Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

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    No religion actually teaches us to hurt someone. The religion is spoiled by its contractor so called maulana, priest , etc. Religion is a lifestyle of living. Any bigotry of any type is harmful. In Islam due to huge population and more religious bigotry some people misleads people in wrong direction. Islamic people are generally are less educated as compare to other religion because of their population. Due to which they are easy to mislead. This is my point of view and I am Hindu.

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  • @alise4444 hey follow me

  • No..No religion teach us to hate ..if religion does that then better to change that religion...

  • @kalebwalker shut up motherfucker

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  • @Muslim
    Tuhawid ul mujahiddin
    Al quaeda and many other terrorist groups can attack at anyone at any time. We are living like a scared rat in this world. All these groups are made of mostly muslims. They have tremendously affected several countries like- Pakistan, India, US, Russia etc.

  • @sushant-singh yeah once again muslims are the bad guys yeah yeah oky thanx

  • @muslim actual islam is peacful the branch hurting people are called shi-ites my sheikh dosent consider them muslim becasue they dont even believe in muhummad "SAW" and get angry when u mention him, but islam has never been the head of major genocides it has just been demonized for a couple of radical groups i mean you got genghis khan,hitler,Mao Ze Dong and Augusto Pinochet

    were any of them musliim?......FUCK NO now go re-think you lives dumb niggas.

    {random nigga no one cars abou} but muslims are terrorists they insite fear.

    {ME} nigga no we dont, take ure dumb ass to ure local mosque and ask about islam they will tell you the word salam its self means peace,oh yea but check this the greates terror organization was christian remember the I.R.A??? now go read dumb niggas.

  • i aint saying muslims dont do bad things,some of us do horrible things but the reason its potrayed badly is because of the christian influence over the world its set to demonize islam, back in the good ol days muslims was just chillin in the desert gettin fuckin turnt wit camels and shit, but the pope wasnt having it they hated us, we were to cool we eliminated rascism freed slaves, and you could have more than one wife, it was fuckin chill , so the pope tryed to get rid of us woops the crusades and they got theyre ass wopped and millions converted that bitterness still continous to today

  • @muslim No

  • Banned

    @sushant-singh but bro they are some misleaded person. They doesn't so their whole community. The problem of their community is religious bigotry . APJ Abdul Kalam, Maulana Azad, Malala Yousafzai are some great examples.

  • @iambucky u know how they celebrate their festival 'eid'. They sacrifice cute animals on this day. They're even cruel for animals so how they can be kind for people.

  • @muslim I'm sorry the world is so full of ignorant and misguided people that you feel the need to ask that question. As you seem very sure in beliefs, i am glad you are open to hearing what others opinions may be. Even the most predictable Catholic would still be defensive and guarded in regards to their beloved pope and anyone ***

    • [asking](![link url](image url))**** if all cathloic priests are child molesters. I myself am agnostic and think there's too little time on this earth to spend time praising and yet cowering before any god or prophet. In short, NO, i don't believe Islam is a terrorist religion and those who do believe such are the reason the terrorists have as much power as we let them. Anyone who would believe that Malcolm X was a part of a terrorist religion is part of the bigger problem in America where most people can't see or think past their own assholes because of the shelter and security we have in actually being free and insecure..

  • @unityismyname ive read it ll my friend . and it makes me happy to feel that iam not alone in this ...and there is so meany people such as you who really care about this world and respect the difference between humans ... am trying to make a change ... even if i couldnt ... at least i tried
    thank you so much for your words ... it really means something to me ^^

  • ofcourse not

  • Islam isn't a religion of terrorism.
    Terrorism has no religion infact!
    People usually blame islam for terrorism but actually islam has nothing to do with it

  • @sushant-singh Every culture has some sort of things that are different from other religions.
    People blame islam as a religion of hate without knowing that by saying this thery are just coming up with the teachings they're given in schools.

  • @roughcar said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    Islam isn't a religion of terrorism.

    Dude This religion spreads jihad. Four islamic terrorist groups- ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram and Taliban were responsible for 74% deaths of the world in 2015.

    Terrorism has no religion infact!

    well said. You are being defensive for your religion but truth is bitter and you want to digest it. Read history of Indian staunch muslims first and then we discuss it.
    Read history of Muhammad Gori, babur and Auarangjeb etc. Read 1947 India-Pakistan partition then. Staunch muslims compelled hindus to be muslims and if they denied to be muslims, they would be killed.

    People usually blame islam for terrorism but actually islam has nothing to do with it

    Staunch muslims are foundation of terrorism. No matter why people hate your religion. You kill gays because you muslims get homophobia.

    I am @Sushant-Singh and I can not login in my old account because I forgot my password.
