Why do people do that
He said he fucking loved me. Then he said i used him. He said i was amazing. Then he said to fuck off. I never did anything. He called me names, and blamed it all on me..but why? I guess i should have named this. "Love fucking hurts like a bish
@Vanie Cheer up your amazing, don't let that prick get you down
@jaeh thanks Jae
@Vanie your an amazing person. That person is just jealous of you. Don't ever let yourself down because of him. His a jerk. We are always here for you no matter what happens sis
@Zzz-24 Thanks sis.
@Vanie np angel heart♥️
@Vanie it's his lost... We love you tho😉
@Gsel Thanks sis
@Vanie Just because