Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

  • @alwaysstranger Well denying any higher being itself becomes a religion

  • @alwaysstranger Dude majority of Muslims aren't Arabic and Arabic has many dilects firslty secondly Quran was bestowed at the dialect of the Quraish and if you be so kind and not be so Isis minded reader and read it's translation I WIll send you one if you want and if you find these misinterpretations then I WILL agree with you and please do read the summary so as to the situation in which a proper verse was sent

  • @shaddy 1st the photo is not fucking visible because you didn't post it correctly 2nd athiesm is not a fucking religion and when you say that, it shows how truly ignorent you are.

    3rd lol, you don't speak Arabic and you're telling me that I'm misunderstanding the verses. You're the one who needs to be asking me to explain the verses to you and not the other way around. Get your fucking quran and get over here

  • @alwaysstranger Firstly your language truely is telling me that you don't have any idea of how to debate secondly if a religion is a belief you belief in no god so it becomes a belief in nothingness so it is a religion lastly if speaking arabic makes you a great Newton of Islam then by god you seriously need to recheck The Quran has to be understood and I and many other undersood it not like your ignorance on which you are bent on declaring the faith of a billion people inhuman unjust well in my eyes this ignorance of listening is injustice

  • @shaddy lol. Sorry i see it now. Lol you're saying that I'm taking verses out of context, look which verses you had to ignore to find 60:8 : Don't be friends with disbelievers. They are your (and Allah's) enemy.Ā 60:1

    Abraham hated those who had religious beliefs that were different than his. So you should too.60:5

    Don't be friends with those who have warred against you because of religion. Whoever makes friends with them is a wrong-doer.Ā 60:9

    Don't be friends with those who disbelieve in the Hereafter. They are Allah's enemies.Ā 60:13

  • @shaddy dude my language has nothing to do with the validity of my arguments. Study some fucking epistemology. You're using an ad-hominim fallacy

  • @alwaysstranger Your absurd logics and misinterpretated texts are not even worth seeing less reading dude it's just hypocritical and bias views and interpretation

  • @shaddy ok dude. SURE. Being dead is defanatly a lifestyle just like rejecting religions because of lack of evidence/proof is a form of religion, you definitely read everything i wrote down,you definitely watched the videos I've linked, I've defanatly left islam because of linguistic misunderstandings and because I'm a hypocritical ignorant follower of the Gospel of the all mighty nothing and i read the holy nothing all day and that mind washed me and made me leave islam. Sure. Sure. I'm hypocritical and I'm biased, sure

  • @shaddy you definitely explained and provided ALL the evidence to prove my hypocrisy and bias. You definitely proved me 100% wrong

  • @shaddy (I'm being sarcastic)

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  • @shaddy said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    @alwaysstranger well in my eyes this ignorance of listening is injustice

    @alwaysstrangerĀ Your absurd logics and misinterpretated texts are not even worth seeing less reading dude it's just hypocritical and bias views and interpretation

    "Your absurd logics" WOW logic is something which isn't universal and there are multiple logics, where can i find more logics?

  • Islam is the religion of peace, obviously. Allahu akhbar, my men. May you all have 666 virgin hot girls in heaven!

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  • I don't think people should be judged for their belives,lifestyle or circumstances.. I belive in having an open mind and heart for every one due to their inherited rigth to coexist in peace as human beings

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  • @muslim Islam is a Peaceful religion not a promoter of Terrorism.....Yeah there are few people(ISIS) who claim to be muslims.....BUT.....I dont think that they are muslims.....Beacause......Islam didn't say to kill anyone......If you are judging Islam just beacuse of ISIS then Christian should be judge because of KKK

  • @muslim islam isnt a religion of terrorism

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  • @stonerus A country is made with a belief idealogy that this country will certain things in it. Religion is basically ideology for humans. Most of the people havent read the Quran with details. You which jihad is declared to be the toughest and hardest. It fighting with yourself. It is said that we should walk on the right track. Jihad isnt about killing innocent and bombarding places. Their is a rank for those who are matyred during a some conflict. People secure there places in heaven because they died and couldn't complete their life. Now people get brainwashed who dont have much islamic teaching and they think they are right. On the other hand you get brainwashed by relating word islamic and terrorism. This is why you have such image
