Suicidal people are just angels who want to go home

  • LurkersForLife

    Some are suicidal. Some are to afraid. Some just don't want to stay alive. Some just don't want to say it. Some believe they don't deserve to live, but what people don't get is that living is the curse, because with death comes peace. Everyone lives with a curse of their own, some don't even know it yet but they will. As the title says "Suicidal people are just angels wanting to go home" Everyone has their own perspective in life, mine is "Life is full of pain and heartbreak but you got to get through the pain to get to the happiness, the cure for pain, is in the pain. People say to live life to the fullest but how can we do that when we don't have a life. I've always seemed depressed to (some) of my friends but the truth is, I've been happy and I loved it but when it ended it hurt, but sometimes it's better to pretend nothing changed so you won't hurt the people you love deeply, as I think it's better to be hurt then to hurt the people you love...

  • If you are happy than its good......and if some other people is hurting you....then dont let them hurt you....dont expect anything from your fucking life do what you like.....dont let other people decide you how you good with your parents and family and fuck the rest...i know its hard....but you have to figure out whats wrong with you...becuase maximum people in this world are happy with thier have to be one of them.....and i am always here for a

  • @Tarique-Shaikh I know... but the thing is, I'm not exactly a happy person. I have this one guy that means the world to me, he knows who he is. But anyway he helps me feel better sometimes. But still when he's not talking to me I feel so damn sad. I don't know exactly why, I have a few hints of why. But idk what to do to help myself anymore, so I help other people.

  • @Rissa_TheBest said in Suicidal people are just angels who want to go home:

    living is the curse,

    The problem is that people have emotions more or less. It is important to train to not feel negative emotions. This is why forcing religious beliefs on children is so important to train them to feel less negativity

    because with death comes peace

    No, it is just a popular belief. May be because many people think that our mind is essentially dependent on the existence of our body. it is a belief. Logically, it is very possible that our mind will even exist without our body. So, suicide may not give people peace as the mind may still exist

  • @Dog very true.. But if I don't believe in that (the better option) what shall I believe? That we all live a long painful life and in the end we die and go to heaven or hell?

  • @Rissa_TheBest this things happen to almost all of us.....i have also gone through from this situation......if he likes you he will tell you....and if he won't like you he will never going to be in a relationship with think straight forward.....the real situation is he dont like you and on the other hand you like him........the concolusion is you have to forget him.....and dont expect from him that he will ever going to accept you....he dont like you and this is dont think that what should you do to have have to think that what should you do to forget him.......for me it took 2 months to forget my ex but i totally forget her..every feeling...every give yourself time....and look for an other boy who likes you...who love to spend time with you......believe me this things are not important....i am 21 y.o now...and i daily regret that i have spent my 5 years in such wasteful things....i am always here for talk.....TC

  • LurkersForLife

    ...I understand what your saying but I don't think that's really the solution to my problem..

  • LurkersForLife

    I just want to sleep, I'm tired, A coma would be nice or amnesia anything just to get rid of these thoughts

  • @Rissa_TheBest said in Suicidal people are just angels who want to go home:

    @Dog very true.. But if I don't believe in that (the better option) what shall I believe?

    You just need to practise regularly to feel less become like a robot to feel less pain

    That we all live a long painful life and in the end we die and go to heaven or hell?

    Changing lifestyle and mindset will most likely help.

    very possibly, heaven and hell exist. But i think it is very complicated who will go to heaven or hell. And i think the controller of our destiny will be very flexible in deciding who will go to hell and heaven...

    Now, it is also very possible that heaven and hell doesn't exist. So we need some basis to believe in them?
    And I have personally found out very good reasons why heaven and hell most likely exist which is very inspiring...

    it started with my personal suffering in life. So i needed to focus on the unseen world of spirituality/religiosity and to detach my mind from the material world

    It is also very unlikely that a very complex and organized intelligent creature like humans exist without any higher consciousness and higher goal

    Life is completely dependent on cruelty:
    Approximately 40-50%(i guess) kids bully at school which indicates how inherently sadist and dangerous humanity is.

    Cruelty,sorrow and injustice are essential parts of how life functions and it is part of the heavenly design(Someone intentionally designed reality this way): A life must feed on another life and oppress another life to survive, even in cases it happens within a species.

    Consciously detaching from reality might help even if temporarily....

  • @Tarique-Shaikh The guy I'm talking about likes me back, but thank you for explaining that.

  • @Dog I see. Um, thanks for explaining that, I think I understand a bit more and btw you know how to wright some inspiring words.. that's besides the point though.

  • @Rissa_TheBest Gyil....for a boy you want to live in coma thats sound funny.......i know some people cant handle this situation..i was also like you when my love of my life left me....i was 17 y.o back then.....and i was crying day and that time i also want to die.....i just want to tell you that .... dont feel sad for a boy...he is not the one .... find a guy who will makes you feel happy...who can take care of yours.......not a guy who makes you feel sad.....plzzz dont think about him....move forward..

  • @Tarique-Shaikh You don't understand what I'm trying to tell you, He doesn't make me sad, and plus I truly think he is the one, I understand what your trying to tell me, Thank you but, he's not the problem, it's just... everything else.

  • @Rissa_TheBest said in Suicidal people are just angels who want to go home:

    @Dog I see. Um, thanks for explaining that, I think I understand a bit more and btw you know how to wright some inspiring words.. that's besides the point though.

    Sometimes I am depressed,tired and crazy and i say and write things in a disorderly manner which may not make sense :relieved:

  • @Rissa_TheBest ok girl.....keep writing here and keep telling us how you feel

  • LurkersForLife

    Sometimes I wanna not exist, I don't wanna die and I'm not suicidal, I just want to not exist. But what I noticed is that Death seems more inviting then life and you don't truly understand depression until you can't stand your own presence in an empty room, but I miss me, the old me, the happy me, the smiling me, the bright me, the laughing me, the gone me..

  • @Rissa_TheBest I understand completely. I miss me too sometimes

  • @Rissa_TheBest said in Suicidal people are just angels who want to go home:

    Sometimes I wanna not exist, I don't wanna die and I'm not suicidal, I just want to not exist. But what I noticed is that Death seems more inviting then life and you don't truly understand depression until you can't stand your own presence in an empty room, but I miss me, the old me, the happy me, the smiling me, the bright me, the laughing me, the gone me..

    Lol. Same has happened to me. may be it happens to most people. and sometimes i behave drunk when depressed wasting time writing meaningless things...

    may be fear of afterlife stops many people from suicide ig

  • @Sassygirl We all lose hope eventually, I'm gathering that your sad too?
