• @apple1 HA! That's a very nice take on the topic,, but i am pretty sure @Ragnar-Lothbrok would consider that blasphemy..

  • @lucifer_ said in Is god real? Your thoughts:


    lmao, XD seriously??

  • @ragnar-lothbrok ANSWER MY FUCKING QUESTION this is the 3rd time i ask it and you just ignore it

  • @alwaysstranger dude what question mybe i ddnt saw it...sorry.

  • @ragnar-lothbrok do you know Stephen Hawking

  • @alwaysstranger yep i knw him former Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge and author of A Brief History of Time which was an international bestseller.

  • @sarah said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    Yes I think god is real because how can we exist without our creator


    who created god?Saying nobody created the universe isn't illogical according to science since space and time started at the big bang therefore there was no time before the big bang but saying god did it is illogical since there was no time before the big bang

    Here is stephen hawking explaining why the belief in a god is unjustified/that god doesn't exist:

    (long version)

    (last 3 min of the 35 min documentary)

  • @alwaysstranger said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @sarah said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    Yes I think god is real because how can we exist without our creator


    who created god?Saying nobody created the universe isn't illogical according to science since space and time started at the big bang therefore there was no time before the big bang but saying god did it is illogical since there was no time before the big bang

    Here is stephen hawking explaining why the belief in a god is unjustified/that god doesn't exist:

    (long version)

    (last 3 min of the 35 min documentary)

    well,this prove nothing to me and stephen is wrong about God.
    What stumped me the most about Hawking saying that there is no God, is that he makes a mistake that only newbie or uninformed atheists make.

    When you talk with atheists, and you ask them to prove that there’s no God, most will tell you that it’s logically impossible to prove that God doesn’t exist.

    And they are absolutely correct!

    No one can prove, using logic, that something or someone that’s invisible doesn’t exist. That’s because it would require absolute knowledge.
    and no one has absolute knowledge exept God him self.

    You Can’t Measure God Through Science
    Science is the study of the physical and natural world.

    But God, by definition, is not limited to the physical and natural world.

    In fact, God lives outside of time and space.
    Therefore, a physical detection of God using scientific measurement isn’t possible.

  • The latest research lead by 3 atheist scientist with other team members, about the creation of the universe, states that, the creation of the universe is not possible without a God or some diety controlling it.

    The initial big bang theory has been rejected.

    New factors and research states that without external control, our universe could never had been created.

  • Music Lovers

    @alwaysstranger ok andwho created your parents your grandparents and who created them and so on.... now tell me who created the first person on the planet answer me this question who created the first person on this planet.

  • @talkwithstranger said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger ok and you created your parents your grandparents and who created and so on not tell me who created the first person on the planet answer me this question who created the first person on this planet

    u better ask him, stephenhawking is just a human being like us how can he prove that God doesn't exist?. matter of fact science cant prove the existence of GOD, tell him

  • @talkwithstranger said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger ok andwho created your parents your grandparents and who created them and so on.... now tell me who created the first person on the planet answer me this question who created the first person on this planet.

  • @ragnar-lothbrok said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @talkwithstranger said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger ok and you created your parents your grandparents and who created and so on not tell me who created the first person on the planet answer me this question who created the first person on this planet

    u better ask him, stephenhawking is just a human being like us how can he prove that God doesn't exist?. matter of fact science cant prove the existence of GOD, tell him
    @ragnar-lothbrok said in Is god real? Your thoughts:
    @alwaysstranger said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @sarah said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    Yes I think god is real because how can we exist without our creator


    who created god?Saying nobody created the universe isn't illogical according to science since space and time started at the big bang therefore there was no time before the big bang but saying god did it is illogical since there was no time before the big bang

    Here is stephen hawking explaining why the belief in a god is unjustified/that god doesn't exist:

    (long version)

    (last 3 min of the 35 min documentary)

    well,this prove nothing to me and stephen is wrong about God.

    Well 93% of all other astrophysicists are also atheists. Are they all illogical and wrong too?

    What stumped me the most about Hawking saying that there is no God, is that he makes a mistake that only newbie or uninformed atheists make.


    Wll after talking to you for a couple of days it seems like you're not such a big fan of logic, you're such a fucking idiot

    When you talk with atheists, and you ask them to prove that there’s no God, most will tell you that it’s logically impossible to prove that God doesn’t exist.

    And they are absolutely correct!

    No one can prove, using logic, that something or someone that’s invisible doesn’t exist. That’s because it would require absolute knowledge.
    and no one has absolute knowledge exept God him self.

    1st i already debated you how stupid that "god is al knowing" thing is and you seemed to have surrendered here:


    2nd let me explain to you how this works:

    "Guy 1: "There is a flying a giant flying spaghetti monster that created the universe"

    Guy 2: "can you prove it"

    Guy 1: "No"

    Guy 2: "Well i don't believe you then"

    Guy 1: "why don't you believe in the flying spaghetti monster"

    Guy 2: "You came up with it, why should i? Until you prove it then i won't believe it"

    So Guy 1 has to prove that there's a Flying Spaghetti Monster but Guy 2 doesn't have to prove that there isn't a flying Spaghetti monster.

    Now change the words "flying Spaghetti monster" with "god"

    You Can’t Measure God Through Science
    Science is the study of the physical and natural world.
    But God, by definition, is not limited to the physical and natural world.

    But you can't say that and then say "GOD effects the reality we can observe by granting prayers" (and you don't have to just talk about praying, we're talking about anything that says god influences the universe) praying doesn't work for any religion as statistics and scientific research shows, that's because all religions are wrong

    In fact, God lives outside of time and space.
    Therefore, a physical detection of God using scientific measurement isn’t possible.

    I would agree with the statement that god exists outside space and time because that would mean that he exists in NO space and in NO time

  • @gr3tt3l @WHOAMI check my recent topic about god

  • @alwaysstranger you too much false arguments will never make it correct if your logic is not right. Become a Muslim again

  • @sarah said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger you too much false arguments will never make it correct if your logic is not right. Become a Muslim again


  • @alwaysstranger you said your parents created you can you tell me the answer who created the first person on the planet

  • @alwaysstranger i might say i'm not good in logic, but i wont agree on you that scientifically God doesn't exist with your stupid proof. neither about revolution of man. just because we dont see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist bro. u was muslim before i dont think if you took enough time to study about islam, existence of God and many thing concerning about this. make some research on this first, science prove NOTHING!!!!!!!! i dnt see a reason of debating as long as u keep on talking about scientific proof.

  • @sarah said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger you said your parents created you can you tell me the answer who created the first person on the planet


  • ... So what if god exist ? So what if he don't ?
    if we follow the principles of catholicism where they say that "God" left humans with free will.
    And if we see the effects... in one side there's people that will say that he abandonned them.
    in the other side there's people that say that god is everywere.
    in the third side there's people that say, if he gave us free will why would he need to do something for us ?
    it's like the parents that kick the kid out of the nest. They don't help unless you really need it, and unless they really love you.

    But at least if god exist then he's thrustworthy because he let us do what we wanna do.

    If god Exist... bah yes if we follow the phylosophical principles of a guy that i forgot the name since i didn't care about him that said :( If something is the though of many, then that thing, in some point in time, existed, exist or will exist. If someone could come up with the idea of something called "GOD" then that mean that this "GOD" exist. ) then he said : And if you don't believe me, then open your dictionnary to the letter G, and find God in there, it exist. As a word, As an idea, And in the form of 3 letters of Ink of the weigth of less than one gramm. At least if someone ask you if GOD exist, then you know that he do. Even if it's not the form of what they though.
