• **Good morning, afternoon, evening and night to one and all in this Matrix of TalkWithStranger

    You guys asked, TWS provided

    Introducing the Beta Version of Voice Chat

    Yes, that's it, you indeed now have been invited to help us, to help TalkWithStranger test out the feature that's been most eagerly awaited.....



    • The room works like Public Chat, except with voice ... simple and easy to use ....
      Sooooooo, get ya skates on and give it a wirl

    As we speak TWS are working on this project as we speak.....So, due to being a beta there may be bug's, flaws or imperfections .... That's why it's a beta . So your help, feedback and experience of any issues that arise will be greatly received ....

    So please remember your input is a great way to assist the progress of the beta leading towards a final version, so please, please come and give us your thought's or any problems you encounter, after all it's you guys that maketh the site

    disclaimer - this is currently only via desktop systems
