@petrapark3r thank you for your theory test. Yes the data is there, but by that alone Americans Should Be the welthiest on the planet per debt to income ratio. Is it true? No. In college, I was taught that these factors were "realistic numbers". Only true if EVERYTHING listed holds true. Example; I am on a limited income of roughly $800 USA with a margin of error +/- 20%. With 67% going to rent/food/medical treatment. That leaves less than 30% left, giving me an ability to invest or save this. Does this prove true ALL the time? How about your own income? Because the Federal Income Bracket/ Gross National Income and the Federal Trade Commission say I should be topping over $10,000 a month in my Savings account.

A mix of the Marx Brothers, Terry Pratchett, Chaus Addams, Dr. Strangelove, Dr. Horrible (without Cptn. Hammer's Ego) Serenity's crew, Puns, male and hit "frappe" on the blender....you get me. And (maybe) a bit of a poet.
Best posts made by Sabo-go-thud
RE: Fact check with Pet: Overpopulation
RE: Would you rather be a Deep Sea Diver or an Astronaut?
Mico-gravity in the "Cold between the stars" or the "Crushing depths where the latern-fish roam".......? I would love to be "in a undersea garden in the shade" or receive a Large hug from a Greater squid. Maybe I can see the underwater volcano plumes and the micro-environment that blossoms around them? If Chuthulu sneaks up behind me, i'm positive I will give him indigestion! Cause I will be giggling with glee, all the way down.
RE: Will everything be alright in the end?
Someday, someone will clone that dinosaur. Do I want to be the one to read about in some blog or news snippet? No, heck no! I want to apply for the job of taming that dino, saddling it and riding it. Not to impress you, you or that argumentive Troll in the corner, I want to ride that dino for me. To tell Myself "I did this cause I could, self-doubt can go smeg itself." I Choose, do you??
RE: Fact check with Pet: Overpopulation
@petrapark3r ....okay, I forgot to dot my"i"s and cross my "t"s @petrapark3r . What I was trying to say was (1.) test theory; the numbers and facts quoted are not tested scientific, if you read the fine print in the article itself on "overpopulation " it says "this is based on present fact and limited science with a margin of error of 0.02% or higher, on data" This is saying that many, many things have a roll of the dice chance of happening, or we could possibly roll back environment laws to the stricter 1990's possibly.
(2.) My numbers were based on educated guesses of my income, the GDP(how much money a country spends vs. what bank interest rates are) of what I SHOULD be able to save and the truth of how fast my spending goes due to things (sickness, health, taxes, how much i spend to ride a city bus, and so on and so on)beyond my control . -
RE: Fuck it ! I'm gonna say this now
@happymiss real or not, I am willing to listen. As for distance makes this world too large to reach out hand-to-hand. There are ears listening, eyes watching. ....not to grab you away to "kik" "snapchat" or such, to watch and care, to share kindness, to share "I've been there" as I can.
RE: Short Rhymes; Free for everyone
@steelfirehawk but gravity as is is a mild pal that brings you down, my fear is the terminal velocoraptor!
RE: Will everything be alright in the end?
@Indrid-Cold well, I will either ride it.....OR, fall off, break a nail, become Dino chow or get dragged to death!
RE: Fact check with Pet: Can you prove God's existence? Part I
Okay....I want to break this down a little more. Not to prove/disprove an overall force that drives our reality, but ask...."can you prove I (@sabo-goes-thud) exist?" Or anyone else here.
Are you sure your talking to a human or a line of code or a lizard of the Illumina?
RE: Short Rhymes; Free for everyone
@steelfirehawk never fret friend, for major chords strike a symphony on the harpsichord! You can't b flat when you are a sharp.
RE: Looks like you have some misconceptions, and im happy to clear them :)
@DEAD_ is traffic in major cities still 80% motorcycle, bicycle to fewer cars n trucks?
Does your schooling insist or allow children to learn languages outside your country, such as Chinese, German, English? ..as is, american children are sometime taught Spanish or French but not expected to be fluent.
Latest posts made by Sabo-go-thud
RE: is mayonaise an instrument? XD
@Jayleen-Chase-1 instrument of destruction? Yes. Of sex? No. Not a good lubricant in a truck either. A masterpiece in a sandwich? No, penut butter and banana are better.
RE: Tell me some meaningful names in English
@Emah i am not hearing it in tv media
RE: How tall is Michael Myers?
Tall enough to make you run, but not short enough to make you laugh...so, about average?
RE: The shadow zone exists because?
Cause light has to run from something! If light ran everything, the universe would creep into decline in a Atomic tic probably.
RE: Swords or Guns?
@Ho-Lee-Schiet uh.....night vision is only good out to 10 yards...i can fire an arrow farther than that, and it's quiet.
RE: Transgender People Unite!!
@lexi4600 hello young being of enlightenment. Well, as for chatting....do you have a favorite Ben and Jerrys ice cream? Who is the funniest author in your collection?
RE: Trying to lose weight, any advice helps!
@emma183 okay. You have a good grasp of what you want to do. As for dieting.........
I used to work in a bookstore, there are as many types of dieting (Keto, fasting, Atkins, Jenny Craig, Palio...) that it is...confusing. I would say, study a few...see what doesn't stress your body too much AND that you can stick to for 10 years. Why? Dieting is like weight-lifting, if you don't set a routine the body WILL grow soft on you. -
RE: Trying to lose weight, any advice helps!
@emma183 hmm...sounds like you have a pretty good hold on your health!
Ummm.....have you done diets before? -
RE: Being me is the best for everyone, but for me it's ''???''
@Elice okay. What do you want for yourself? "The best me i can be" gets you the job, but if you hate the work...you will be sad. What gets you both the "best me" and your core belief in yourself the options? A famously good fashion blogger, a renowned author of "the next 50 shades of grey" a home...quiet...serene...where your Art flow?
RE: Naughty Conversation Starters
@Keer so....are you manual, or auto-erotic?