• What is it like and why are you there?

  • @stars_in_my_eyes Cold and bright lol How about where you are?

  • Current situation: Reading this dumb post.
    Reason: It was in recent topics.

  • You know, I do not think there is a good or bad situation. Me, if I have to summarize my life today with you, I would say that it is first meetings. People who reached out to me, maybe at a time when I could not, where I was alone at home. And it's odd to say that hazards, encounters forge a destiny ... Because when we have the taste of the thing, when we have the taste of the thing well done, the beautiful gesture, sometimes we do not find not the interlocutor opposite I would say, the mirror that helps you move forward. So that's not my case, as I said there, since I, on the contrary, I could: and I say thank you to life, I say thank you, I sing life, I dance life ... I am only love! And finally, when many people tell me "But how do you do to have this humanity?", I answer them very simply, I tell them that it is this taste of love that pushed me today to to undertake a mechanical construction, but tomorrow who knows? Maybe only to put myself at the service of the community, to donate, to give of oneself ...

  • My situation is procrastination