@muslim I'm sorry the world is so full of ignorant and misguided people that you feel the need to ask that question. As you seem very sure in beliefs, i am glad you are open to hearing what others opinions may be. Even the most predictable Catholic would still be defensive and guarded in regards to their beloved pope and anyone ***
[asking]()**** if all cathloic priests are child molesters. I myself am agnostic and think there's too little time on this earth to spend time praising and yet cowering before any god or prophet. In short, NO, i don't believe Islam is a terrorist religion and those who do believe such are the reason the terrorists have as much power as we let them. Anyone who would believe that Malcolm X was a part of a terrorist religion is part of the bigger problem in America where most people can't see or think past their own assholes because of the shelter and security we have in actually being free and insecure..