• Common sense is no longer common @Bobfoot777

  • @Lazz people...

  • @Scottish Mariah Carey? You mean when she goes ultra-sonic?

  • @mozy The whole lot?

  • @Lazz just in general. She os one of those people i have a semi irrational loathing of 😊

  • @Scottish Ohhhhh, ok. I get ya. I feel exactly the same way about Chrissy Teigen alt text

  • @Lazz i have no idea who she is but i can see why you would feel that way lol

  • @Lazz yyyyyyyEP

  • @Scottish Ahhhhhh, CRINGE. I had no idea it made the pic that BIG! She's the (actress/model) wife of singer John Legend. I may have to go back, and edit that, for all our sake's! LOL

  • @mozy OK, sure, fair enough. You have a point. :grin:

  • i hate serious hypocrisy... everybody jokes but certain people are actual hypocrites and it's so bad and they don't see it, also people who can't accept other opinions... like they have to rub it in your face what THEY think? hard to explain that one loll, closed minds too, and extreme negativity, ALLLLLLL the time for no damn reason. and people who complain forever about the same things but never do anything about it... everyone wants to just complain about shit sometimes but some people literally only complain about shit they could fix easily. some purposefully don't fix it just complain. i hope that made send lmfaoo but that's a couple🤣

  • @ClaireSheppard Isn't there a common saying in the south about how "ya can't fix stupid?" You buy a pack of 10 hot dogs, and a bag of 8 buns. Gears grinding, and grinding...

  • Sure is @Lazz

  • @mikeJB OK, so, let's see, how do ya go and delete meme image here... :grin:

  • @Lazz this website :)

  • @nymphette Preachin' to the choir, girl. Yeah, you always make sense, especially when you don't think you do :grin:

  • @DhaSickest I understand that, and also your why.

  • @Lazz That espresso thing was on point it always make me Cringe. For me i hate it when someone knocks on my closed door continuously And when people's says that animes r cartoon.

  • @eccentric_ LOL I can hear the gears grinding

  • @Lazz Why?

    1. The vast majority of the trolls on live chat are our "friends" and they do it because of the anonymity so they know they'll get away with it. I know nibby was one of the pervs but I can't really think of the username.

    2. I don't see how getting attacked is fun. Live chat was fucked when it came out and because of that mods appeared. The first one was me and the second I had gotten it opened the doors to getting attacked and that's what being a moderator is getting attacked because the admin doesn't know how to do shit around here so everything is broken and users take it out on us mods etc.

    3. The devs rarely put in any work because they are still getting paid so they half ass things on here and won’t lose money. It’s that simple.

    4. The administration team doesn't give a fuck about losing active users, if they did this site wouldn't be the way it is. This was a site that people could come to for friends. A fun place. But now it is either a dead chat or someone is being bullied. I assure you, this site is gonna to lose lots of its users because they are starting to get fed up with this shit as well, every time there is an update something is fucked up

    5. The admin is a sensitive little bitch that gets pissed off when we do something but he can turn around and do it himself (kind of hypocritical ikr!). I got in shit with them months back basically because I have the balls to say things that nobody else has the balls to say.