• I just want to share to you people. and i was thinking what could be the best advice you can give me? Im 25 and been looking for a job since 2018 but everything went shit. I have this since when i was young, search on it internet and this thing is stopping me from anything i want to do in my life. I really had a problem with socializing with other people. When theres a call for an interview, i knew im going to ruin it. I dont know i feel anxious about it. I sometimes blame myself when i get home because i literally know the answer for a specific question but its quite different when im face to face with my interviewee. its sucks. If theres someone who has the same problem please talk to me

  • @Rafael-Kravidel Anxiety is commonplace. I'd suggest speaking to a GP/doctor about it if you are able, see if you can get a referral for some support to help learn techniques to aid with getting on top of this.

  • @Rafael-Kravidel maybe its not the best advice but u can try to open up a little bit first then try to volunteer for some event so that u can train ur socializing skill, its ok if ur awkward at first, don't give up, the important point is that u wanna get the hell out from this hole called anxiety, it may be at first seems horrible but u need to believe in urself that u can overcome the situation then handle it, u won't see the progress when u first try it, its ok, we all need times the important thing is just don't give up and keep trying it, if u think u'll give up ask some of ur friends/family to encourage u or u can make some note to remind and motivate urself when u hit the bottom, ur reason, ur motivation, ur plan, ask urself WHY is this important for me write down ur answer on a piece of paper *sorry my English is sucks maybe that's all