If you could spend one whole year doing ANYTHING you wanted even if illegal, what would you do.??

  • @im-a-bae jeez! Seriously?? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚, i see you being lazy lmao

  • Movie Buff

    @ragnar ME? LAZY!! :joy: :joy: who wouldn't want to go watch movies?... not every day obviously but as a movie lover come on this is the best thing that could ever happen while people pay for it, I don't have to plus friends can come along too FOR FREE so since you called me lazy you're not invited... sorry but not sorry :joy: :sunglasses:

  • @ragnar I would always go to restaurants and walk out without paying and I would also travel the world and enter planes without paying.

  • I would get off the grid and rob a whole bunch of places in order to donate whatever i don't need.

  • @azzurranna we are likely to be the same buddy. Foodie and love to explore new places lmao

  • I personally would take all of my favorite food and leave Food

  • Freedom Writers

    My BF #1: I would steal, everything!
    My BF #2: Iโ€™d rob everything and kill people I donโ€™t like.
    Me: Iโ€™d torture my Sister, only temporarily, hang out with Tom Hiddlestone, and hunt everybody I like on TWS so I can kidnap them, take them to my place and play Monopoly.

    Iโ€™m lookinโ€™ at you, Rangar. >.> BWHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

  • Banned

    Illegally get all the property of Jeff Bezos , Bill gates and Warren buffet. And my favourite hang the admin @TalkWithStranger downward (legs upward and head downward) on Burz Khalifa for a year.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  • I would like to travel, take pictures and eat diffetent foods. But expense free, because why not if we can do it the illegal way.

  • Get in my car and travel the USA. See where the roads take me.

  • Search for diamonds

  • I'd get all the Jack Daniel's I could get my hands on

  • See my MOM one last time.....that i would give everything for

  • Get someone to have lots of fun with, mostly on the sexual side.
