@Pepsigurl 1. It's that one was unwanted, they share it, both are half
2. idk
3, because dancing shoes made out of fur aren't ideal to run
4. Actually some places they count it, so you are born at 9 months old ^^
@Karina-Kara Yes Karina, the way people relate to their pleasures defines whether it is salutary or not (you treated the subject as a nutritionist on sugar:clap: ). We may call it addiction when the person is controlled by that habit and whether it compromises their daily hours or directly or indirectly affects their health. Attachment to electronic gadgets and online life when they compromise the individual's gregarious needs can signal risks even to mental health. We seek pleasure and this is innate to the human being and we must remember that we should be in the conrole and not the other way around.
I'm doing great but I would be doing even better if you shared what you are smoking, that trip of yours is insane 🤣😂
Welcome to TWS oh queen of random 😂
Bueno, para mí ambos son buenos métodos para buscar información sobre cualquier tema, la diferencia entre ellos radica en que los libros son más seguros que internet, pero si sabes cómo buscar y en qué páginas de internet buscar puedes ahorrar mucho tiempo. el asunto de hecho es que debes saber cómo seleccionar la información que encontraste en internet