• @willow said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest looks around
    I dunno, my bed is heaven.

    Noiceeeeeee. A bag or chips, a drink, benging some series, that's heaven

  • @jimmy1708 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest debating on internet???🤣🤣😂😂 debating skills??? On internet???? 🤣🤣😂😂😂😂


    keyboard warrior🤣🤣😂😂

    There's no difference between IRL and internet debates other than you having MORE time to think, the more you respond to the same arguments online the more you get better at it IRL too because you're remember counter-arguments you've already written... That's how debating online makes you a better logician and debater

  • @sup said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @jimmy1708 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @vahid-0 he cant change us @TheStrangest no matter how long paragraphs he can write😂😂🤣🤣, and u cant change them too, so these debates r pointless.....

    Moral:- Fuck english, fuck english mens men, fuck english users XD😂😂, fuck English inventors,etc....oh etc??.bcoz we can fuck more about english..
    So why to care about ur english XD lolol😂😂🤣🤣


    There are still like 7 mistakes you missed but k

  • @Willow, @sup and @Stranger_Danger are we just gonna ignore how fast this conversation got sexual. I mean that is the best way to annoy religious ignoramuses, please write or copy paste fan fiction if you can(preferably shrek fan fiction)

  • @stranger_danger
    ^•^ yayyyy
    couple hug

  • @thestrangest ive already binge watched all of super natural while eating a gallon of ice cream
    I made it to heaven ^•^

  • @willow 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

  • @thestrangest You were debating me? I thought we were sharing ideas? I'm not trying to be facetious, by the way.
    At no point did I say you were wrong or that I was right, and vise versa. I didn't say, "I know 100% for sure that God exists", you have been saying to us believers, "you have no proof and there is no proof, therefore God doesn't exist." Belief, though it can be mislead, is defined as:

    1. an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.
    2. trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something.
      You don't accept the existence of God. Why? Because peer reviewed scientists, smart men and women, have unequivocally proved life's process. From the big bang theory through the theory of evolution. They didn't prove God exists.
      I believe the big bang theory. I believe the theory of evolution. To the best of my knowledge I didn't once renounce them. Also, I'm not asking you to believe in God. It's not your desire nor your prerogative. I respect that and won't ask you to pray to invisible sky daddy. Which ever one is out there.
      I come here to share ideas, not prove my prowess in intellectual debate. I'm not good at debating. I'm sure you have seen that.
      I appreciate you and the detail you put into our discussions... debates, I guess. Haha.
  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @jacob55 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest You were debating me? I thought we were sharing ideas? I'm not trying to be facetious, by the way.
    At no point did I say you were wrong or that I was right, and vise versa. I didn't say, "I know 100% for sure that God exists"

    Nah we were debating not exchanging ideas, i was making assertions not just remarks that were supported to be amusing or entertaining nomatter how much they were, there's this thing you do thats basically "you're right but i don't agree with you", where you tell me that you can't debunk or argue against the things in saying and then you continue to just repeat that nothing you believe in has changes but if what i say is right and you can't argue against it then the whole of what you believe would have changed. You're using faith, i have already established that faith is not a reliable pathway to truth

    Yeah welp some things still flew over your head, the thing about how there's no reason to believe jesus ever existed, you know, this video:

    I don't remember what you said but it was completely irrelevant and you were expecting me somehow to think it rendered a whole video which explains to the detail why Jesus having actually existed is ultra improbable to be a non-argument. It's like your brain is a sponge that you squeeze empty after every time i talk with you. It's pointless

    you have been saying to us believers, "you have no proof and there is no proof, therefore God doesn't exist."

    wrong and I've explained this before too, i have been saying "you have no proof and there is no proof, therefore therefore God doesn't exist God there's no good reason to believe god exists."

    I have been saying

    Belief, though it can be mislead, is defined as:

    1. an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.

    Though you've never really said this before, K

    Ok. Yeah sure let's say i accept that unicorns exist, how does that work? To accept something you'd have to already be not accepting of the necessarily evident fact that it exists, and for it to be evidently real there'd have to be proof, there we go, we're fucking back to proof again

    1. trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something.

    No you DON'T have to have to have faith to belief in things if they're true. Didn't i explain this already along with why faith is useless? You even said that what I'm saying is ok or that you can't defend your position. You're just proving what i said earlier

    You don't accept the existence of God. Why? Because peer reviewed scientists, smart men and women, have unequivocally proved life's process.

    No, you can still have god even though that's true, but there's no proof of that, atheists have existed before science even existed, what's your point?

    From the big bang theory through the theory of evolution.

    Yeah atheists who existed before science didn't make up answers like "god did it" when these scientific theories weren't around

    They didn't prove God exists.

    Yeah that's true, if they did I'd believe he/she/it exists

    I believe the big bang theory. I believe the theory of evolution. To the best of my knowledge I didn't once renounce them.

    Cool, you're smarter than 99% of theists

    Also, I'm not asking you to believe in God. It's not your desire nor your prerogative.


    I respect that and won't ask you to pray to invisible sky daddy. Which ever one is out there.

    Coooooooooool 👏👏👏👏👏


    I come here to share ideas, not prove my prowess in intellectual debate. I'm not good at debating. I'm sure you have seen that.
    I appreciate you and the detail you put into our discussions... debates, I guess. Haha.

    You're welcome ig. Look, aslong as i have given arguments against sometimes you said then don't repeat it until you've debunked them because in a debate setting aslong as my arguments are standing strong then your claim is just unreasonable so there's no need to repeat it

  • @thestrangest When did science begin and can you give me examples of atheists before science?

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @jacob55 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest When did science begin and can you give me examples of atheists before science?

    We can say that people have been thinking scientifically since the foundation of philosophy(since philosophy gave birth to all sciences) as we know it with Plato(publishing works of Socrates and his own stuff bla bla bla) but the 1st recorded atheist is even before that, "Diagoras "the Atheist" of Melos (Greek: Διαγόρας ὁ Μήλιος) was a Greek poet and sophist of the 5th century BC. Throughout antiquity, he was regarded as an atheist, but very little is known for certain about what he actually believed. Anecdotes about his life indicate that he spoke out against ancient Greek religion. He allegedly chopped up a wooden statue of Heracles and used it to roast his lentils and revealed the secrets of the Eleusinian Mysteries. The Athenians banished him from their city for his impiety and he died in Corinth."-your friend, Wikipedia

    But each domain of science can be safely said to have largely grown(lots of theories, formula...) from non-existence(practically no useful or impressive findings) with a particular scientist, Newton for Physics, Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier for chemistry... none of these influential scientists can be really found before the 12th century so we can safely say modern science started at the 12th century(source : https://www.google.fr/amp/s/scientificgems.wordpress.com/2013/11/08/when-did-science-begin/amp/), i can even safely guess (without looking up a lot of stuff) that the majority of all ground-breaking scientific findings happened from the 17th century forward


  • @thestrangest Gotcha. Thank you

  • @jacob55 you're welcome

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @jacob55 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest Gotcha. Thank you

    Jeez you shouldn't have thanked me, i accidentally said Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier created physics instead of chemistry(i now have edited out all the 3 4 errors i made trying to rapidly write da reply)

  • @thestrangest im physicist, if u have any ques ask me---😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

  • @vahid-0 i don't believe you

  • @thestrangest why??😥😥😥😥

  • @vahid-0 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest why??😥😥😥😥

    Let's see, what are virtual particles?

  • @thestrangest the concept of virtual particles is describing in quantum field theory--its hard now to say it here--

  • @vahid-0 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest the concept of virtual particles is describing in quantum field theory--its hard now to say it here--

    You're not a physicist