1. today is my birthday, no one except my cousin and my mom knows
    2. i literally have zero friends
    3. i quit my job a week ago and i couldn't find one. no one would even look at my resume bc i only have a high school diploma
    4. feeling really depressed but have no one to talk to so i ended up here
    5. my life is miserable

  • @lovelysad This too shall pass, my friend. Stay strong and dont lose hope. Many many happy returns of the day btw.

  • @lovelysad

    Happy birthday and don't ever give up and lose hope. Even in the darkest times there will always be a light and somewhere or something to hold on too! Things will work out just fine!

    Once again have a happy birthday! Also if you need to chat my dms are open to everyone so feel free! :)

  • @lovelysad said in i quit my jobbbbbbbbbb:

    1. today is my birthday, no one except my cousin and my mom knows Any Us Lot :joy:
    2. i literally have zero friends There are many of us out there in that predicament, hence we find TWS
    3. i quit my job a week ago and i couldn't find one. no one would even look at my resume bc i only have a high school diploma sorry to hear this, but it can be changed
    4. feeling really depressed but have no one to talk to so i ended up here This is a good place to find friends, gain help and support and to just get away from the stress of the Real world
    5. my life is miserable I hear you there, being in a similar state of feeling

    FIRST OFF happy birth

    Hi, and nice to meet you, I'm Shaun, a middle age old fart that found this place for much the same reasons as you. I have been here for 4 months now, tbh... I think it saved me from deep depression.
    Regarding your work, there is always the chance to retrain or study more (age regardless). Depending where you are from would depend on the opportunities you may find.
    From my experience, real friends are not what they cracked up to be.... You let them in and they tear you down. This is not to say that it is not worth trying to find new real friends ... You can do this by finding a hobby that is for more than a single person (Example - 10 Pin Bowling) Of course there are many more activities you can pursue.

    This place ... well I found me an extended family here, I have helped many of them, as they have for me.... I was very surprised one night to watch a collection of my new extended family defend my in such a way that touched my heart . I never would of thought that would happen ... and at the time, I never asked for them to stand up for me.... but they did.

    You don't give many details of yourself, so apart from what I have said, I cannot say much more (sometimes sharing helps regarding things about you)



    & Welcome to TWS,

    Pull up a chair, sit down and join the family :)

  • @Barton @Mr-H @Durwin thank you guys. didn't think anyone would reply to my post. i feel much better now
