• @ragnar dude i will suggest some ideas for Improving Global coz im active Mostly in Global only πŸ––
    1)We need Some option to Ban ppl or someone who can ban ppl in Global πŸ––
    2)I hope so we need new Global Mods(Coz current Global Mods aren't In Global mostly....They aren't online in Global)....so I hope.... Global users who are active and trustworthy should be appointed as Global Mods and Public users should be appointed as Public Mods πŸ––
    3)And pls Add features in Global chat like typing in Red letters,Blue letters and big letters like which is available in Public currently πŸ––
    4)I suggest to create an option for creating our own grps in Pm like which is available in whatsapp.... I mean 3 or more ppl can create a grp in pm to chat .....it will be interesting and spam free πŸ––
    5)And i suggest Global mods should have powers like to edit other's text in Global and ban mobiles for abusing and spamming (coz we don't need to log in to enter Global ..so banning Mobile is the only way )πŸ––....Coz still spamming and abusing are happening in Global as @Ragnar dude ya saw yesterday πŸ––
    6)Best way to avoid abusing users in Global is to Ban Mobiles and best way to avoid spamming is that USERS SHOULD BE AUTOMATICALLY BANNED ATLEAST TEMPORARILY IF THEY PASTE A SINGLE TEXT FOR A LONG TIME πŸ––
    7)And i hope so DownVote option should not be there coz ppl may misuse coz of personal feelings for that user tho the post may be good πŸ––
    8)And as suggested already Deleting post option should be available to all users to delete their own posts πŸ––
    9) What else πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”....i hope so thats all....if i get some new idea i will post again πŸ––
    Hope so it will be taken seriously and all the suggestions will be taken into account πŸ––
    Regards Mak πŸ––

  • @makiboy

  • @makiboy option no.4
    We can create groups in pm thou like whatsapp groups

  • @ragnar Since the admit won't listen to me, maybe you should bring it to him.
    1.) Email Verification
    2.) Anti spam system (public chat only)
    3.) Allow direct uploads of an images in public chat
    4.) Lower the fucking image dimensions in public chat

  • Music Lovers

    With private groups it's hard to keep an eye on whats going on inside. For people above 18 or 21 that's not as big of a problem as with people below that age and even children. It's a bad idea to let them create PV groups by themselves. You can see what they are talking about in here sometimes. It's insane. If something happens in there..they shut you down before you can say mot...
    And waiting until complaints coming in is too late.

    I think working with a strong moderation policy and loyal mod's is the best way too start. You got personal contact, learn the visitors a bit. Keep an eye on things. Bots are programmed and do their thing, true, but when a group or room is brand new a bot is not keeping the talks going...

    Make sure everybody can find, read and understand the privacy and user policy. In understandable language for children starting at 13 and up. 13 and up you might think? Privacy is talked about, a lot. Children too know, sort of, whats going on. Just look at them as clients, not as children. Setup a costumer service with real life people who take their time for every client or, maybe even more important, concerned parents.

    Start blogging for parents. In language that is more suitable for parents and other responsible people. Blog about the business, whats happening, plans and ideas. safaety...everything that parents want to know about. And the who is blogging needs to be in key position.
    Invite guest bloggers, go guest blogging.

    Invite parents, get outside, make sure people know who you are and what you do in here.
    Be transparent as you possible can.

    Advertise/Radio/TV/ No newspaper or other door-to-door magazines.
    Create a mailinglist. Get a opt-in and opt-out system and send people a monthly newsletter. And with a single click they are on your site. The money was in the list back in the days and it still is!

    Furtermore, Please drop the 6+ month old posts to the bottom...nobody looks at them and it scares people off...Like there is nothing happening in there.

    Organize chat-inn's. Try to get known or even better, famous people who visitors can chat with.
    Its super easy for the famous, they don.t even have to leave their homes and its free campane for them.

    I think you have to get the focus away from features and focus on the things I mentioned. That is what people care about. You could also open a twitter account. But please make sure you make it personal...tweet as a human. Not as an app.

    That's my vision on Talk With Strangers. I know I'm only like a few minutes in here but you asked...

  • Gamers

    "Interests" option just like the one on omegle for private chats.

  • Do the new people have any more suggestions?

  • @ODIN ☺️ i think this website is cool..

    But the interface isn't! I hope it get simpler to navigate in this site soon!

  • Don't let people join chats with a name already in use (troll clones)

    Don't let people join random chat without changing the default name.

    Add an ignore features to chats.

    Add report function to random chats, too many reports for the same IP causing that IP to be banned for 5 mins (so we can get rid of "Trade Young Pics" chatters)

    Fix groups chats so they work on the app.

  • I'm new here and god damn this place is like catfish central.

    Every time I refresh the recent or popular topics section most of what I see are catfish spamming the place with their topics, this makes it difficult to actually find a topic that's fun or worthwhile. This is the same with visiting specific discussion sections.
    I'm well aware there's no way to get rid of them but perhaps a way to limit their ability to spam topics.

  • @SynapticSeizure said in What feature do you suggest that will make TWS great social site?:

    I'm new here and god damn this place is like catfish central.

    Every time I refresh the recent or popular topics section most of what I see are catfish spamming the place with their topics, this makes it difficult to actually find a topic that's fun or worthwhile. This is the same with visiting specific discussion sections.
    I'm well aware there's no way to get rid of them but perhaps a way to limit their ability to spam topics.

    Well since TWS has so many crazy sections already (voice chat random chat global chatting banter confessions discussions and you name it)... why not make a second community (chatrooms)... like one horny community, and one serious & fun community... then all horny posts in the other community can simply be deleted...

  • @pe7erpark3r said in What feature do you suggest that will make TWS great social site?:

    @SynapticSeizure said in What feature do you suggest that will make TWS great social site?:

    I'm new here and god damn this place is like catfish central.

    Every time I refresh the recent or popular topics section most of what I see are catfish spamming the place with their topics, this makes it difficult to actually find a topic that's fun or worthwhile. This is the same with visiting specific discussion sections.
    I'm well aware there's no way to get rid of them but perhaps a way to limit their ability to spam topics.

    Well since TWS has so many crazy sections already (voice chat random chat global chatting banter confessions discussions and you name it)... why not make a second community (chatrooms)... like one horny community, and one serious & fun community...

    Without any sort of verification or "hoops" for the catfish to jump through to get there, it would lead to exactly the same results.
    I imagine the mods are working overtime on this issue already.

  • @SynapticSeizure said in What feature do you suggest that will make TWS great social site?:

    @pe7erpark3r said in What feature do you suggest that will make TWS great social site?:

    @SynapticSeizure said in What feature do you suggest that will make TWS great social site?:

    I'm new here and god damn this place is like catfish central.

    Every time I refresh the recent or popular topics section most of what I see are catfish spamming the place with their topics, this makes it difficult to actually find a topic that's fun or worthwhile. This is the same with visiting specific discussion sections.
    I'm well aware there's no way to get rid of them but perhaps a way to limit their ability to spam topics.

    Well since TWS has so many crazy sections already (voice chat random chat global chatting banter confessions discussions and you name it)... why not make a second community (chatrooms)... like one horny community, and one serious & fun community...

    Without any sort of verification or "hoops" for the catfish to jump through to get there, it would lead to exactly the same results.

    You sure? I'd expect to see the non-horny-community without any catfish at all because the their topics are instantly flagged and deleted within seconds/minutes... and I don't care about the horny-community being spammed by catfish :shrug:

  • @ODIN fgngfngyhj

  • Is TWS' mission statement really to 'make peoples from different places of the globe closer'?

    I guess that's admirable. Surely it's enough just to talk to ANY strangers, regardless of geography (or, in my case, bombard them with HIGH CONCEPT MIND-GUBBINS).

  • Banned

    A feature that allows me to delete my account.

  • @ODIN
    A feature that allows me to delete @Ihateuall's account.

  • Banned

    @sarah_the_magpie doesn't matter I will try to "self destruct" my account . It was nice knowing you guys excuse what Im going to do next.

  • @Ihateuall
    it was a joke, dude :D:D don't self-destruct, participate!

  • @Calisthenics yeah that is good idea
