with him about what he does for his son. Did you know that when he dies all his wealth goes to charity? His son "only" get's 10 million. He wants his son, to make his own life, to become a strong individual, who doesn't live of his father's pockets.

    So yes, I do agree with this thinking. Let me draw up an image for you: Imagine two beautiful women, who have all the characteristics you would desire in your partner. Now both are thrown into poverty by life. It happens, revolutions do tend to happen every 100 years, and in every revolution, the truly rich loose almost all their wealth. In fact I've once met the Baroness in whose palace Putin lives today. She lives in exile and her daughter has an absolutely normal job. So take these two beautiful women from before. And tell me which one would you admire more: The one who falls apart in front of now being unable to live her former lifestyle, or the one who does not loose her smile or her aura? True strength shines in poverty, even brighter than before. While the true materialist might even kill herself. How would you answer the question: what would I do if I lost all my wealth and my ability to achieve (maybe through a stroke, a fire in the house, or a car crash...)?

    As I said before, true thinking is offensive, it challenges you. Of course I do not have all the answers to all the problems. But as you can see I have the courage of challenging you. And I do not regret doing this, for I know, that a true man, will grow from a challenge. I've presented you some very deep ideas and I can only hope you won't just push them away, but actually grapple with them. But that's obviously your choice.

  • @Donald-Huebner No, I don't want his ID. I just don't understand why the OP needs to include all this stuff about him being a theoretical physics mastermind.
    How is it relevant to the topic? He made this topic to complain about not having a girlfriend, not to tell us how he's the smartest man alive ๐Ÿ˜

  • Now pe7erpark3r, now that you're having no words to defend your misleading incorrect remarks about vnair's original post, or to react to the very well-explained self-contained reply to your naive and misleading reply to vnair's original post, you've begun changing the topic of discussion and started telling lies.

  • Anyone who can write what vnair wrote, will expect to be simply believed. I understood his point. That's why I made so much effort on this site (it wasn't allowing me to react without registering).

  • If you're not able to simply comprehend what he wrote in such a great detail, you need to ask your doubts and not think about changing the topic.

  • You, as an instruction taker, tried to suggest naive incorrect things to an instruction maker, about fear. That was utterly ridiculous. He replied: "Who will you trust? Until when? God never appears in the world. Not even when a live lamb dies crying for help in the slaughterhouse. Humans are dominating this world. Who will you trust once you surpass the most powerful humans of your field?" You had no reply to this and you started changing the topic.

  • If you believe that your TLIG stuff makes you find trust in the world, it's only because you "always yield at the forefront". "You'd better wake up and realize that the birds who can fly have to hunt for grains. But the ones who can't fly are gifted a dream world where they get free grains. But why? And until when? The reason is that the chicken is ultimately slaughtered and all the investment is retrieved from the pocket of someone who doesn't yield to the guy who had been giving free grains to the chickens all their life. The chickens didn't even know where they all were to be taken in order to be slaughtered. Go teach your TLIG to alive babies of the chickens who've already been slaughtered."
