• You are clearly not reading my replies so stop asking questions and wasting my time

  • Music Lovers

    @topics27 Gods real or fake, who cares!

  • Yes of course!! Our parents are the real living gods!

  • @thestrangest
    It was on accident sorry

  • @atharva said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @topics27 Gods real or fake, who cares!


  • @atharva said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @topics27 Gods real or fake, who cares!

    People who care about what's true or not. Like me

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @love_to_love_ said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    It was on accident sorry

    If you have anything left to say you better spend the 8-15 min it takes to read all the things i told you because if you ask anything that i already explained in the last 3 pages of this post i will just ignore you unless you are asking me for clarification on one of my replies. Ask new things or for clearification on something and i will happily answer.

  • im god :)))))))

  • God is an idea. He is by default an entity that is not tangible but that does not mean he is not real. He is real bc people believe he is real and that belief has an impact on their life. But God as a physical being is a lie. Bc no man is sth more than a human. And we all are just more developed mammals.

  • @love_to_love_ I think it's fine for people to have religion as a guide for morality and social interaction, it's not fine when people use religion to explain natural phenomena in lieu of science.

    Neil deGrasse Tyson describes the fallacy this way: "Does it mean, if you don’t understand something, and the community of physicists don’t understand it, that means God did it? Is that how you want to play this game? Because if it is, here’s a list of things in the past that the physicists at the time didn’t understand [and now we do understand] [...]. If that’s how you want to invoke your evidence for God, then God is an ever-receding pocket of scientific ignorance that’s getting smaller and smaller and smaller as time moves on - so just be ready for that to happen, if that’s how you want to come at the problem."

  • @lovely55 in my life, i have never seen a person stupider than you.

  • you guys are hilarious. You see it is beyond ridiculous to believe that we know what is evil. Because a God we could understand would not be much of a God, would He? His ways are so complex, that if you were able to understand His "evil" it would make sense to you. Imagine you are an Amazon tribal member who never has seen civilization. He is taken to watch a surgery in a hospital. Based on all known facts this surgeon is murdering his mother, when in fact he is saving her life. You see, he does not understand the vastness that he was so closed off to. This is our limited human perception. If we were in fact able to see what was good, bad, evil, kind...well what kind of test of life would that be? What kind of free choice would we have Some lame test. Yes, Is it easier to complain about what pain (there's no denying some things are painful but whether or not they are evil is a whole diff story, pain always has a purpose in Gods calculation) goes on in the world and excuse that for the reason God dosnt exist and say "yay, now i dont have to calculate any of my actions!" in fact, this is just stupidity.
    If We could understand God, why arent You and I God? That would be some stupid world. This world is but a hallway of preparation, to something much greater. How embarrassing would it be to come into the next world not wearing any clothes? Remember, God is only merciful. Even Hell is but a merciful act on His part. It is the process in which He removes your sins in order to hold you close whereas before you were too filthy. Imagine a guest at a wedding, he comes in and they are ready to begin when suddenly he defecates all over himself. The other guests are shocked, and the father of the bride says to a guest to help this man clean up instead of kicking him out. So he takes the man to a hotel room and turns on the hot water and scrubs him. It is painful and uncomfortable but in the end, he can return to the wedding. This man was no ordinary guest however, he was the groom himself, and the father in law loved him so much and wanted him to be able to be as close to the bride and himself as possible that he made him go get cleaned up. God is never evil, simply misunderstood. Our human brains cannot possibly ever understand HIs ways. We should act accordingly. Humble.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @elliestar said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    you guys are hilarious. You see it is beyond ridiculous to believe that we know what is evil.

    BULLSHIT. Good and bad (evil) is arbitrary. But we can define it whatever way we want.

    By the way there can never be such a thing as an objective morality or objective good and evil.

    I define good as what positively effects well being and bad as what negatively effects well being and/or causes unnecessary pain. By the way we can define well being objectively through science.

    Because a God we could understand would not be much of a God, would He?

    No. I never heard that a god has to be incomprehensible to be a god. You can surely understand a god. Depends on how you define a god

    His ways are so complex, that if you were able to understand His "evil" it would make sense to you.

    Bullshit. There is no reason to believe in a god in the first place and there is no way for an omnipotent and omniscient god to exist at the same time as evil which doesn't render him the cause of that evil, because he refuses to prevent it therefore he is the cause/creator of all evil and malevolent(evil) himself.

    Imagine you are an Amazon tribal member who never has seen civilization. He is taken to watch a surgery in a hospital. Based on all known facts this surgeon is murdering his mother, when in fact he is saving her life.You see, he does not understand the vastness that he was so closed off to. This is our limited human perception.

    Bullshit analysis. There is no way to justify the annual deaths of 9 million children under 5 with this type of comparison. We know scientifically that bone cancer in children, rape, murder, the annual deaths of 9 million kids under the age of 5 causes unnecessary objective neurological suffering in the people experiencing those things whilst they are alive(so what happens after they're dead is irrelevant) and there is no way to justify someone letting stuff like this happen when they can stop it whenever they want.

    If we were in fact able to see what was good, bad, evil, kind...

    We can. I explained this already

    well what kind of test of life would that be?

    There is no test of life. Life isn't a test and it has no inherent purpose. God doesn't exist

    What kind of free choice would we have Some lame test.

    1st Life isn't a test
    2nd there is no god
    3rd if god is testing people TO KNOW something(s), that means he didn't know the thing(s) before the test and he isn't omniscient. If he actually knew them then by definition it wouldn't be a test
    4th you are suggesting that if he existed and was testing us therefore a certain level of difficulty is necessary so there always is an amount of people faip and burn in hell forever. That's evil
    5th Free will is an illusion with or without the existence of god because the definition of free will is "Being able to chose between multiple choices" but in science there is something we call "cause and effect" and it means that the past determines the future (AKA determinism) and because the past decides the future that means that you can only have 1 possible chronological consecutive set of actions that you do and you NEVER have more than one choice. In other words your actions are all predetermined and you have no free will. Not to mention that if god(and there is no good reason to think he does) is all knowing then that means he knew what everyone will do throughout their lives before they even existed further demonstrates that their actions would be predetermined and they wouldn't have free will.

    Yes, Is it easier to complain about what pain (there's no denying some things are painful but whether or not they are evil is a whole diff story

    No dumbass. As i said evil=unnecessary suffering. Suffering is neurological and objective
    I.a. can be measured objectively through neurology

    pain always has a purpose in Gods calculation

    There is no god and nothing has inherent purpose + most pain ( i said most because of surgery, sports...) negatively effects well being therefore is bad and should be rid of to improve quality of life.

    goes on in the world and excuse that for the reason God dosnt exist and say "yay, now i dont have to calculate any of my actions!" in fact, this is just stupidity.

    Oh fuck off.

    1st I didn't chose to be an atheist it happened because i saw no sufficient evidence behind religious claims, if there was evidence i would believe and of course faith is not a reliable pathway to truth since it can lead you to true and wrong conclusions with incredible inaccuracy so using it is useless and....... STUPID. Why use an unreliable pathway to truth to believe something is true. It is better to be sceptical "proof 1st belief 2nd" than to be gullible(have faith) "belief 1st and proof or no proof 2nd"
    2nd your actions are more important and have more value if there is no afterlife because that'd mean that there is no all equaliser(heaven and hell) which meaning that inequality doesn't get redeemed, that you only get 1 life so you better make other people's quality of life better because of A Intuitive sympathy, B that hopefully they'd do the same to you and C that you and everyone will do good and make the world better for your loved ones after they die.

    If We could understand God, why arent You and I God?

    Well it depends on how you define god. If you define god as something incomprehensible then
    1st that's a stupid definition
    2nd many things we know of fit that category like black holes, dark matter, dark energy.... my dick, lol jk jk. We will one day understand those things so is god an ever receding bubble of scientific ignorance. Seems like a stupid definition

    There is no good reason to believe a god exists, period.

    That would be some stupid world.

    Yes the idea that a god exists is stupid just like the existence of unicorns, vampires and lepricons.

    This world is but a hallway of preparation, to something much greater.

    Bullshit. As far as we know you are nothing but an assembly of neurons that we call a brain and that will ceez to function after death resulting in never ending nothingness.

    How embarrassing would it be to come into the next world not wearing any clothes?

    I personally wouldn't care. I'd be pleasantly surprised that I'm alive

    Remember, God is only merciful.

    1st there is no good reason to believe a god exists
    2nd mercy is a suspension of justice and therefore immoral

    Even Hell is but a merciful act on His part.

    Bullshit. Burning people for things they were predetermined to do is evil and immoral.

    It is the process in which He removes your sins in order to hold you close whereas before you were too filthy.

    1st the concept of sins is defined as "things god has forbidden" and since god doesn't exist sins don't either
    2nd You'd have been predetermined to be "filthy" therefore it wouldn't be your fault.

    Imagine a guest at a wedding

    I'm sick of your "imagine a"... arguments.

    he comes in and they are ready to begin when suddenly he defecates all over himself.

    And of course the logical thing to do is to burn him alive over and over again for something that wasn't his fault. Stupid

    The other guests are shocked, and the father of the bride says to a guest to help this man clean up instead of kicking him out. So he takes the man to a hotel room and turns on the hot water and scrubs him. It is painful and uncomfortable but in the end

    (that's necessary suffering)

    ... but then at the end he burns the guest over and over again with emmensly painful fire and doesn't stop until he seems fit

    he can return to the wedding.

    After having been tortured for something predetermined and not his fault

    This man was no ordinary guest however, he was the groom himself, and the father in law loved him so much and wanted him to be able to be as close to the bride and himself as possible that he made him go get cleaned up.

    Of course he would since
    1st cleaning up isn't a punishment
    2nd you wouldn't marry covered in shit
    3rd you wouldn't be kicked out from your own wedding r shitting yourself

    this is not a good comparison

    hell :
    A. Punishment
    B. For predetermined actions which aren't people's faults
    C. With horrible unnecessary suffering

    Your scenario:
    A. Getting help from someone(not being punished)
    B. For something which isn't your fault(this is is the only thing similar to hell from A, B and C
    C. Seemingly necessary suffering

    God is never evil
    simply misunderstood.

    I demonstratd that if he exists he would be evil by nature

    Our human brains cannot possibly ever understand HIs ways.

    Our human brains have made up the idea of god and that he has ways, this i have understood

    We should act accordingly. Humble.

    Admitting that there are things we don't know and answers we can't answer yet or even ever, instead of making up explanations and answers which is what religion does is pretty humble

    P.S. Oh my fucking flying spaghetti monster you are obnoxious

  • @topics27 to me, I fully believe in God and the Bible. Even though I don't have full knowledge on the bible, I still have some knowledge that makes me believe in him.

  • @xerxes98 I doubt that you have any good reason o believe in a god but k

  • Absolutely not. Religion and the idea of a god have become ways to control mass amounts of people. It's easier to talk to 'god' aka yourself or say that 'god' has a plan than it is to take some self responsibility and say "The good or bad things that have happened in my life are a result of my actions. I'm the only one who can make an impact in my life and guide it to where I want to be."

  • @onyx said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    Absolutely not. Religion and the idea of a god have become ways to control mass amounts of people. It's easier to talk to 'god' aka yourself or say that 'god' has a plan than it is to take some self responsibility and say "The good or bad things that have happened in my life are a result of my actions. I'm the only one who can make an impact in my life and guide it to where I want to be."

    My favourite philosopher ladies and gentlemen:


  • God is real.... depends on who you are asking though.
