@Heccikage No, and no.
I just believe in kindness, compassion, and altruism. There's enough hate and indifference between strangers in this world already. We only get to survive if we learn to love.
Follow your brain because your heart can be stupid 🙄
I suck at relationship advices 😂
@BEES if he leaves u call me i got a knife ready
neva given advice lol
@BEES The current quote on my profile. Wise words from the ancient Oracle: No good ending can be expected in the absence of the right beginning.
@simron-quinn aww my baybeeeeeee ❤
@BEES madaaaaa :red_heart:
I would specifically tell you "don't cheat", but I am aware you cannot follow through.
@mindigh I would tell you that there's two sides to a coin.
@Martin_ awwww my muffin issa wise man 💜
@Deadmau That would be worse gruelling
love yourself completely before loving another. don't go into a relationship thinking "i cant live without him/her"
Follow your heart but take your brain with you ❤️😅