• I wish I could.. just to check where did I go wrong. LOL
    How about you ?

  • As said... Or written before:
    Yes. It was done countless times. Even in antiquity. Even when we were created it was possible. But i do not think there was a need for that at that "time".
    You see: Time as we "know" it (We do not know anything about it) is an illusion. Clocks are not even scientific measuring devices. They simply show you the current state of our sun. You could say it is an abstract sun measuring / positioning device. It is very flawed. We need to add leap years to make account for the unprecise "measuring" it does.
    So, we do know that time is an illusion, so what?
    Well, how about i say that "past", "present" and the "future" all happen at the same time?
    Because of our many worlds, one is taking place in the past, the other, our current world for example is in the present and another one is playing in our distopian future.
    What does that mean?
    To get to the point:
    If they all are seperate worlds, then one needs to tunnel through them to "travel" to time. You see i have added quotation marks on the word "travel".
    Because what one really does when "time travelling" is moving from one place to another. Time does not change because it simply does not exist.
    Different places with different settings exist on the other hand.
    You are simply changing your current place. Or state. Or world...

    I hope that was an somewhat comprehensible answer to your question.

  • @Karina-Kara said in hmm, do you think you can leap through time ? šŸ™‚:

    As said... Or written before:
    Yes. It was done countless times. Even in antiquity. Even when we were created it was possible. But i do not think there was a need for that at that "time".
    You see: Time as we "know" it (We do not know anything about it) is an illusion. Clocks are not even scientific measuring devices. They simply show you the current state of our sun. You could say it is an abstract sun measuring / positioning device. It is very flawed. We need to add leap years to make account for the unprecise "measuring" it does.
    So, we do know that time is an illusion, so what?
    Well, how about i say that "past", "present" and the "future" all happen at the same time?
    Because of our many worlds, one is taking place in the past, the other, our current world for example is in the present and another one is playing in our distopian future.
    What does that mean?
    To get to the point:
    If they all are seperate worlds, then one needs to tunnel through them to "travel" to time. You see i have added quotation marks on the word "travel".
    Because what one really does when "time travelling" is moving from one place to another. Time does not change because it simply does not exist.
    Different places with different settings exist on the other hand.
    You are simply changing your current place. Or state. Or world...

    I hope that was an somewhat comprehensible answer to your question.

    that's indeed a mind blowing statements from you. Hahah this is concise and worth to ponder on.. I'm amazed of the intellect that you possess.
    I think we can actually time travel , hahha time zones is the key here. LOL

  • To add another "fact":
    There are places in our world were anomalies occur.
    Clocks function weirdly on site and people disappear.
    Those people simply "time travelled" some say. Yet some re-appear soon afterwards. A couple of months or years later, give or take.
    They switched their place.
    These places are called geo-magnetic anomalies in the earth's crust.
    Examples include: The Bermuda Triangle, Mount Shasta, Uluru, UNTERSBERG and many more!
    Great family vacation spots! (Only kidding, daredevils and world-worns beware!)
    Whatever causes these anomalies is understandably not known or understood... By humans that is.
    They emit an immense amount of power. A special kind of power. The power to "time travel".

  • @Karina-Kara that would be a great travel destination for me rn, HAHAH
    I've read about Bermuda Triangle and that was really creepy. hahah
    Do you have proof for this btw about the time travelling? or maybe another hoax? haha
    Have you seen Interstellar/?It makes you think which dimension you are rn. hahah

  • Well, i traveled to the Berchtesgaden Area four times now were the UNTERSBERG is located.
    There are indeed strange things going on there. But sadly nothing palpable.
    But: Adolf Hitler was VERY interested in said mountain. Didn't he had better things to do as the most important figure of the whole german third reich?
    Why was he so facinated about it? What caught his attention? What was he looking for there?

  • @Karina-Kara said in hmm, do you think you can leap through time ? šŸ™‚:

    Berchtesgaden Area

    I see.. hmm maybe Adolf Hitler didn't really die. He hid there or some alien abducted him..Maybe the dead body they have seen is actually his proxy. What do you think??

  • Some say he evacuated himself with other important members of the the higher ups into the south pole with the Kriegsmarine.
    There are still missing U-Boats from the third reich.
    "Operation Highjump" was pretty amusing.
    You can ask the Pentagon what they were doing down there after the second world war.

  • Also: The skull that the red army "acquired" was the skull of a female human.
    And why would he commit suicide? He's got other plans then to give himself the bullet.
    And no, i am no sympathizer. I hate everyone equally = )

  • @Karina-Kara yeah, that's a big question mark there..why would he end up his life like that? he's something.

    Well, we really don't know what happened way back then. haha what matters now is it ENDED.

  • Although people recovered his burnt remains, which were identified through dental records , it is still not the solid proof that that was him.What if people were just making up stories and twisted words to cover up? that's why sometimes it is unreliable.

  • If you are hellbent on going back or foward, then you can infiltrate the C.E.R.N. (The CORE) facility. But they are doing "maintenance" right now.
    It sounds like another coverup.
    This facility has enough power for a portal or two.

  • @Karina-Kara Wow. you really amazed me :)

  • Why, thank you!
    I am glad that somebody finally listens to me and my so called "nonsense".
    I appreciate your courtesy.

  • @Karina-Kara I dunno, I just appreciate you share your time and ideas with me. That really amazed me. On top of that, you resonates me as well. Thanks :)
    I seldom encounter users like you.. haha cheers to a happy life ! :)

  • Thank you...

  • @Karina-Kara no probs!

    I hope there will be more users like you here.. hahhaha

  • @cjko probably one of the coolest questions here. I think yes (specially in dream state, you can visit the future or the past), and also, i would totally do it. Even though i tend to embrace every challenge and knowing that changing the past would totally alter my life, i would still go back. :laughing:

  • @Karina-Kara awesome reading this. <3

  • Appreciated.
