Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

  • @how-to-make-a "but do you respect MY opinion which can be true? Or are you just going to say that you respect his opinion because you agree with it"
    I'm sorry what was your opinion again? wait a sec let's scroll down, yep, found it!
    "fuck you and fuck religion"
    I ask out of genuine confusion, what's there to respect?

  • @how-to-make-a "1st you didn't specifies what i was typing that you wanted to know the purpose of 2nd i curse because these topics are very close to me and when i curse it shows people that i am confident with the topic in hand and that I disagree strongly with the opposite side of the conversation (i know that it isn't very nice) but it is still not harmful if the person at the opposite side of the conversation tries to contradict my points instead of attacking my manner of expressing my opinions, but of course no one would want to do THAT??!!?"
    For the first part, I'm sorry, my bad(I was referring to "fuck you and fuck religion")
    for the second part, do you curse over all topics that are close to you? Also, it doesn't look confident it looks rather rude, it doesn't show me that you know the topic well it rather shows the lack of knowledge regarding the same(it looks like you try to hide the lack of knowledge by simply cursing). you can express your disagreement in a number of ways(just like others have), it doesn't have to be just cursing at the other person, lastly let me remind you this is a platform used to express our opinions not argue with other opinions, you want a debate, find another site, no one was trying to contradict your points, I believe you have the right to an opinion.
    but when you post rude comments on someone's opinion, they have the right to let you know that it wasn't exactly nice.

  • @kendrobeast Again. Can't you just read my comments and the verses which i show instead of continuous to write stuff like this. I'm an ex-muslim for a reason, i commented a lot of verses but it would take too much time to copy and paste them so please just go back through this topic and read

  • @mundane My opinion is simple and i commented it on the topic. You have to scroll a bit to find it. I simply showed horrible, sexist, homophobic and violent verses from the quran and the Muslims from this post either tell me that I'm taking the verses out of context or they just agree with the verses that say gays need to be killed... Just read the whole post if you want, it'll educate you on the topic

  • @mundane @KendroBeast PLEASE just go back through the pages of this topic and you'll find a lot of information that i showed. I just don't want to continue copying and pasting the same comments until everybody reads them, i already commented the same comments 6-10 times on this topic but it seems like everybody is like "ummm, that's too good to be true so let's just ignore it", i would love if you just went through the post and saw everything because you're going to be very very surprised, thanks

  • @how-to-make-a cool, I respect your opinion.
    it was actually quite informative, those are the kind of comments we need, not ones just saying 'fuck you fuck religion', hope you understand.

  • @mundane yeah i did understand. I shouldn't have said that. That was a useless comment left because of the anger which is caused by the lack of straight forward reasoned communication, every muslim here has used at least one or more of ad-hominim, ad-populum, strawman, red herring, argument from ignorance, argument from authority, anectudal evidence, correlation proves causation, wishful thinking and shifting the burden of proof fallacies

  • This post is deleted!

  • @how-to-make-a
    yeah, I understand.

  • @how-to-make-a I am not a muslim and i study on religion when i was serving, i dont condemn any religion as each of it has its pros and cons... I just want to my point across that Terrorism doesnt not equate to Islam... That bullshit mentality needs to be rid of... I respect everyone's opinion...

  • @kendrobeast That is true. But i, as an ex-muslim am saying that Muslims believe in the quran on a scale and the more they believe the verses i showed the more of fucked up people they are. I'm just saying that the verses in the quran have a strong major role in extremism and that more mellow muslims with no extremist association like my parents still believe in some weird things which shouldn't exist in the future world

  • @kendrobeast thank you for serving. Where did you serve? + from where did you serve?

  • Yee probably

  • @how-to-make-a i respect that... I was a combat signaler from the Singapore Armed Forces, Unit 23 SA (Singapore Artillery), served 5 years in Afghan and 5 in East Timor under UN Peace keeping... 1st Sgt by rank got discharged due to an accident to my back..

  • @kendrobeast that must have been a character building time. Soldiers usually don't take any shit in other aspects of their lives once they get discharged. By the way, i really don't care if you respect my opinion because it really isn't an opinion because everything i showed can be verified. I just want to know if you actually understand what i showed and agree with it. (The verses and stats that i showed)

  • No, absolutely

  • @leejsmith read the other posts on this topic and then reformulate your opinion

  • @aldi-xanana i suggest that you read the verses me and my buddies @sky and @Julia have suggested. The quran is 100 times more fucked up than game of thrones, but thankfully just as fictional

  • no no i don't think so i am indian but all are not alike

  • @kancha-cheena i think you'd benefit a lot from reading everything on this topic, specifically my comments
